6 Reasons Why You're Not Selling More

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In the world of sales, there is always cause and effect. If you only made one sale in a month, that's the effect.

What we're going to look at in this video is the cause:

6 Reasons Why You're Not Selling More

#1 Work Ethic 00:20

#2: Competency 01:00

#3: How-To 02:07

#4: Identity 03:07

#5: People Skills 04:42

#6: Belief in the Product 06:32

Valuetainment- The best channel for new, startup and established entrepreneurs.

Schedule: New episodes every Tuesday and Thursday on a broad array of entrepreneurial topics.

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I love Patricks videos. full of valuable content that people would pay thousands of dollars for. I've already been implementing your lessons and it's changed my business / other parts of my life also. I hope to see you one day Patrick at your events ☺


I listen to you everyday. keep it up because we need you 😉


Though we can always work on #3 (the how-to) I think my main issue has been #5, people skills, though I'm not terrible I definitely haven't been aware enough or paid enough attention to it. #6 is always a deal-breaker but is the whole reason I am where I am today, so that it can never be a problem.


I appreciate what you do for all of us everyday. People like you is what I listen to everyday on the way to the gym. I can get caught up with the negativity that I deal with during the day. You my friend have helped me tremendously. I'll go as far to say part of saving my life. Thankyou


Can understand fully that Patrick is as successful as he is.
His humility might understate his greatness.
Content Marketing greatness.
Almost certain the mentorship and guides around these videos bring in a boatload.


Beginning my own business and you are one of the 3 I am following diligently. Loved your interview with Mark Cuban. I think the How-to, and the competency are my main points. And I will be paying attention to both of those areas. Will continue to watch all your stuff, great work on your channel, can't thank you enough!


Another great video man!! Just got a promotion to head of sales and marketing at my job!


I'm on track to watch all your videos, that's how much I value your content


You need to put the time into understand your product in an out, understand the art of sales, be confident in yourself, learn to read people, believe in your product because it shows to your clients


Pat thanks for all your content, it's helping me a lot here in Brazil since last year when I met your channel. Pat there is a Brazilian entrepreneur called Flávio Augusto da Silva who has the Geração de Valor and he is the most influential for young entrepreneurs in Brazil. He came from low class family in Rio de Janeiro, without any background or capital he built the best and will succeed English school network in Brazil. He is now the owner of Orlando City, the Wise Up English school in Brazil (which is the biggest and strongest in its segment), he is a billionaire too and also is Sales focused like you, has many similar characteristics and has very similar goals. It would be wonderful to see you guys making a video together. Believe me, he is the most influential and beloved for Brazilian entrepreneurs and is very succeeded. Thanks for all your content and for displaying the Ayrton Senna name in your stuff's. He is an idol for us


The value that you offer is truly phenomenal. I had to unlike your video just so that I could smash the like button for a second time.


Always be sizing people up, know where they are.


Amazing!! Simple logic !
After all, there is hope!
Thanks Patrick


Very true. As for the books You recommend I would go with Ben Gay III The Closers series though as well as Grant Cardone. The combination is deadly... Trust me ;)


1. Work ethic 2. Competency 3. How to 4. Identity 5. People skills 6. Believe in the product


I think belief the product is most important. Belief can go places.


Patrick, thanks for sharing. Your knowledge is helping a lot in my startup! Keep doing that! And I hope that soon I'll be teaching other entrepreuneurs as well.

On more thing, as a brazilian, and as a huge fan of Senna! I LOVE that T Shirt hahaha


Great. I think volume should have been in here also.


Thanks Patrick and happy new year. You give to the point and total logical breakdown reason s behind every subject you speak. Really Sir you keep me listening you over and over


Patrick I have been watching your channel for a while now, I love the content you share with us as we are all climbing to the top. As an entrepreneur I know that I would prefer getting feedback from my customers(or in this case content viewers) if something was not working-out for any reason. I wanted to point out to please not use the soundbite that you used in this video whenever you displayed content on-screen. Thanks again and keep it up!
