Exposing the False Doctrine of the World Mission Society Church of God

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In this video, we examine the peculiar doctrines of the World Mission Society Church of God: Christ Ahnsahnghong, God the Mother (Zhang Gil-Ja) and Sabbath-day (Saturday) worship.

The World Mission Society Church of God (WMSCOG) is a cult group based out of Korea led by Joo Cheol Kim. This group teaches that the second coming of Christ was fulfilled in the life of a Korean man named Ahn Sahng Hong who died in 1985. It also teaches of a goddess figure known as, "God the Mother," whom they believe is a Korean woman named Zhang Gil-Ja. The World Mission Society Church of God believes that Christians are in apostasy because they worship on Sunday and they do not practice, "Passover," (communion) in the proper way.

This video is a compilation of several individual videos providing a Biblical refutation to all of these doctrinal claims.
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I cant even fathom choosing to follow and obey some random mortal man or woman over Jesus Christ


Through the Bible those who practices lawlessness can not enter heaven. And spiritually they are the cult because they don't believe in the prophecy nor practice the teaching and the commandments of God.
I feel sorry for you. But through God's grace we can have the true hope for the kingdom of heaven. No other then God the Father and God the Mother who has appeared as the spirit and the bride can lead us to enter the kingdom of heaven.
WMSCOG is the true church. Because it practices God's love and keeps all the commandments and teaching of the Bible .
Church of God is the best and number one🙏


My friend is in this cult. I have been reading my Bible this year more than I ever have in my entire life. I am praying for him 🙏🏼 and no matter what I tell him he has something to say. And because I’m not well versed in my Bible I can’t really say anything. Even if I sent him this video he won’t watch it or listen. Thank you for making this video.


This video answered all my doubts regarding who ahnsahnghong and zhanggiljah is. I thought the church is right and i failed in my thoughts about this church. There are some points in bible, regarding the laws and commandments which the church correctly does it. Though they are not gods of the bible. The church says of the parable of the weeds and wheat correctly, that the weeds are sown by satan. The weeds are lent, thanksgiving, goodfriday, easter, christmas which the roman catholic churches keep it. And it's origin is pagan. And the wheat is passover, sabbath, feasts of trumpets & tabernacles. Which was bought by God in the beginning of the world towards the Israelites. And it's true, it was bought by God Jehovah. Where He said to keep it throughout all generations to come. Which means we too have to keep it in this last age too. Never in between it wasn't written in the bible not to keep which God bought the feasts and the day of worship. We have to keep it at all times. But the roman catholic church bought all the changes in bible and most of the churches in the world follows the rules of roman catholic church. In one way, this church is right in following from the bible. But their physical life is in sin, which I too don't agree with the wmscog. Most of their doctrine is biblical but some aren't.


I'm most sorry for spending so many years praising false Gods. I left Jesus Christ after loving Jesus 50 years. I had much to repent about. I agree with everything in this video. Because, l lived in a cult for many years. I did the research and it took a bit of well worth time spent.


The people I've met have been so nice. I really like how they teach from the Bible and keep Sabbath, but I can not worship a man. I understand that we only heard about Jesus and many people still deny him to this day. But I know he died for my sins and I will continue with him.


"For we know that since Christ was raised from the dead, he cannot die again; death no longer has mastery over him. 10 The death he died, he died to sin once for all..." - Romans 6:9

"who also said, “Men of Galilee, why do you stand gazing up into heaven? This same Jesus, who was taken up from you into heaven, will so come in like manner as you saw Him go into heaven.” - Acts 1:11

Jesus can only die ONCE. Did Ahsanghong die, get buried and not rise from the dead? The Lord Yeshua will return the same way He left, on the clouds... Not reborn like some buddhist reincarnation garbage...


The thing that makes me upset is I was blind sided and I didn’t even know what I was getting myself into when I was invited to the church so as soon as I heard about him I went home and looked him up.. and I’m like wow 😯 ok thank you for this information I didn’t know all this. I was only fed bits and pieces 😂 I was so confused when they were telling me to give praises to a Korean man


I don't know why these people pray in the name of a person not Jesus


I from World Mission Society Church of God Singapore🙏🇲🇨🇸🇬💞 God bless you


Superb! 👌🏾 You nailed it in the way you refuted their doctrine.


regarding the sabbath day if the sabbath day was not commemorated and observed then why does it say in the bible: six days a week you shall do all ur labor, but the seventh day is a sabbath to the lord your god. On it you shall not do any work. neither you nor your son or daughter, nor ur manservant or maidservant, nor your animals, nor the alien within your gates. For in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, but he rested on the seventh day. Therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy.


Hey this video is pretty great but I highly recommend splitting it into chapters if yk what I mean


I've encountered these people many times. I have 2 friends that are apart of this cult and I've prayed for them and had Bible studies with them (outside of their church) to try to get them to see the errors, contradictions and blasphemous doctrine that is in their church when compared to what the Scriptures teach... they fail to see all reason, so I stopped trying to get them out of there. I'll give it to God.


Thanks to God Elohim Father and Mother before I baptized in the church of God oct.26, 2012 different kinds of born again Christian less than 10 kinds of denomination last is Kingdom of Quiboloy. Holy Father second coming Christ Ahnshanghong is truly our God Jesus new name in the Age of the Holy Spirit together with Holy God the Mother New Jerusalem I study the scriptures words of God John 5: 39 diligently study the holy bible for in then we receive Eternal life 🙏❤️😇💕💕💕


The Sabbath, Passover, and Day of Atonement are all Old Testament laws that have been abolished. The earthly temple was a type and shadow of the heavenly temple, and the substance of the heavenly temple is Jesus. Therefore, everything that was to be done in the earthly temple was a foreshadowing of what Jesus would do. The sacrificial animals that were sacrificed for the sins of the people in the Holy of Holies foreshadowed Jesus, as did the high priest who entered the Holy of Holies once a year. Jesus' ascension into heaven fulfilled the prophecy of the high priest entering the Holy of Holies, and His casting down of Satan from heaven to earth fulfilled the prophecy of the Day of Atonement. For on the Day of Atonement the high priest laid his hands on a goat, which he sent to the devil, whose name was Azazel, to cast all the sins that were in the temple into the wilderness. In like manner Jesus also ascended into heaven and cast Satan, who was in heaven, down to earth. And he came upon the bodies of the saints by the Holy Spirit and made the saints a temple, which is the fulfillment of the prophecy of the Feast of Tabernacles. After completing the Day of Atonement, Israel cut down trees from the mountains and built a tabernacle (temple), and they lived in it and preached the word of God. In the same way, Jesus came into the bodies of his saints by the Holy Spirit and made them into a temple, and he caused them to preach the gospel by the word of God given through the Holy Spirit. Thus Jesus fulfilled all the law in the order of the feasts, so that sacrifices for sin, such as the Day of Atonement, need no longer be offered. (Hebrews 10:18)


I’m an ex member about to be divorced because of the church and what they convinced her of 😢😢😢😢😢😢why are the house churches not on google maps and why does all offering’s and tithes go to the big local church loganville ga


Please, if your are in this church, please read the Bible. Nothing about God the mother? He is our Father God, only thought Jesus Christ, His beloved Son, 100% God and man. Only when we believe and are reborn By The Holy Spirit, that lives in our heart, by Faith in Christ alone, not the mother, but Christ Jesus, shed blood, for our salvation! Please save your soul, only believe what Gods Holy Word, KJ version, of The Bible, The only truth….says.


Thanks to heavenly Father &Mother❤❤❤❤❤🙏


Anyway bible not lies. thanks to heavenly Father and Mother❤
