This is adulting.

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When they said your 30's are the greatest years of your life, I didn't believe until now.




❐ ON ME ❏






➥ Sarah the Illustrator - Beach Day in Brooklyn c/o Epidemic Sound

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srsly. there's a reason why I'm still such an avid follower of you to this day. every stage you go through makes me so excited for my own future since I'm a few years behind you. you are truly the older sister i've always wished i had. thank you for being so honest and open about your feelings with us! sending you all my love, holly.


I love that, “just let people be.” Definitely a lesson I’ve been learning as I turned 30 too 🤍 our peace should hold priority over trying to fix everyone around us. So wise Jenn hehe


I love how open and transparent you are. I think we all use to dream about the day where we have freedom and a closet full of clothes. But as you mentioned growth really shifts your desires. I’m so happy you’re so happy 💜


I’m Mexican American and I’m turning 30 in November! I have two little brothers: 12 & 16. If you want to teach your kid Spanish, put all his movies in Spanish! That’s what we did with our brothers. Of course, also speaking Spanish to him. Absolutely no English for them. Kids learn English as soon as they make it to pre-k! Proud of you for wanting to teach him two to three languages!


My daughters had asked me the other day if i can choose to go back in time, what age do i wanna visit again. Initially I said 18.. then I thought no, I hated school, broke, and remembered how I can't wait to grow up. Then I gave it a hard thought and I know that I love where I am now, in my 30s. Stable everything, financially but most importantly, mental stability ❤️


I feel so fortunate growing up with you. I'm currently 32 years old and 33 weeks pregnant. Thank you for growing with grace and being so vulnerable with us. Im so excited to see what comes next for both of us <3 I'm so happy for you!!!


Im turning 30 in October and I started to feel very nostalgic, sad even for the end of my 20s. The thought of real growing up and aging hit me hard...I am not married, I dont own a house, childfree. But Im very grateful for these kinds of videos to show me the exciting part of next decade of my life. Im more confident than ever, finally feel somehow free. And I hope that will continue in my 30s.


I love how happy you look in this life you built :) for everyone that is NOT at this stage in their life: don't fret! You can get there eventually, and your timeline is not the same as hers or anyone's! I'm 28 and just now going back to school for a career change out of something I thought I'd being doing for the rest of my life. I won't be completely in my career until I'm 32! And that's fine, everyone's life is different. Just a reminder <3


Freaking loved this video!! The vibes were so beautiful as always and the intro was so unique. I’m 26 and soaking up the last few years of my chaotic 20s but Jenn makes me genuinely so excited for the next chapter when the time is right


WOW this might be one of my fave videos from you jenn 😭❤ i just had a complete breakdown before watching and few minutes into the video, your light and energy already came throughhh! you're so infectious. thank you so much for making 30s and life in general feel more bearable — i look forward to living my best life !!! hate to admit it but im exactly in the phase of my late 20s with all the deep pressure, anxiety, depression, and total confusion. but seeing you surpass this phase and living with pure acceptance, peace, and gratitude makes me feel less worried and excited about hopping into that healthier mindset 🙏 love you always jenn! this video was exactly what i needed right now. a hug in video form 🥺🤗


Hi Jenn 💮- Love seeing how you are embracing your 30's, the challenges, the blessings, the joy and everything else that comes with it! So proud of you! You are an inspiration!💖👑
Adulting has brought so many realisations and revelations and I feel like we will be 'adulting' forever as each decade is filled with new experiences and lessons. Our relationship with ourselves, others and life just keeps on evolving. Our 30's I feel are the first decade in our lives where we really come into ourselves, even though we are still 'figuring it out' we have also 'figured some things out'. The journey is different for everyone of course but I think most would agree that some stage in our 30's we become more self-aware and honest with ourselves about who we are and what life we want to live, we have more acceptance about what is within our control and what isn't, we have more acceptance towards ourselves as well as others. Our 30's can be stable and turbulent. I hope that as people go into their 30's they can embrace the ride that comes with it and not put too much pressure on themselves with expectations they may have had in their 20's about where they should be in life. Have dreams and goals, work towards them diligently and healthily but check-in with 'why' you are doing things and evaluate if it is really aligned with you and how you want to live. We all change over time.
Stay safe and well 💛


