Neuvillette has CRAZY flexibility… (C0 Review & Guide)

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I sacrificed a large portion of my life to bring you this video. I might have gone a bit cookoo with the amount I have played this game to test this character. He's good.

Keep in mind there is only so much that one person can discover pretty much by themselves, and more time will have to pass and you'll want to get multiple perspectives from different creators. This is just mine~~~

GENSHIN CODE: RQWP2C4HZ8A5 Adventurer's Experience x 10 , Mora x 10,000, Fine Enhancement Ore x5, 2-star dishes x 10

If you want to see me build and test EVERY SINGLE CHARACTER please consider subscribing, it really helps out :)


#genshinimpact #hoyocreators #fontaine #genshinguide #spiralabyss #showcase #genshin #neuvillette

0:00 Introduction
0:59 Kit Overview
2:43 Strengths & Weaknesses
6:02 Teams Judgement
20:30 Build Guide
31:07 Overworld & Aesthetic
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Resources code in the description! Things I missed in effort to get this video out in a timely manner (will be edited as I learn new things):
1. Freeze teams: I tested and hated them
2. Potentially using sucrose to Guoba swirl for Bennet/Xiangling/Sucrose team
3. Talking about the other 5 star and 4 star weapons like kagura, lost prayer, widsith. All of them generally come out worse than prototype amber. So just use amber. Edit: kokomi and Baizhu weapons should be decent, keep an eye out for theorycrafter rankings in the mains subreddit


Just woke up and this guy already built Neuvillette thanks 🙌


you've honestly become one of my favorite genshin creators in such a short amount of time. keep up the awesome content!


Neuvillette is who i originally wanted but dedided to go for Wriothesley instead because i thought Neuvillettes playstyle didnt look fun but after trying that demo it is far more fun that it looks so went ahead and got him. Side note from that. Neuvillite is actually the first time i won a 50/50 too lol


This is one of the most thorough videos I've seen from your channel, the effort was well worth it - great job!


So, best team is with Zhongli. And so many people shouted at me that he is "a damage loss", while my main premise has been that Zhongli does not need to do any damage when your easy-to-stagger main DPS decimates enemies with hundreds of thousands damage. I am glad I got my Zhongli after spending all my primos (literally, I got him on my last available 160 primos), I am at 0 pity, I do not have a guaranteed limited 5-star, I might not get Furina... But I have the ENABLER. Whenever there is a re-run, I can consider pulling: Ganyu, Yoimiya, and now Neuvilette.


I usually skip banners that have 4* characters that I already have at C6, but Neuvillette and his Cero Metralleta is tempting me to pull him.


After maining Diluc for the longest time, having a new DPS main that I absolutely love and looks this damn good doing it is a very welcome change.


omg i love you lollll some of your commentary is so straightforward and real, so unlike every other channel. Plus the "im not gonna go through his other constellations, this is not a whale channel" had me rolling lul. But it's true, talking about it alone plants the seed in our heads that thats something realistic or that we should strife for. Ignoring its existance is the only way. thank you hahah


C1 makes him feel complete and gives him a ton more versatility


I am so thrilled to see that layla is okay with him because i lost my zhongli 50/50 lmfao 😅😅


Zongli waking up from grave " My time has come"


I tried him only once and I instantly pulled for him. I didn't planned for him. I wasn't planning to pull him but I did. I needed a strong hydro dps character and i needed fischl and dio cons. I DON'T REGRET ANYTHING. HE'S THE MOST FUN CHARACTERS. I CAN'T STOP PLAYING HIM.


Thanks a lot! You answered all my questions about Neuvillette! :-) Also the pace of your video is perfect even if english isn't my mother tongue ^^


Got him as my first 5-star! Love his Javert/Frasier Crane/Water Sommelier energy! I already had prototype amber crafted so I was glad to hear that it works well for him. Thanks for the analysis!


Thought I wanted Hu Tao but this is making me reconsider gonna trial them both extensively now!


His kit feels so good. If you e and burst you can easily charge one shot, charge cancel for a full heal, charge shot again and switch. The self sustain is so good you dont even need a healer on the team.


thanks for mentioning baizhu. he actually works really well with him, especially if you need someone to keep your team alive in certain abyss chambers.


OMGGGG I USED HIM AND HE IS SO CRAZY THE AMOUNT OF DAMAGE THAT HE DOES IS INSANE! and I must say he is so much easier than hutao


Wanderer + Neuvilette. The two men with the most unique kit mechanics. SORRY, I FORGOT TARTAGLIA.
Btw, I main all three 😂 Anemo and Hydro supremacy :3
