What is Professional Development? | Professional Development Series for College Students

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The video highlighted the significant gap between self-evaluation and employer evaluations, particularly in areas like teamwork, oral/written communication, and the transition from college to professional life. It underscored the importance of continuous improvement in these skills, even after securing a job, as evidenced by students overestimating their abilities compared to employer feedback. The discussion on career readiness and the value of experiences, such as those in structural kinesiology that involve team projects and video assignments, was particularly enlightening!


I love how you showed the "swirl" around professional development. I think people try really hard to be good at one or two aspects that they forget to be more well rounded to be better overall in the professional development domain. You don't necessarily have to be the smartest if you are also hardworking and can communicate well.


The part in the video discussing employer vs. self evaluation was really eye opening. It reminded me that while I may think/feel that I am doing a great job, there is usually still room for learning AND improvement.


This video was a great reminder and wake up call that however ready we may feel we are to be a professional in our careers, there are always things that we can improve upon.


Something that I felt was really interesting was seeing how highly students ranked themselves in terms of being ready for their jobs before even setting foot in the workplace. This was a good reminder to myself that learning things in a classroom is completely different than being out in the real world and doing the job professionally.


Dr. Goodin,
I can appreciate how you emphasize the importance of "professional appearance". Over the last year I learned just how a proper LinkedIn profile could help connect someone to a job.


I found it very interesting to see the stark contrast between the employers' and students' ratings of the different professional development domains and how we can overestimate/underestimate our abilities and skills. Knowing these statistics can allow us to focus on the areas that need improvement.


I enjoyed hearing how professional development is about being well rounded. Sometimes I put too much focus on knowing the info, but not enough focus on communication skills.


This is one of my favorite classes, it allows me to see the fundamentals of being an adult in my career. Dr.Goodin nailed it when he said that effective communicating and critical thinking is crucial to carry with you in any professional setting. Practical skills learned in this class is helping to sculpt my cognitive strategy in my future job setting. Team based learning (TBL) reminds me of the importance of teamwork and collaboration that will be important working with co workers. I’m not surprised that students believe they scored higher than what their employers see and feel.


I really like the focus on career readiness. That transition from graduation to work and be very stressful and the tips were very helpful!


The compare and contrast on what the students rate themselves and what the employers actually observe was very interesting! It makes me wonder how much inflation I place on my own skills... Thanks Dr. Goodin!


Acquiring practical transition/translational skills is so important within the workforce. It shows those within the field that we are capable of applying the content, knowledge, and skills we have learned throughout a variety of settings!


I like how you discuss not putting all your eggs into one basket! I think it's always really important to keep ourselves interested in multiple areas to suit our future employers.


The professionalism/work ethic category was really eye-opening. I think that many of our generation doesn't focus on how we present ourselves in the professional setting. We can start now in this class so that we are prepared for success to our perspective fields!


Hi Dr. Goodin,
I really appreciate how all of your courses contain elements that force us students to grow academically but also professionally. There is so much truth to becoming a well-rounded individual who is capable of both academic and personality success within their profession.


It was interesting to hear more about the transition from college to the professional world. The section on career readiness was really insightful, and it is good to know that employers think college graduates need to develop their oral/written communication skills and their teamwork and collaboration skills. I also think its great that we all had the opportunity to really work on these skills in structural kinesiology where we uploaded videos for assignments and worked in teams every week.


I appreciate how this class prepares you for a career upon graduation. The techniques when it comes to pitching one's self and learning how to go about an interview or creating a resume are so important. Something I found interesting from this video was how important teamwork and collaboration are ranked by both the employer and employee. So much of life is working with other people and it is an important skill to have. One thing that I did not expect was how our perception of leadership is much higher than the employer's perception of the important of leadership in the work place. Each job is different by nature but that was something I found interesting for sure.


I find it interesting that the biggest deficiency in career readiness is professionalism/work ethic. You made a great point how these old school business people are the ones most likely to be hiring us, and they expect professional behavior.


Being able to see the employer ratings compared to the student ratings was so interesting and honestly such a great tool for us to use as we prepare ourselves for our careers. It was really helpful to see what employers think is important, but also maybe even more helpful to see where the students' opinions differed the most from their employers. For me personally, it can be hard to draw the line between being too critical of myself and when I really do need to step up, and the comparison of ratings really shed light on areas that I should pay special attention to as I begin my career. Honestly, this was super helpful and I am sure I will continuously refer back to this information with each step I take to build my career.


I appreciate tasks/assignments like this because even though they scare me, they aim to help me with my career and they have the power to do so. I was surprised to see that the students have been rated so low, but it also makes sense because it takes time and experience to flow naturally in a place of work.
