A Professional Development Plan to Level-up Your Life

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You can be hyper-capable with a professional development plan. Don't have one yet? The honest truth is you'll achieve nothing in life and career without an action plan. Vanessa will walk you through the exact steps you need to take to be hyper-capable as a professional. This is about taking control of your professional goals and successes.

Want more details on how to prepare a professional development plan?

0:00-1:38 Introduction
1:39-3:14 Step 1 Self Analysis
3:15-5:14 Step 2 Setting Quality Goals
5:15-7:34 Step 3 Focus, Focus, Focus
7:35-8:35 Step 4 A Great Morning Routine
8:36-11:09 Step 5 Taking Action

If you’re ready to level up your charisma, check out our flagship online course, People School:

People School is a 12 step video based training program designed to increase your interpersonal intelligence. If you want to learn how to rapidly build trust, spark excitement, develop meaningful connections, stand out from your peers, and finally achieve all of the things you know you’re capable of, People School was created for you.

With 12 modules – each one built around a unique human behavior law – People School is the only science-based training program that provides you with actionable lessons to learn the skills you need to succeed.

Step-by-step, People School will teach you how to create authentic and meaningful connections with anyone… and accelerate your success. People School has already helped thousands of smart, driven, people from all over the world go from feeling “stuck” to leapfrogging their peers, landing clients, and becoming top performers at places like Google, Hertz, Microsoft and many more.

Vanessa Van Edwards is a national bestselling author and founder at Science of People. She is also a recovering awkward person.
She is the bestselling author of Captivate: The Science of Succeeding with People which has been translated into 15 different languages. Vanessa’s unique approach has been featured on CNN, BBC, CBS, Fast Company, Inc., Entrepreneur Magazine, USA Today, Today Show and many more.

Vanessa shares tangible skills to improve interpersonal communication and leadership, including her insights on how people work. She’s developed a science-based framework for understanding personalities, decoding body language and improving people skills to help people communicate professionally, socially and romantically.

Vanessa works with entrepreneurs, growing businesses, and trillion dollar companies; and has spoken to thousands of audiences at TEDx London, MIT and CES to name a few.

Science of People looks at the hidden forces that drive our behavior. It’s mission is to help people achieve their goals faster and understand what makes people tick.

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Absolutely love all your videos! Always insightful and to the point with great value!


Vanessa you are truly an inspiration .


This is very interesting to see that your saying to not increase the amount of goals, but to focus on THE end goal and filling in the gaps. "One does not accumulate but eliminate. It is not daily increase but daily decrease. The height of cultivation always runs to simplicity." - Bruce Lee. It is also very interesting that science backs up biblical scriptures about all these social and productivity scripts/road maps/recipes for success. Thanks so much for these thought and conversation stimulating topics and information, they super practical... I am rapidly becoming your YouTube student, which means pens and paper :)


I love the video, the new intro, and above all- you!! 💗💓💗💓💗


I adore your videos soo much, and couldn't agree more.


I really like your channel! Thank you for sharing.


It’s like you’re speaking right to me. This is excellent information.


Wonderful with lot of energy. Keep it up.


Amazing ! Can´t wait to read your book 📚


it looks as I have found a treasure....! Thank you


what an amazing video I have never seen! thanks so much for sharing


i did not found any pdp sheet on your website. It says grab the worksheet below but there isn't any link. please provide the link


Vanessa you look beautiful. Thank you for sharing your amazing knowledge


Very professional presentation i like that so much


mam i have poor communication skills, please help how to get over from this.
Thank you, your videos are very helpful.


Heaven on earth is waking up beside a wonderful woman like Vanessa every morning. Nice video


The document doesn't seem to be downloadable anymore. Disappointing.


Vannesa you are the best love from India. are you coming to India someday ?


Hey Vanessa I'm waiting for another World's Most Interesting People episode! Got something good in the works?
