Could An EMP Attack Turn The World Into Armageddon?

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With all of the billions of dollars thrown away in Washington, D.C., we cannot find enough money to harden our grid? This needs to be our #1 priority.


I’ve started my emergency fund today after watching this a couple days ago. Getting a couple cans of food and a gallon of water each week I go to the store until I feel I have at least a 3 month supply. Thanks Shawn!


I have been into preparedness for about 13 years now. You will need at least a gallon of water per person per day. The best and easiest way to stay out of danger during a grid collapse is to not be in an area where there is danger. If you have enough supplies that you dont need to venture out for a few months, you will most likely miss all the violence that will occur in those first months. I was in law enforcement, I did speak with other officers, they are going to get home when/if this happens, at least that was the consensus of those I talked to.

You better have a way to defend what is yours and your family. Without police, just think of the Purge. It is better to be on septic, you will be able to manually fill the toilets and still use them. Those on govt sewer will have sewage flowing into their houses when the pumps stop.

The US govt dont care about you, they only care about who is in power at the time. They have no plan for you to make it, that falls on your shoulders. The govt is prepared for this, you better get that way.


People 100 years ago didn't rely on anyone else. Now everyone is completely dependent on the grid...


I can’t believe everything to protect our power grid isn’t being done. Makes one think it will be another “inside event” that will occur in this country.


I was thinking here a few months ago about things that would happen in my small town here in western Kansas during a long term event. I talked to a buddy that works for the city and asked about the sewer system. The sewer lagoons and treatment plant are on the other side of a hill from town and requires pumps to pump the sewer from town to the other side of the hill. I asked him if they had a backup plan for a long-term power outage, his answer was "Nope!" I then asked if there was a "relief valve" to dump the sewer. Again, "Nope!" I then asked "how long until it starts backing up into people's houses/basements? "A couple of hours" He also stated that there is no back up plan to pump water from the towns water wells 4+ miles away, nothing for the water treatment plant, and nothing to pump it up into the water tower either. Now being in western Kansas, we do have plenty of beef, and hogs on the hoof, most of the time the grain elevators are full, except right before harvest. The problem I see is, I'll bet I'm the only person in a town of1200ish people with a hand cranked grain mill. And I'm pretty sure there will be a very bloody change in the powers that be at city hall when they try to tell people what they can or can't do. If I was planning an "event", I'd plan on doing it about Novemberish to use the cold of winter, inability to plant food, and long nights to "maximize" the effects on people. I'm glad I heat with wood, heat my water with wood, and cook my food with wood. Good Luck!!!!


Read the book ONE SECOND AFTER by William Forstchen, it is a novel about an EMP attack on the USA. Told from the perspective of the town of Black Mountain, NC ( a real place ) it is one very, very scary book.


If you are unprepared when this happens unfortunately those who can throw away their morals fastest will fare best


I’ve been worried about this for a long time and I’ve been preparing. One thing people just don’t understand is that we are NEVER as safe as we think we are !!!!


You won't want the "cavalry" to come, because if they do, it will be to take your stuff.


