How To Ruin A Boba — The Book of Boba Fett

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The Book Of Boba Fett ruined Boba's character. In this video essay, I break down how Disney wasted one of Star Wars's most enigmatic characters.



0:00 - How To Ruin A Boba
4:13 - Disney Is Terrified Of Flawed Protagonists
8:45 - This Boba Isn't Boba!
14:19 - A Defective Concept
17:24 - A Character Analysis Of Boba
21:15 - A Better Boba


A massive thank you to my $10+ patrons:
Kyong Kim
Chris K
Frank D. Lemke
Mike Schmidt
Felicity Franklin
Thomas Feuer
Thomas Paczolt
Trace Sosebee
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- Henry


It seems like Disney never heard of the concept: "a character we like to hate"


The closer look just genuinely makes me want to write my own story.


The way they portrayed Boba Fett in that whole show felt to me like a novice D&D player who wants to play as a bad guy so they create this whole dark and edgy character but when they start playing they completly fail to commit to the role and they just do everything as a stereotypical good guy


Boba's change of heart never made that much sense. Sure, they showed him with the Tuskens and learning to become part of their tribe but just because he learned to care for some people doesn't mean he's suddenly nice. The Tuskens aren't nice, they kill and enslave intruders to their land. They could have made Boba a better person who cares for his people but was still ruthless towards his enemies. If you've ever played Fallout: New Vegas, they should have made Boba like Joshua Graham, they even have similar backstories.


The fact that the child-Boba from the Clone Wars is significantly more evil than Boba from the Book of Boba tells you everything you need to know about this series


I love Ahsoka calling Boba's bluff in your version of the series. It just fits her character so well. In a pinch she took risks and gambles, and was reckless. Just like her master, Anakin. And in her character arc she learned to rely on those reckless impulsive gambles less, but that's still an ability she has when things are going bad.


I like how a random person on the internet can make a substantially better story than a multi-million-dollar company ever could, and actually understands the franchise more than the people who own it.


Seeing people calling disney’s bullshit out really warms my heart


Mate, your version of the book of boba fett is wonderful. Deeply felt. True to character. Disney needs to take note.


One thing I noticed about this show: Cad Bane says that Boba Fett has gone soft, yet the show never really justifies this change in character, apart from him living with Tusken Raiders, and even then, that seems like a weak reason.


This man really just wrote a better season than disney could ever give us.
Just one thing bugs me: wouldn't Boba have a negative reaction to seeing Luke at the end? Because y'know, it's not like Luke and Co are the ones responsible for knocking Boba into the Sarlacc pit in the first place


Your version of the Boba Fett show had me on the edge of my seat!
Could add a bit more conflict between them if Boba remembers that Ahsoka was involved in him ending up in prison as a kid


One thing that I haven’t seen talked about is the fact that in the OG Boba Fett books (written for kids - which talks about Bobas earliest years without his dad) use a Black Book which has holographic lessons from his Dad which was basically a fail safe for if Jango died, and was meant to be his last lessons for growing up etc. I genuinely thought they were referencing this black book in the title of the show, I thought Boba was going to travel the galaxy finally getting revenge on people that Jango had listed in his Black Book and we could’ve seen a huge amount of the galaxy.


Honestly, Boba's character carries his story. The writers could have just done the laziest fan service, showing off episodes of him going on meaningless missions and it would've been better than what they gave us.


Disney needs someone who tells them their stories are bad.
They also need someone like you that’s ACTUALLY a good story teller 🙃


You should look at what disney did to "Artimus Fowl" the story where the main charater is THE villian, but slowly over the course of several books starts to change his ways. And then disney made him a perfect gentlemen


Bossk and boba were actually really close, bossk kind of protected him while he grew up, we see a lot of their relationship in clone wars.


Only 2 issues with your recreation of Boba's story:
1) Bossk is possibly a poor choice of character to use in showing Boba's lack of attachment as he was one of the only people who nurtured him after Jango's death. If it must be him, their should be context into why he no longer cares or is surprised. Either he detached himself sooner between Empire Strikes Back and now, or it can add to the message of those he cares about dying, idk.

2) I would mindlessly start shipping Ahsoka and Boba way too hard if it were depicted like this and it will bring me nothing but shame.


I would argue that Boba Fett does have a flaw: He’s too damn nice.

If your going to be the boss of an underworld, you need to be both feared and respected. Boba had neither of those going in for him. No crime boss either feared him or respected him.

It also doesn’t help that the tone of this show was all over the place. It tried to be Dances with the Wolves, The Godfather, and The Mandalorian Season 3 all at the same time.
