The Book of Boba Fett Season One Review

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The Book of Boba Fett has completed its first season! I mostly liked it, but definitely have some criticisms, so here are my thoughts on how all seven chapters worked together as one story.
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I think Boba on the Rancor with the "it'll take a while to learn" is pretty much the same as Mando flying with the jetpack 2 minutes after the Armorer told him it would take training to get it to listen. At least Boba had time to learn off screen. Also, I feel like it's more impactful seeing him ride it for the first time into battle rather than while training.


I think this series needed a few more episodes. A couple more focusing back on Fett and Shand after the Mando stuff would have been enough for me. I kinda hate these short seasons. 15 or even 10 episodes would have been enough time to breathe. As is tho I really enjoyed it! Just wish we had more time.


It would have been cool to see some flashbacks to Cad training Boba for the audience who didn't watch clone wars


SIMPLE FIX: for every Din, Grogu, and Luke episode ADD A BOBA EPISODE.
Keep 5 and 6 where they were but have the new episode 7 and 8 show what Boba was doing at that time developing his character and ramping up to the themes in the Episode 9 finale even more. Giving us more Boba, Fennec, Rancor, Cad Bane whatever we needed in the episodes before the finale to further heighten the emotions felt in the Boba-centered final episode.


It's a strange series, but I overall enjoyed it. Nothing great, but not even close to the trainwreck that I've seen others portray it as. Yeah, it's got some flaws, but I overall liked Boba's journey.


I agree with to a point. They built a story in the first 4 Episodes, and then just had about an Episode and half of The Mandolorian, and a good portion of the 7th as well. It made the Series feel disjointed and even. It was to bring Mando into the show, but all the Armorer, Grogu, Luke and Asoka material should have been in Mando Season 3 - They just didn't have a place in The story built in Episodes 1-4. They could started 5 the same way, Mando drops the head off, and heads to Taitonne. You could have still included the ship building part, and then Fennec appears at the half way point. You then could spent the rest of that episode, and the rest of time with Boba and the Rancor, The Mods, the people of Freetown, etc, . Leading to the Final Showdown. When your series is titled "The Clone Wars" it doesn't feel weird to go into different directions. When your series is titled 'The Book of Boba Fett", and they did what they did.... I enjoyed a lot, but because of the disjointed feel, it's a C for the Season for me.


The pacing and direction was off, but the detours they did take with Mando and Luke were really good and the Tuskens were amazing.


I loved The Book of Boba Fett with the development of Boba with the Tusken


I think this is my favorite channel for Star Wars reviews and lore. I loved the finale and was surprised to see other channels that said the finale was straight up terrible


Great review Alex, as always. As an addition to all you said, I think The Book of Boba Fett also did a very compelling work in the development of The Mandalorian's journey through his bond with Boba. Especially considering the situation Din found himself in after winning the Darksaber in combat and completing his mission by returning Grogu to the Jedi. A point at which we might think that he had achieved everything, but that Favreau and Filoni have make his "Empire Strikes Back", meaning the loss not only of his emotional bond (Grogu), but also being disowned so much by the Mandalorian nobility (Bo Katan, disappearing from the map since she was not the one who took the sword), the clergy (The Armorer, the spiritual leader who sends him to ostracism for considering him impure) and even his comrades-in-arms (Paz Vizsla).

In this setting, both The Mandalorian and The Book of Boba Fett have focused on Boba as the voice of the working class. The common people. The simple man making his way through the galaxy, like his father before him. The one Bo Katan reviled for considering him an inferior Mandalorian as the clone he is. The one gathering Fennec Shand, the Gamorreans, Krrsantan, the kids from the streets and even the people of Freetown to forge a comminity because he was tired of his kind (the working class) dying because of the idiocy of others.

And when Mando returns to Tatooine, one of the most low profile worlds in the galaxy, he found true brotherhood not only with Boba Fett, but with the people he represents. The part where they both decide to go against the Pykes Butch Cassidy and The Sundance Kid style willing to die for each other, not because of any kind of class contract, creed, or money, but because of the true honor of having found their true peers, it represents the resolution of the journey of a Mando who has been wandering alone throughout the Galaxy throughout the season and who has finally found his place, as his Jedi brother Grogu also does. All of that in Tatooine, the same place that the Force continually told Anakin in the PT that this was where he needed to be. Not with the political nobility of Coruscant, not with the clergy of the Jedi Order, but back in there. With the people.

Mando and Boba fighting together as one, something Din didn't found with the Armorer not with Bo Katan, is like the closure to an arc in which Mando has found himself more lost than ever, finally finding his own. The real workers who, like him in the first season, are the ones who get the work done. I suspect that this union forged here between Mando and Boba will grow as the series progresses as two characters that have been united since the beginning. Mando being introduced as a new iteration of Boba at the beginning of his series. Boba Fett answering the call as the prime Mandalorian when Mando and Grogu arrived at the galaxy's summoning center on Tython. I wouldn't rule out that in the future it would be Boba Fett who helps Mando to ride the Mythosaur as he did with the Rancor when Mando wasn't able to pass that test.

