10 Logical Reasons That Deny God’s Existence #atheism

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10 Logical Reasons That Deny God’s Existence

So you believe that God exists?
This question is making the rounds these days but don’t be misled!
This definitely is not a new generation question,
it has been debated through years and the discussion can go on for centuries!

Number 10.
Poorly designed universe
Don’t the theists say that God is perfect
and the creator of the Universe?
Well then why did he design the universe and his babies in such poor fashion?
We weren’t in a hurry to land on Earth;
we could have stayed in his creation lab for some more time, if only to become refined beings.
If God exists and it is him who has created us with diseases and malfunctions, do we have a reason to worship him?

Number 9.
God of gaps,
Hey believers over there, we agree with you and here’s how.
Now that we have your attention, could you explain the idea of God of gaps that is your argument of his existence?
You somehow prove God’s existence by pointing out phenomenon that science can’t explain, and hence they are facilitated by God.
In ancient times, Greeks believed Poseidon to be behind earthquakes but it has now been proved a scientific activity.
Can our lack of knowledge about the Universe substitute for the existence of another force?

Number 8.
Inconsistency of religions
Just a logical question here, if a metaphysical form exists then why do we perceive the same thing so differently?

Is there any unified view of God, his form, his number, his work or his expectations from us?
If God existed, he would have been bigger, more powerful and with effect on the universe.
The reason we all have different views of him is that he does not exist.
We are not perceiving a reality, rather we are building on something we made up!

Number 7.
Creation of world,
We all have our own definitions of God, but one widely accepted trait of the Almighty is that it is he who created the entire universe
some 6,000 years ago.
That being said, it should be evident that nothing on the planet is older than this time frame.
But that is not the case.
Fossils have been found that date back to billions of years and if God created the world,
Can’t we deduce that God does not exist or at least that the world was not created by him?

Number 6.

Existence of evil
When believers say that there is a God, a power which is noble and good then do they forget the existence of evil in the world?

Be logical, when God loves us so dearly then why does he allow evil to exist?

If there is God, who allows wars and riots to take place and destroy his creation when by all means he can stop it, then he is at least not worth worshipping!

Number 5.

Morality needs no religion
Most people believe that in the absence of God and religion, there would be utter chaos leading to immoral acts.

But is that really true?

Looking at the behaviour of a believer and an atheist, you’d see that there is little to no difference in their morality.

On the other hand there are more than a few incidents to prove that ‘religious’ people commit immoral acts in the name of God.

So isn’t it wrong to relate God with morality?

The question of the deity’s existence persists yet again!

Number 4.

Religion runs in family
If we ask you about your religion, there is a 99% chance that you follow the religion of your family because that is what you have been taught.

But what is your understanding of how to worship God?

All you know is derived from your ancestors and it has been in the generations.

You did not analyse the facts to decide which
religion goes with your definition of God.

Thanks for watching.
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I genuinely can’t believe in God it’s just too hard to think God would screw up this bad


If god existed we wouldn't even have to look for evidence, his presence would've been visible


The only place God exists is in their head.


I love the movie Life of Pi and in it, Pi talks about how no one ever knows god until god is presented to us. That is a good point. What would a person say if they were introduced to the idea of god only when they were like 18 years old? why is god playing hide and seek with humanity? show yourself already almighty -_-'


10.god does whatever he wants common atheists argument that "if god is all good then why diseases, catastrophe happens" Answer is simple god isn't all good he created hell for the wrong doers and angels are pure beings not which do only good biut rather which obey there lord with no delay or excure
9. Why can't we humans ever blame our lack of knowledge for the things we don't understand and why is it so we blame god for it? Is it so because we deep down have a natural tendency to believe in super natural?
8. If he is god what makes you think he will not be able to hide himself from us for whatever reason he wants to just to find out which among the humans will believe in him even after there was no physical evidence of so that he could reward them
7.The idea that the world is only 6000ish years old comes from Christianity which is filled with falsehood as someone following islam(which is you majorly targeting 😊) we dont believe in it and there are many other religion who also do so.
6.gods loves is like a fathers love for he loves his child unconditionally but when he commites wrong he punishes him not because he started hating him but because he wants TO TEACH HIM A LESSON.
5.if there is not moral restraint put on people people would commit crime heedlessly and there would be not body governing there acts that where religion comes atheist say they can be moral without religion but where are they getting the idea of morality from RELIGION. if there were no religion how would they know what is morally sound and not sound.
4. It is a good point we humans should rather then mindlessly following our forefathers religion look into things with complete open minds with mind and heart and not immediately judge any one or any groups action without proper reasons we are humans bound to make mistakes and go against or misinterpret things
3.maybe because he is intentionally hiding himself and throwing miracles and revelations on us so that he could find those who would believe in him even when they couldn't find him and reward them with his bounties
2 similar to point forth that i made we shouldn't believe and follow like herd of sheep and we should also not be baised in things we believe and always be open to dialects
1. We are vague about him because he is Almighty all powerful god he is more then what humans think of him he is beyond human imagination
He knows us far better then we know ourselfs he knows our ideology our thinking our feeling.

