100% PROOF GOD Does NOT EXIST | Omnipotence and Epicurean Paradox

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PROOF that God does not exist. We’re going to lay this to rest once and for all. Is it possible to PROVE that God doesn’t exist? Most people think it’s impossible. Even many atheists think it’s impossible to prove that god doesn’t exist though they believe it’s highly unlikely that he does. So is it possible? Yeah… it is. We will be exploring the epicurean paradox and the omnipotence paradox. The truth is it’s actually really easy to prove that the god of the bible doesn’t exist. The problem is that most people aren’t smart enough to understand the proof. Not only am I going to give you 100% proof right now that the god of the bible does not exist but by the end of this video I’m going to show you that something DOES exist that’s stranger than you could have possibly imagined. So… does God exist? Are you smart enough to understand? I have faith in you. Let’s begin.


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The ad before this video was about meeting missionaries and hearing the word about jesus christ 😂


I just show this to my mom,
Im grounded till i find my own place 🥲


This is the most rational, logical, truthful thing I've ever heard in my life. As a troubled teen my parents made me go to Christian youth group that preached hell fire and the way I feel is consistent with religious trama syndrome. Thank you for this Morgue ❤️👍


This world is too unfair, full of suffering, crazy and ridiculous for God to exist. If he does, he is malevolent.


I'v been making these arguments to my parents for about two years. I only ever get the resonances that they don't know how I can say that, or everyone has a choice. I finally started just saying that if a god exists that loves you so much that he would torture me forever if I didn't love him back, than I choose hell because that is not love. imagine if you where to try and love another human like that? you would be put in prison because you would be a psychopath.


As I grew older into my mid 20's I started feeling like the Bible was almost made for the people for guidance. Like something for everyone to live by. I, also like many others, grew up in a Christian home. I'm not sure if I still believe in The God or The Jesus, but I feel like there's some sort of higher power. For example: I was married at a young age of 20. We divorced and I had gone to church with her Aunt and her family. That day her Aunt walked me up to the alter and the pastor was doing his thing and all and within a couple of minutes I felt like a cleansing over my entire body. It was a feeling I've never felt before. An example of this feeling is when you've been out in the hot sun sweating your ass off and you're sticky and tacky from the heat and you come and shower and now you feel clean and shit. That was the same feeling I had at the alter. Weird right!?! So for my own personal beliefs I have faith in something, but unsure what it is.


God: I'm all powerful
Morgue: can you make 2+2=5?
God: now listen here you little shit


I watched this today. Tonight on Young Sheldon, Sheldon realizes that Zero created the Universe.


Jesus feeding 5000 with just two fish and five loaves of bread seems like breaking the law of mathematical reasoning


"You just gotta have faith" LMAO. And then they walk off like they were correct.


This is literally a philosophy 101 conversation.


Wars, murders, hunger, crimes and other negativities happening in our planet. Where is god? What he is doing? If he is so powerful and kind he will not let any human suffer.


I grew up forced to believe a certain way in church, but I’ve always had these same questions that no one could answer. If we are created in the image and likeness of god then why don’t we have the same powers? If god does exist and loves us so much then why does he allow such horrible things to happen to innocent people, even those who follow him? All I ever get is the same answer, he’s testing our faith, I couldn’t imagine testing the faith of my own children in those ways, that extremely disturbing. If we are supposed to be his children how could anyone allow such horrible things to happen to their own children and just sit back and watch because you want to see how much faith they have in you?


this is like a 20 minute summary of the critical thinking class I took lol


YES! It is! To tell a child there's a chance of eternal hell!?
No wonder the world is so screwed up! They control by fear!
Once I was told it's "evil " to look into this or that, I knew something was wrong.
In other words, don't seek knowledge because you just may find out, it's all a total lie and we can't control you anymore.
Thank you Morgue 🕊💜


"I think, therefore, I am."


If God doesn’t exist why are prophecies from the Bible fulfilling?


Your premise relies on the assumption that reason is an effective tool to understand reality. What if it's not? We know our senses and understanding of the universe are imperfect, therefore, why not also doubt that the construct of reason is perfect?


You made me look at Life differently...


Imagine trying to explain a non-human being with human logic.