I found it interesting that you had some hurricane experience to somewhat get an idea of how things can so easily turn bad, very fast. I have had hurricane experiences from as far back as Donna as a kid, fast forward to present day, I live in South Florida.
But, the one hurricane that really taught me how quick everything can turn, was Andrew. On a Friday in August 92, most everyone thought the first storm of the year would simply turn, by Saturday, that had waned and the panic started, by Sunday, stores were empty, plywood gone, I had to wait 6 hours at a friend's lumber yard to get what I wanted. I needed to shutter a gun store, a couple of businesses and a home, never got most of it done, ran out of time, just the gun store. Little did I know, it was going to be futile.
Early Monday Andrew hit, the little black line right over my home and next to several businesses of mine. After the storm passed, the devastation was massive, my home destroyed, two businesses wipe out and the third a gas station, which we had metal shutters on, survived, even the dispensers, so I knew that was going to be needed. The gun store was completely destroyed, good thing I had removed the firearms the night before. That location was another story all by itself.
As for the gas station, I knew that was now going to be a focus of the near future. My supplier had prepositioned generators for the possibility of using them, trouble is every other station, was modern and totally wiped out, mine an older well built place survived, so they sent the generator. It was wired in on Monday, so we planned on re-opening on tuesday. Mind you, no phones, no communication, nothing. I had a old telephone repair men's handset, got a downed pair of wires to make the first call, to get things rolling, from then on the delivery drivers were told what fuel to send and how fast.
On Tuesday morning, we thought we were set, boy was I wrong. The word had gotten out, the car line was over two miles long, hundreds upon hundreds of people with gas cans. We were partly lucky, as we had had the 82nd arrive on Monday and allowed them to camp out at the station to help watch over it, as we had de shuttered the place, they were great, but didn't have any ammo, So I gave them cases of 223 and 9 so for a couple of days they helped moi.
Tuesday was chaotic, when I got there after curfew, I found some people trying to loot some trailers I had that had tipped over, had a confrontation and had to fire into the air to scare them away. I forget to mention, that within a few hour of the storm passing, actually as it ended, the looting was massive, I mean thousands everywhere looting and the storm had just ended ! If you were not fully armed, you were in danger. The Homestead police Chief told me personally you are on your own. They had no jail, no ability to arrest, so all they did was ride around with sirens blaring, watching the ants run, only to come back after they went by.
I want to apologize for this book, I will get to the point.
Once we started to fuel, the crowds rushed the station, the cars were panicking, so again shots in the air were needed to calm things down, as without, the entire endeavor would have failed. We did not allow anyone out of their cars, we fueled initially only $5 per vehicle, 92 gallons, till we thought the lines might decrease and we only allowed 1 walk up at a time with cans. all my employees were visibly armed. It worked, we opened up to fill ups the next day and this went on for just over 2 months, curfew to curfew, the only fuel in the entire area. We even fueled President Clinton's limo, when they came.
I can't possibly do everything that happened, far too long and I can guarantee you it was shocking.
My entire point here, is it won't take days before a loss of civility, it will be almost immediate. This was a hurricane, with a light at the end of the tunnel, so when it is apparent it's going to be much longer, all and I mean all civility will be gone. If you are not fully armed, and ready to defend yourself, family, friends, home, then you will die. You ask, how can Americans do this ? A portion of our society is doing it now, when they get the green light, it's not going to be pretty.
One thing I will never forget. It took a couple of hours after two failed attempts, flat tires on two cars, I took a box van, pretty much imagined it as a tank, took with me bolt cutter to cut downed power and tele lines so I could pass, plowed through a flooded field and finally made it to US 1 to go south the short distance to Homestead. There were hundreds of folks, wandering around in a daze, like real life zombies, we made it down US 1 with total devastation, like a third world war had hit, piles of cars at dealers, not a pole standing and no greenery anywhere, total grayness. I will never forget that image.
The same, but worse would happen in a real life full nation EMP or HEMP. Part 2 of this is what I have done to prepare for the EMP as well as our coming collapse. Unless a nuke hits my home an I'm in it, I plan on surviving.


Depopulation program has been in full swing since March 2020


In FEB 2021, the Texas grid went down in our area for 17 days. Some folks were out as long as 22 days. This during a time when temps were at -9F.


Unfortunately all the back up generators will be fried by the EMP unless they are hardened or fully protected by something like a Faraday Cage. It doesn’t matter if the electronic devices are turned off, unless they are hardened or protected they will also be fried. Read the book “One Second After” by William Forstchen. He paints a pretty realistic picture on what will happen after an EMP attack.


It took us over 100 years to create the grid. No way can it be replaced in months or even years. Some places are mandating mostly underground electrical to reduce damage from natural disasters. But an EMP would destroy most all transformers and they would take decades to replace.


Imagine the flights in the air at that time, ambulance, any medical help or guard. People on life support machines millions around the world.


A really good book that tells a fictional story with real ramifications of an EMP attack is called “One second after” by William R Forstchen.
I highly recommend this book and have read it 3 times myself.


Strength in numbers, isolated homes are impossible to defend.


Whoa! Shawn uses an emphatic "WHEN" speaking about the grid going down!


Our time as a superpower is finished! We’re facing a economic collapse that makes 1929 look like a party! An entity inside our government is behind it all! Famine is their tool!