I couldn’t agree with you more Jenn! And I hate how the society teaches women to be terrified of growing older. 30 is not old, to those girls who are worried about 30, it literally feels the same but better. I’m now 34, I feel much more emotionally and mentally steady and happy, because I am much more confident in who I am and what I’m capable of, giving less fucks about others opinions.

20s was fun but it was a VERY confusing time trying to figure out who I am, what I want to do and how to do. But you learn and grow, that’s what life is about!

One last comment I wanna add, to anyone who feels like you are falling behind compare to your peers. Remember this, NO ONE has a blueprint for his/her life. You can have a plan but life is NEVER going to behave how you want it to. Don’t get stuck on the idea of you need to have your entire life figured out, no one can do that. Enjoy your present, learn from your past, and keep an open mind for your future.

It is a marathon, not a sprint, enjoy your journey! 😊


idk why im shedding a tear while watching this. i will be 27 this year and it scares the shit out of me. i feel like in asian culture, you have to achieve everything in your 20s. but here i am approaching my late 20s achieving nothing. no partner, no money, no summer body. loool. but watching this vid really warms me up a lil bit. dunno why. thank you jenn!!!


I’m almost 50 and your video makes me feel 30 again! Thanks Jen, for making my day brighter and meaningful 💕Was amazed to see the fabulous faces of your management team 💫


Not sure why this made me cry. Time to schedule a session with my counsellor, me thinks. But thank you for sharing all the joy you have encountered and established at this stage in your life, Jenn. I felt relief from all the pressures I have been putting on myself recently as I near 30.

Also, I will never get over how cute your reaction is to food - Eyes wide and one big MMM! 😃


This vlog was strangely and tremendously comforting to me. Lately I’ve been extremely anxious about my future (not being able to graduate, etc) and can definitely relate to the “diagnosis and fix” mindset. There’s something so pure and light about the smaller, quieter life moments you captured in this vlog (taking Lennon to the park, choosing to watch another episode instead of doing something work-related), something I’ve never really allowed myself to fully enjoy. It’s a great comfort being reminded that that stage of life is actually attainable.


I'm actually a bit nervous about getting older, I'm turning 27 in a few days but hearing all of you speaking so lovingly about your 30s actually made me feel excited! Thank you for always creating such good and meaningful videos Jenn 💕


This hits so differently, Jen. I've been following you since middle school and am now in my late 20's. Thank you for always being here.


This video was so refreshing. Thank you for sharing your journey and being so transparent. A lot of your thoughts I can relate to, being 27 now I feel the "diagnose and fix" glaze now and then. Knowing you've lifted resentment or any negative feelings towards your parents gives me a lot of hope for my personal family ties. Thanks :)


I'm in my late 20s' and exact 29 years old this year. Since starting 2022, I have had mornings waking up and feeling extremely worried and stressful about how can I embrace my 30's. No married, no reaching my goals, no time with my family, no outstanding career, my body is changing day by day, my friends have a stable life with their own family. I feel like everything is not fulfilled for me, I feel jealous and unlucky which sorrow me a lot. But day by day I realize that no one can help me but me to overcome these stuff things. I practice to think positively, I avoid to depend on and expect from others whom I can not control them. I spend time with myself, improving myself day by day by reading book, learning and doing yoga, avoiding negative things which have influence on my mood like surfing on social media, joining parties...
Thanks Jenn for making me feel more brave to step in 30s. Instead of being anxious for what will happen next decade, I should enjoy every moment I have. Wish me and everyone like me have a memorable 30s'!
