4 Ways To Tie A Tie

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4 Ways To Tie A Tie


Windsor Knot
Place tie around neck with the wide end on your right. The wide end will be the active end moving.
Cross the two ends with the wide end on top.
Loop the wide end underneath the neck hole and pull through forward and down to the left.
Go behind the back to the right.
Up into the neck loop. Pull down to the right.
Around the front to the left.
From underneath, go up into the neck loop and down into the loop you just made.

Eldredge Knot
Start with narrow end on your left. It will be the active end moving.
Cross the two ends with the narrow end on top.
Narrow end goes under the wide to the left.
Up into the neck loop from the front and down to the right.
Back over to the left.
Up underneath into the neck loop.
Down the front to the right and under to the left. Place fingers into newly created loop. Pull narrow end through loop to the right.
Then down behind neck loop to the right.
Up over into neckloop. Place fingers inside loop and pull left. Pull end to the right through the loop.
Tuck remaining end into neck collar.

Four-In-Hand Knot
Start with the wide end on your right. It will be the active end moving.
Cross the two ends with the wide on top.
Wide end goes back to the right underneath narrow end.
Back to the left over the narrow end.
Up underneath neck loop and down into the loop you just created.

Trinity Knot
Start with narrow end on your left. It will be the active end moving.
Cross the two ends with the narrow end on top.
The narrow end goes up underneath into the neck loops. Pull forward and down to the right.
To the left underneath the wide end.
Through the neck loop from the front and pull down to the right.
Over to the right, up underneath neck loop, and down into the loop you just created. Insert two fingers into the new vertical loop.
Under to the left, and back to the right through the loop.
Tuck remaining end into collar.

0700hrs Breakfast TV_MainMix
Licensed via Warner Chappell Production Music Inc.

Рекомендации по теме

amazing video ... playing on double speed definitely makes it easier to learn, well done, so smart, much help, thanks ~


unclear directions got tie stuck in shredder


This reminds me of the scene in Spider-Man: Homecoming when Peter was watching a YouTube video on how to tie a tie!


I don't wear ties since my usual go to are dresses that wouldn't accommodate ties, but I am gonna go borrow a tie and try all of these.


the four in hand is how i used to tie my school tie, huh. i always wondered what it was called :0


Buzz feed, stop speeding things up so damn much!!!


or I could buy a clip on tie from Wal-Mart for 6 dollars
