10 Logical Reasons That Deny God’s Existence #atheism

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#atheist #atheism #agnosticism #agnostics #religion #god
10 Logical Reasons That Deny God’s Existence
So you believe that God exists?
This question is making the rounds these days but don’t be misled!
This definitely is not a new generation question,
it has been debated through years and the discussion can go on for centuries!
Number 10.
Poorly designed universe
Don’t the theists say that God is perfect
and the creator of the Universe?
Well then why did he design the universe and his babies in such poor fashion?
We weren’t in a hurry to land on Earth;
we could have stayed in his creation lab for some more time, if only to become refined beings.
If God exists and it is him who has created us with diseases and malfunctions, do we have a reason to worship him?
Number 9.
God of gaps,
Hey believers over there, we agree with you and here’s how.
Now that we have your attention, could you explain the idea of God of gaps that is your argument of his existence?
You somehow prove God’s existence by pointing out phenomenon that science can’t explain, and hence they are facilitated by God.
In ancient times, Greeks believed Poseidon to be behind earthquakes but it has now been proved a scientific activity.
Can our lack of knowledge about the Universe substitute for the existence of another force?
Number 8.
Inconsistency of religions
Just a logical question here, if a metaphysical form exists then why do we perceive the same thing so differently?
Is there any unified view of God, his form, his number, his work or his expectations from us?
If God existed, he would have been bigger, more powerful and with effect on the universe.
The reason we all have different views of him is that he does not exist.
We are not perceiving a reality, rather we are building on something we made up!
Number 7.
Creation of world,
We all have our own definitions of God, but one widely accepted trait of the Almighty is that it is he who created the entire universe
some 6,000 years ago.
That being said, it should be evident that nothing on the planet is older than this time frame.
But that is not the case.
Fossils have been found that date back to billions of years and if God created the world,
Can’t we deduce that God does not exist or at least that the world was not created by him?
Number 6.
Existence of evil
When believers say that there is a God, a power which is noble and good then do they forget the existence of evil in the world?
Be logical, when God loves us so dearly then why does he allow evil to exist?
If there is God, who allows wars and riots to take place and destroy his creation when by all means he can stop it, then he is at least not worth worshipping!
Number 5.
Morality needs no religion
Most people believe that in the absence of God and religion, there would be utter chaos leading to immoral acts.
But is that really true?
Looking at the behaviour of a believer and an atheist, you’d see that there is little to no difference in their morality.
On the other hand there are more than a few incidents to prove that ‘religious’ people commit immoral acts in the name of God.
So isn’t it wrong to relate God with morality?
The question of the deity’s existence persists yet again!
Number 4.
Religion runs in family
If we ask you about your religion, there is a 99% chance that you follow the religion of your family because that is what you have been taught.
But what is your understanding of how to worship God?
All you know is derived from your ancestors and it has been in the generations.
You did not analyse the facts to decide which
religion goes with your definition of God.
Thanks for watching.
10 Logical Reasons That Deny God’s Existence
So you believe that God exists?
This question is making the rounds these days but don’t be misled!
This definitely is not a new generation question,
it has been debated through years and the discussion can go on for centuries!
Number 10.
Poorly designed universe
Don’t the theists say that God is perfect
and the creator of the Universe?
Well then why did he design the universe and his babies in such poor fashion?
We weren’t in a hurry to land on Earth;
we could have stayed in his creation lab for some more time, if only to become refined beings.
If God exists and it is him who has created us with diseases and malfunctions, do we have a reason to worship him?
Number 9.
God of gaps,
Hey believers over there, we agree with you and here’s how.
Now that we have your attention, could you explain the idea of God of gaps that is your argument of his existence?
You somehow prove God’s existence by pointing out phenomenon that science can’t explain, and hence they are facilitated by God.
In ancient times, Greeks believed Poseidon to be behind earthquakes but it has now been proved a scientific activity.
Can our lack of knowledge about the Universe substitute for the existence of another force?
Number 8.
Inconsistency of religions
Just a logical question here, if a metaphysical form exists then why do we perceive the same thing so differently?
Is there any unified view of God, his form, his number, his work or his expectations from us?
If God existed, he would have been bigger, more powerful and with effect on the universe.
The reason we all have different views of him is that he does not exist.
We are not perceiving a reality, rather we are building on something we made up!
Number 7.
Creation of world,
We all have our own definitions of God, but one widely accepted trait of the Almighty is that it is he who created the entire universe
some 6,000 years ago.
That being said, it should be evident that nothing on the planet is older than this time frame.
But that is not the case.
Fossils have been found that date back to billions of years and if God created the world,
Can’t we deduce that God does not exist or at least that the world was not created by him?
Number 6.
Existence of evil
When believers say that there is a God, a power which is noble and good then do they forget the existence of evil in the world?
Be logical, when God loves us so dearly then why does he allow evil to exist?
If there is God, who allows wars and riots to take place and destroy his creation when by all means he can stop it, then he is at least not worth worshipping!
Number 5.
Morality needs no religion
Most people believe that in the absence of God and religion, there would be utter chaos leading to immoral acts.
But is that really true?
Looking at the behaviour of a believer and an atheist, you’d see that there is little to no difference in their morality.
On the other hand there are more than a few incidents to prove that ‘religious’ people commit immoral acts in the name of God.
So isn’t it wrong to relate God with morality?
The question of the deity’s existence persists yet again!
Number 4.
Religion runs in family
If we ask you about your religion, there is a 99% chance that you follow the religion of your family because that is what you have been taught.
But what is your understanding of how to worship God?
All you know is derived from your ancestors and it has been in the generations.
You did not analyse the facts to decide which
religion goes with your definition of God.
Thanks for watching.