I Hate Every Job I Do

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00:00 - Disclaimer
00:12 - Introduction
00:51 - Opening the dam/Introspection
04:38 - Kapha Dosha and burnout
09:27 - Fear of slowing down
12:18 - Learning to slow down
13:28 - How to avoid toxic positivity



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Everyone: "Just pick a career you love, do something you're passionate about!"
Me: nothing I'm passionate about pays -_-


I feel saying all jobs suck is sort of....fair. The employer wants to get you to do as much work for as little pay as possible, and the employee wants the exact opposite. It's fundamentally broken for employers and employees to have opposing goals.


People are treated like numbers and expected to be like robots nowadays sadly..


I relate. In my nearly 30 years haven’t found a job or even volunteerswork that found remotely enjoyable or fulfilling.


I liked most of my jobs but it's always PEOPLE who ruin it! Managers and Coworkers, there's always someone who has to make me want to stay home.


I loved the perspective on how to avoid toxic positivity! Be a lightbulb, not a spotlight. Just shine and let your light diffuse onto those who seek it out. Helpful as always, thank you Dr K!


My problem is that in my mind no job will ever bring me happiness because there is always something else id rather be, and could be doing with my time. Even if it is enjoyable, I know I could be happier doing something else like going on a vacation or playing a new video game. With such limited time on earth why do we have to use a majority of it slaving away for not a lot of pay just to survive, when we could be using that time to go and do the things we actually wanna do in life.

I realize that is very black and white thinking and I'm working on focusing more on the now but sometimes those thoughts just creep up on me and drag me down hard.


Most if not all jobs take too much of our time and energy, then after we have to find things to enjoy ourselves. With little time and energy we have left.


I'm 32 and I've been a part of the work force for 13 years now and overtime I've come to the realization that your job/career will never provide you with the fulfillment or satisfaction you expect it to because it is literally a means to end and that end being having a roof over your head and food on the table.

I'm trying to detach myself from this idea that I need to like my job before I can do it properly, when what I really need to do is find things outside of work that bring me that fulfillment, i.e. hobby, sports, social circles.

The problem is when your job takes up so much of your time that you no longer have that balance and you're on the hamster wheel of work sleep eat repeat.

If you find yourself in that situation than I would consider looking for an alternative but don't fool yourself into thinking that your next job will provide you the fulfillment you lacked in your previous job because eventually it won't. What it should do is provide you enough time outside of work to find and do the things that bring meaning and purpose into your life.


This was me until I became a Truck Driver, it’s the chillest job ever. I’m 29 and for the first time I DON’T hate waking up for work


I hate every job, even if I had ANY skills in the world, and ANY ability to choose ANYTHING, i would have NO idea what to do or what to enjoy


I hate going to my jobs but it doesnt stem so much from hating the work (if I'm not being overworked, I'm fine as long as I'm not doing absolutely nothing.) For me the big problem might possibly stem from ADHD, because whenever I have to be out doing other things for hours on end, my brain just feels like its frying from doing things I dont care about. It's almost like the terrible anxiety/restlessness that somebody might feel during a power outage.

It makes me wonder if I'll ever be able to keep a job for more than a handful of months at a time or if I'm just doomed to eternally jump from entry level job to entry level job.


I dunno if i can ever have a positive outlook on jobs. The fact that being alive is so expensive and i have to waste a majority of said time being alive just so i can continue to afford being alive seriously makes me wanna opt out and self delete. Seems like a pointless endeavor


Man. I don’t think I’ll ever love a job. But as long as I can have my bills on automatic payments without ever worrying about it then I’m chilling. Work just took the place of having to go hunt for food. It’s just a necessary activity.


I can relate.
After having several jobs, being demanded a lot for low pay and getting treated like garbage most of the time, i started to view working as a danger to both mental and physical health and hating the fact that we are forced into it by society's standards.


so what do you do if you hate every job? Did I miss the message?


Maybe I've had unrealistic expectations, but the only jobs that don't disappoint are the ones I think won't be interesting or engaging. And they're not, but at least they're fine with me zoning out and just getting on with the work, leaving as soon as my shift is done and turning up on time the next day.
Jobs that are relevant to my education, though... they suck balls. Whether it's because I expected the work to be interesting, and it's just not, or there's an expectation that my life should revolve around the company and it's needs, and my social circle should adapt accordingly...

This is why I play the lottery once in a while.


I think I'm just bad at dealing with responsibility. I'm a decently hard worker, so I always get given more responsibilities that I never asked for. I'm also pretty bad at setting boundaries, so never say no. Responsibilities give me stress, and cause me to burn out easier.

The main thing that keeps me in a job is that I've had plenty of experience being unemployed for long periods, and finding a new job is soul crushing (even more stress), so I ain't doing that again.


I relate to this so much. I'm glad this is free. Really nice tips as well.


What do i do though if i don't want to work at all? If i am lazy as hell and not interested at anything?
