The BEST NEUVILLETTE Teams in Genshin Impact | Hypercarry, Electro Charged, and more! (Team guide)

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These are Neuvillette's best teams, I'll be covering many of Neuvillette's team comps in this video such as Neuvillette's hypercarry teams, Neuvillette's electro charged teams, Neuvillette's freeze teams, Neuvillette's vaporize teams, Neuvillette's hyperbloom team and more. Neuvillette is a very strong character and with a good team he can be even better so after this video you'll be able to find the Best Neuvillette team for you. I'll be discussing its character substitutes and rating each of Neuvillette's team.

Intro 0:00
Flex Characters 0:13
Anemo characters 0:28
Albedo 0:55
Zhongli 1:07
Shield Characters 1:14
Hydro Characters 1:25
Fischl & Yae Miko 2:01
Neuvillette Hypercarry 2:14
Neuvillette Vaporize 4:31
Neuvillette Freeze 5:33
Ayaka Neuvillette freeze 6:37
Neuvillette Electrocharged 7:32
Neuvillette Hyperbloom 8:50
Neuvillette Burgeon 9:50
Neuvillette Fridge & Nilou 10:02

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Burnvape and Sunfire Comps

I forgot about these vaporize teams which basically enable Neuvillette to do vaporize more often, I said in the video that his hydro application is too great for pyro supports to keep up but that wasn't entirely true. You can use Burning OR Jean to apply pyro at a very high rate which enables Neuvillette to deal vaporize more often and deal great damage in this way too.

SUNFIRE ( Neuvillette / Bennet / Jean / FLEX )

Using Jean's burst and Bennet's burst you can get really good pyro application which means you can do a lot more vapes.

BURNVAPE ( Neuvillette / Pyro / Nahida / FLEX)

Here again because of nahida's skill which can make it so you get consistent burning will enable Neuvillette to do more vapes.


If anything this video demostrates that Neuvillette needs swirl and Kazuha is the best swirl character. *cries in lack of kazuha*


I like using barbs with him cuz her constellations provide him w hydro dmg bonus, more survival and prototype amber provides energy for neuvi’s burst


I tried every team in abbys and on bosses best team is for me is neu mona kazuha zhongli. i hit 67k charged attack with this team.
C0 neu / lost prayer / 4 set wanderer / 70 rate / 254 crit dmg 32K HP. Kazuha has his bis sword aswell.
I can clear abbys faster and kill things faster. having kazuha buff %100 uptime and mona's buff makes him reach higher dmg output without using one extra elemental reaction. 2 stack passive + %100 uptime kazuha buff is more reliable.


He actually works great with full EM Dehya Burgeon team. Surprisingly so it could be his best team.


for vaporize teams sucrose is actually better than kazuha for better pyro application, i currently run neuv with sucrose xiangling and mona and. get 30/40k charge attacks with the 4 vaporizing charge attacks doing around 120k, this team is perfect for instantly bursting down entire waves in the abyss but does suffer against highly mobile enemies. as they will leave sucroses aoe. the rotation for this team would be neuv e sucrose e xiangling q sucrose q mona q neavullite charged attack until it hits 4 times q and then charged attack sucrose e neuv charged attack. it is insane, but does require neav to have solar pearl, and c1 greatly helps this team.


This leaves me with a lot of options. I have Neuvillette, I have a decent Fischl, a decent Kazuha. I will use Barbara for the other slot. I am planning to pull for Raiden soon. I can finally try my third team. First one was Diluc Vape using xingqiu, barb and kazuha. Second is a freeze team where I replace the Diluc with my Ayaka.


Do you guys think that a neuv, raiden, nahida and kazuha team would be working? I love all these characters and i only miss kazuha for this team so im planning on pulling for him in 4.5
If not, then what modifications would you advise?


I'm gonna pull Kazuha this banner and get Neuvilette when he comes wish me luck!! I've ascended lisa with kagura and crowned her burst for electro charged neuvilette too


Thanks for the video! I'm interested in running the Electrocharge team with Neuv, Fischl, Kazuha and a sheilder.... Im wondering why Beidou is recommended over Zhongli or Layla? I was hoping to use Layla, as she has the third different element for obtaining the maximum Past Draconic Glories stacks.


Is Neuvillette, Nahida, Sucrose and raiden a good team?(I don't have Yae, Kazuha or a built Fischl)


Why dont you either mention Beidou in the shield character or the electro chars too? Im curious.


i might be a little late here but i was thinking (with furina out and all) to do either neuv furina kazuha baizhu or neuv furina raiden baizhu. which one of these sounds better?


I want to know if kirara is better than layla cause she has pretty strong shields too and can apply dendro too


Neuvillette, nahida, fischl and xiangling for the AoE pyro?


the only thing i see here is kazuha kazuha kazuha... sadge :D <3
does nuive trigger attacks from yelan ult ?


I have Neu Nahida Layla and Kuki what do you think?


Is a good team neuvi, childe, kazuha, and zhongli?


Am I able to use Neuvillette, Baizhu, Kuki and mona for hyperbloom?


Currently I am using Hyperbloom consisting of Yae-YaoYao-Dendro MC-Xinqiu...would it work to swap out xinqiu and get neuvilette in? I also aim to get kazuha.