These are my argument point 4 and 2 and not argument against god but a flaw in humans itself and i am not a closeminded atheists that just wants to prove religion wrong without even considering other point of veiws
If you have something to say please go ahead and comment i will surely listen witout any bias and with an open mind


We can't deny or we can't prove gods existence this will just be a mistery 😢


No one can ever refuse to acknowledge the claims you made In this video. Religion is a dying ideology. I can’t wait for the age of science and advancement after we put all these fairytales behind us.


l love Dec.25 because St.Nick aka Santa Clause performs a miracle by delivering toys to all good folks; and the badasses get a lump of coal in their stockings. I believe in him because I seen him at the mall.


Morality is doing what’s right regardless of what is told.

Religion is doing what’s told regardless of what is right.


Every living creature that has ever existed on this earth was born atheist - it's only pressure/threats (such as death for apostates under islam, submit or else!) from those in power that forces young minds to fail to question the fallacies of religious doctrine imposed upon them.


Hi, I am here to share my views of opposition just to let you know what a believer thinks.

10. So according to the Christian worldview the reason we live in a world of disease and malfunction is because of the fall of man in the garden. Adam and Eve rebelled against God and infected the human race with sin through the physical flesh which is how we are descended from them.

9. I see things like earthquakes being a natural phenomenon, but I will personally say that natural disasters have become more common and worse in this current day and age that we are living in, the Bible actually prophesied this read Matt chap 24 verses 7-8.

8. Yes there are so many other religions but I know this may sound corny, but I believe that Satan uses other religions or inspired them to draw worship and beliefs away from God (Yahweh) and possibly to himself, plus Jesus also said th His disciples to go out into all the world and preach the gospel to all people so they can come to the truth.

7. I personally don't stand on theory that the Earth being only 6000 years old, I believe that is just a man made guess and I believe this planet could be older. At the same time I don't see how scientist can look at a fossil and say "this is this many years old."

6. We know from the Bible that God gave humanity free will and what humanity does with that will is on us. God does allow suffering because He gave us free will, but He is not the one personally inflicting it. God will judge every man according to what their deeds deserve good or bad, so He doesn't let justice fail. Going back to number 10 we are born with a sinful nature due to Adam infecting the human race with sin through the flesh from which we descend from Him.

5. I agree wholeheartedly that one does not need to be apart of a certain faith in order to be moral, both believers and nonbelievers agree that murder, rape, theft, etc are wrong. I do believe that morality does come from God, because there needs to be a moral giver in order to have morals or else it's just popular opinion. I believe that we all have morality from God, but some reject the the source of that morality by not believing.

4. I do agree that yes people ascribe to a certain religion, because that is how they were brought up, so it seems more natural to some than others.

3. One could argue that their is no evidence for God's existence, but I believe that the reason somebody doesn't find evidence is because they aren't looking for it or they don't want to find it. I know that the Holy Spirit does exist because I've seen His affect in people's hearts, I know that He has turned hardened criminals in to redeemed men and women who try to reach others for Christ in prison, I know that He has freed people from addiction, trauma, anger, and even illness. I also know a couple of people who can speak in tongues that they did not learn, but was only possible through God as His Word says.

2.I don't have much to say for this one because I feel like it's just like number 4, where people become apart of a religion because they were exposed to it growing up and the majority of people they know are apart of it too.

1. We Christians believe and know that God doesn't change as His Word says, the world may try to change the Bible to suit it to their liking, but I know that believers grow personally in their relationship with the Lord, but it's a personal growth in knowing Christ not a growth of the whole religion in general.


Puzzling why atheists become so angry at the mere mention of God, who they don’t believe exists. I don’t believe Unicorns exist but it doesn’t make me angry.


Exactly, i dont know why world is running behind and by religious beliefs and all such poor stuff


All I believe is that 11-11 is a lucky birthday 🥳 thank god that’s my birthday 🥳 😊


