10 Things You Might Have Missed in Poppy Playtime Chapter 2!

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Poppy Playtime chapter 2 is finally here and I have now had the chance to play through it twice to look for secrets, clues and hidden details!

So, here are 10 things you might have missed in Poppy Playtime Chapter 2!

My name is Tericho!

On this channel I explain, explore and expand upon the darkest worlds in video games!


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This could be a coincidence but does anyone find it a little weird how often we interact with stuff belonging to Elliot Ludwig? The circular office at the start seems to belong to him and the slide we use to descend into the game station is marked with his name.


Another hidden detail I learned after reading the wiki:
Shortly after leaving the Musical Memory minigame, you can faintly hear Mommy yelling in frustration, crashing noises, and Bunzo's cymbals, implying that Mommy killed Bunzo after he failed to kill the player. This is also true for Wack-a-Wuggy, with the audio featuring the same scream from Mommy in the first clip, only now paired with screeches from the wuggies.

It's also confirmed in two more ways; the filenames for the faint audio of both of these events are: "mommy_kills_bunzo.uasset" and "mommy_kills_mini_huggies.uasset", and the corpses for Bunzo and three Huggies can be found wrapped in webs on the ceiling when returning to the Game Station at the end of the game.


I think Huggy was actually dragged out, because just like Kissy Missy, the reason Huggy Wuggy plumets to his death is because his arms are limp. He has no strenght in them to hold things, much less to hoist himself up. That's why he just flops instead of holding himself before falling. I don't believe he would be able to climb his way back up.


Something I noticed: After you kill mommy the black hand prototype thing takes a part of her… almost right after you destroy her. This means it expected you to kill her and was waiting the whole time. With this we can infer that it was following you the whole game, you just didn’t know it. Creepy.


candy cats cut-out has to be the scariest one of them all, imo.
even if its seen as a 'torture' with food, the noise he makes at the end is disturbing and i feel like you can almost make out his wretched appearance by it. although i hope we get to see him in the game sometime, very curious.


I find it interesting that 1006 was just waiting. It's perfectly aware of what's going on and is just sitting back and watching. It's perfectly capable of attacking you now, but instead it just takes the part, as though it's not ready yet, but also wanting to intimidate you. It could have easily waited for you to walk away and you would have never known it was there


In the tape about 1006, the scientist talks about a security expert that ended up trapped with 1006 because they would rather sacrifice her than letting 1006 escape. If the theory of 1006 adding parts of others to its own body, maybe it has human parts that belonged to that security guard.


7:43 concerning the carboards, some of their audios imply that they might be sentient. After pushing Boogie Bot's button a couple of times, he tells us that pushing it actually causes him pain.


It's crazy to think that as you mentioned during the "Organs" section of the vid, the three mini-games are not really games, but tests for the children. Kids who don't beat the mini-games prolly get sent forward on the train out of the factory. But kids who excel to beat all three mini-games get sent the way Poppy sent you even deeper in the factory to the "playcare." Most likely to be experimented on to become a toy, that leaves me to wonder how horrific Chapter 3 can get with leftover experiments gone wrong and roaming the lower levels.

Great video Terichi, looking forward to future chapter 2 content!


what i find especially interesting is how when mommy is dying she says "DONT make me part of him". this means that the toys also are either sacred of 1006 or don't like his for whatever reason. It also suggests some kind of hierarchy and that maybe the toys are almost working for 1006 as he is more intelligent that them?


Another thing I noticed when watching Jacksepticeye's playthrough is at the beginning of the Pug-a-pillar part, Mommy says something like "you used to work so you deserve to die alone, " hinting that the player, us, work at the factory. Maybe we're the missing name from the slides?


At 1:49 as well, when we're discussing the desensitisation of the children, the Orange/Organs and the Violet/Violence definitely sticks out as odd, but there's another one that sticks in my brain. As the game starts to meltdown and all the weird ones start flashing up like 'massacre', there's a lot of strange words include 'Coquelicot'. This one really stuck with me after playing, and it was going round in my head because it didn't mean anything to me and didn't sound creepy either - but I googled it and it's a colour. Specifically, the colour of POPPIES. I don't think that it means too much in terms of lore but it's interesting to consider when these words were used to subconsciously affect the children's brains, and particularly when red or even poppy would suffice. It's a highly specific word choice, and it baffles me because I'm not sure that the kids would know what it meant either. But Poppy would always at least in some form be going round in their brains.


The idea of the games being used to test and desensitize kids makes a lot of sense because we can be pretty sure that kids adopted from orphanages were used for making the living toys. A further extension on this detail is that Poppy refers to us as "perfect" at the end of the chapter, which she could have determined by the fact that we are capable of conpleting the puzzles and outsmarting the toy monsters.


The mysterious name and the broken slide could be ours. At the beginning of the Statues mini game Mommy long legs makes very clear that she knows that we used to work in Playtime co and she seems to know us. I think this is quite important as to who we're supposed to be.


9:40 the nameplate has been figured out! MatPat rearranged the letters until he came across a name that works, and even figured out what the person's area of the factory, the slides are for people who are 'higher' in the factory Stella Greyber is in charge of the game station, Leith Pierre in charge of Innovation etc. etc. MatPat believes that us, the player's name is Jamie B Honey. End of Line


My sister and I have watched dozens of playthroughs already and my sister noticed something eerie. All the bloody toys around the game are missing their eyes, most of them didn't have eyes (from what we could see, I could be wrong) so is it possible that whatever belongs to that claw is using these eyes? Another theory of mine is that the claw-thing is the prototype of Mommy Long Legs, in the room with the rejected toys, it said that the prototype of Mommy was too creepy for kids (I don't exactly remember) so it was probably discarded and then maybe tested and expiramented on. Again, I could be wrong, I just wanted to put this out there.


There is just one more thing you missed. Near the Bron statue (the one that we have to move to use the lifts and also near the Nobody's Purrrrfect poster) there is a note about the previous versions of Mommy Long Legs being rejected.


One thing you missed. The Sir Poops Alot even has the symbol from the tapes; in Chap 1 there's a tape of Rich complaining. IN Chap 2 he shows up again, bumped down to the dfect warehouse., and there's a note attached saying "Whoever made this should be ashamed". Rich proposed the toy, it got rejected, management doesn't respect him. I think every chapter we're going to get a tape from Rich getting increasingly disgruntled until he sabotages something in the factor, and that lead to 1006 escaping.


A cool little detail I noticed when watching The Game Archivist’s walkthrough, during the puzzle outside the operating theatre room (specifically at 54:15), you can hear vent noises that sound exactly like what Huggy Wuggy sounded like when he was crawling through the vents. These noises could be Huggy Wuggy crawling around in vents after his fall into the water treatment room (or at least theorized to due to small clumps of his hair along with blood in the same room)


Funny enough, doesn't Mommy Long Legs actually say something like,
"You made me part of him"
when she dies?🤔
Plus, if you go through the wall with the hand takes Mommy you can see that it's made out of metal and bones.