Beyond that, I find it very interesting how at this moment in the galaxy with hardly any Jedi, it is the Mandalorians who are acting as "Rangers of the New Republic", ensuring peace and stability on the edge of the Republic. Sabine in Lothal, Mando in Nevarro, Boba Fett in Tatooine... That it was Mando who helped Ahsoka on Corvus is almost a representation of what is happening in the Galaxy, with the Mandalorians becoming the armor of the worlds while the Jedi continue the spiritual reconstruction that we are seeing through Ahsoka (the old ways), Luke (the new ways) and Grogu (the core of everything the Jedi are, becoming ill with the fall of the order, and guiding Luke in his new path as a teacher when he chooses chain mail from his bond instead of Yoda's sword).


I do like the idea of calling it Tales from the Outer Rim because I feel like a lot of the miscommunication was that this was supposed to be Boba's show and the umbrella name would eliminate that misunderstanding. I don't think we can compare what we're seeing to Clone Wars because Clone Wars was never meant to follow just one character, hence why it wasn't called The Anakin Show


While just focusing on Boba all the time might have worked- there's something to be said for involving the Mando and Grodu after Boba helped save Grogu from the Empire. It'd be weird to just leave Boba hanging in his hour of need- and similarly weird to introduce the mando without properly establishing context on what's going on with both.


i feel like everyone keeps forgetting that this season WAS called Mandalorian 2.5, i had such a great time watching each episode


I loved this series from start to finish, much more than I thought I would. It made me care about Boba Fett in a way that I hadn't before. Don't get me wrong, I've always liked the character but I never felt desperate to see more of him until The Mandalorian S2. I loved his arc to recreate himself, all the stuff with the Tuskens, him meeting Fennec, saving her and the start of their friendship and then all the stuff in the present day with him recovering from old wounds and trying to fit into this new position he's chosen for himself. Likewise, as a fan of the prequels and TCW, it felt so rewarding for all those aspects to be brought in. Temuera Morrison did a fantastic job as Boba and so did Ming-Na Wen as Fennec. I hope we get a Season 2, I'd love to see more of them as those characters.

And it was amazing to see so many aspects of other Star Wars media being brought into this show and liveaction; Black Krrsantan, the history of the Darksaber, a BD droid, the Pykes, Cad Bane, especially, I was thrilled at how much they touched on his history with Boba and Jango. Not to mention the return of elements like the N1 starfighter, the expansion of the Tuskens, all that was great to see. It all felt like a love letter to all different eras of Star Wars.

All that said, I do fully admit that some of the stuff we saw felt weird to see in a Boba Fett series, the stuff with Luke, especially, but by the end of Chapter 7, I felt I understood enough why we saw what we saw, particularly with Grogu and his decision to return to Din. And I still feel the episode with Luke had similiar themes to Boba's story like how Din's story in Chapter 5 did. Boba is trying to rebuild himself and move into a new role in life, Luke is trying to rebuild the Jedi and do the same. The fact that Luke and Ahsoka know each other excites me to no end and yeah I wish we had more time to explore that but I think that time will come so I can be patient and just accept what we got for now happily. I can accept all these shows being treated as one, larger overarching story because that's what they are, they've made it no secret that's how they are being viewed and marketed by the creators, they literally called Book of Boba "the next chapter" in The Mandalorian story and I think Mando S3 will make even more sense of it when it finally arrives.


My favorite thing about this video is that I get vibes that you love the star wars universe, but there's no gatekeeping or feeling like only movies over 10 years old can be good. Thanks for the positivity! The world of star wars needs more of that.


They should not have forced grogu into the series.


What I enjoyed most about this series is the hints of biblical imagery used. The first episode title is a quote taken from the book of Exodus(the Second book in the Old Testament much like how book of boba is the second show in the Mando verse). Even the larger story in Exodus is essentially a man(Moses) leading a larger community to a better life much like Boba. They both even receive visions that fuel their journeys to becoming leaders.


I am struck by a memory of an article last summer (maybe Collider?) that quoted a source describing this show as Mandalorian season 2.5, telling us outright that there was going to be lots of crossover. It is unusual for me to have forgotten that much detail about a forthcoming show I was so eager to see. By the premiere, I watched with no expectations and was surprised like everyone at the number and depth of crossover. I too have a few reservations about Luke/Ahsoka meeting (fingers crossed for Hayden/Anakin to show up to talk to her) and the swift reunion of Grogu and Din. But from a real world standpoint, it would be a hard ask of Disney to not feature one of the most popular characters in their universe in a season of the show on which he stars, though I doubt that corporate interests drive the creatives on these shows.


I love this channel because I can listen to honest critique without all the bigotry and gatekeeping hate that you can find in the Star Wars fandom


I could see us looking back on this season with a bit more understanding later down the road if another season comes or even with Mandalorian Season 3. I remember finding a few episodes weaker than others in both shows, but by the time the finale came around, I understood the significance of those ‘weaker’ episodes. Naturally, this is just how I see it, I don’t expect everyone to feel the same as I do.

Overall, I was satisfied with what we got in The Book of Boba Fett. It’s not perfect, but it’s still enjoyable to watch. Do I hope we get a second season, absolutely. If not, fine, I can expect that. I am very excited to see where Filoni and Favreau take this story next with Mandalorian Season 3 at the end of this year.

Until then, bring on Obi Wan Kenobi, Bad Batch Season 2 and Andor.