The one question athiests cannot answer: How can inert lifeless matter demonstrate intentional goal oriented behavior? It cannot, but the evolutionary theory requires it or it cannot exist.
PROOF FOR THE EXISTENCE OF GOD: You walk into a room to get a drink of water, as you approach the fountain you pass a pool table and notice the balls are scattered around the table’s surface. You get the drink. As you turn to leave you notice the balls are now in the familiar racked triangular pattern, in order, and facing forward. What do you think? “Why did the balls move themselves like this? No. Pool balls are inert, lifeless, they cannot think or move themselves. For an inert element to move, a force external to it must exert itself against it to cause it to move. For this external force to move inert elements into patterns it must know how to 'manipulate', and know what a pattern is. There would have to be a consciousness (thought process) in the external force that manipulated the pool balls into this pattern, a thinking power moved them. This is the foundational question to our existence: How can inert lifeless matter demonstrate intentional behavior? The answer is obviously it cannot. The inert lifeless atom is the building block of the physical universe that is moving in patterns and systems that are not just predictable and repeating (planetary orbits), but remain within the narrow parameters of this one universal order model. This requires there to be an external force manipulating these atoms, one that possesses a consciousness. A thinking power is controlling the atoms of the universe—God. Because this power is coming from a place we cannot measure or see, and because it must exist for the atoms to be behaving in this way, we have to now conclude that there is an invisible or spiritual dimension to the reality of our existence. It is not inaccurate to refer to this dimension as spiritual due to the fact that it possesses a consciousness, and the ability to project power. John 4:24: "God is a spirit, and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.". Genesis 1:1: "In the beginning God created heaven and the earth." Hebrews 11:3: "Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God so that things which are seen are not made of things that do appear." The table is made of something that does not appear so it is made of something invisible, or too small to see. If invisible the table would be invisible, it is not. We know it is too small to see-atoms. The Bible has been teaching us about atoms for 2000 years, they are too small to appear. Genesis 2:7: "And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground (atoms), , and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life (spirit), and man became a living soul.” This is why a person can think (consciousness) within their inert atom-made body, and have the ability to manipulate inert elements into patterns (build things). The body isn’t thinking. 1 Corinthians 3:16: "Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the spirit of God dwelleth in you?". Ecclesiastes 3:21: “Who knoweth the spirit of man that goeth upwards, and the spirit of the beast that goeth downward to the earth?" Genesis: 6:17 "And, behold, I, even I, do bring a flood of waters upon the earth, to destroy all flesh, wherein is the breath of life, from under heaven; and every thing that is in the earth shall die." James 2:26: "For the body without the spirit is dead."


This is such an embarrassing illogical video it’s so sad.


Your first reason is garbage and opinionated, your second reason is not a reason for the denial of the existence of a God, simply stating that a lot of Christians don't understand something so they fill it with god which is true. Your third reason isn't a reason to deny the existence of God but rather to deny the particulars of a God if one existed. Your fourth reason is good but improperly labeled as "Creation of World" rather than "Young Earth Belief". Your fifth reason deals with the complex area of morality, and while I agree one's morality cannot come from divinity the bible contains many morally acceptable and unacceptable things depending on what you believe is moral and immoral; only a fool would write it all off as good or bad. Your sixth reason is just a reiteration of the idea that immorality doesn't stem from a lack of God just like morality doesn't stem from a belief in God as a universal constant. Point 7 is good and true through and through, most people only believe x religion because x religion is what their parents or communities believe. Point 8 is a meaningless point unless you provide claimed evidence and a refutation, otherwise you're making a general statement with no evidence which is what some Christians use to say the evidence for God is "all around us" or some other hogwash. Point 9 is spot on, just because an idea is old doesn't mean we should follow it. However I think you should refrain from applying that universally and avoid the slavery example because one could just as easily point to many things done the "old way" that work better or equally efficiently to more modern practices. Point 10 is only correct depending on the religion, some groups of religious people are responsible for major scientific advancement but generally speaking religion has historically stifled the growth of a great many industries for better or worse.

All in all your list is okay but not very convincing of the point it's going for. If I weren't already an athiest this wouldn't be very convincing to me. I think you should hone in on one of the stronger points you made with a more specific description of why it is detrimental to the belief in God.


I would like to answer each of your questions to you personally if u r interested.


Nothing logical here, you argue for God doesn't exist on meet personal opinion like you say Christians use God of the gaps.


I was gonna write and entire defense about all of these claims, but I decided not for one specific reason. I know the church has driven a lot of people away, by using scare tactics. And trying to put fear in you, tonget yoy to convert. However, theynare going about it all wrong. When Jesus came to Earth He didn’t come to convince anyone of anything. He told them who He was and left it at that. He didn’t argue, He didn’t debate. Jesus came to show His love, by choosing to die for us. WE messed up His perfect world. WE deserve punishment. Look around, we have people that lie, steal, cheat, murder, covet, lust, etc. We aren't some innocent race of morally good people. Helping someone on the street does not make us right with a morally right God. But what I really wanted to say is this, Jesus came to save those who WANT to be saved. It's like tossing someone a life raft, but they refuse to take it. You can't blame the person trying to save you if you drown. Let me show you an example of just how great God's love truly is, God gave you free will. He could've chosen to make us all robots, but He didn't.
