Amazing Things You NEED In Your Home

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Tune in for some amazing things you need in your home!

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Right now I'm just saving money to buy another decent-sized piece of fertile land. I'd sell everything I currently have to live in peaceful modesty life like the old times there...but of course I'd still need internet connection, LoL.


I LOVE the dutch tub idea! Imagine taking it with you to go camping in fall/winter, it'd be the perfect way to relax and stay warm at the end of the night, and you can roast weenies on it xD

Also, I used to know an old lady who lived in a trailer home with 23 cats. Not a mess in sight. Cats were all incredibly happy, all rescued from terrible situations. I never saw a dirty litterbox or a mess left anywhere. Idk how she does it, but I give her mad props. I've never seen an animal hoarder that took such incredible care of her pets, including vet expenses

I want a room with the cloud lamp, hourglass, light-up wall deco, dodecahedron, and that glowing resin floor w/ the folding door and scorpion chair. Then I wanna get high and have the time of my life lmao


We have the rainbow shower head, purely because my little boy is autistic and has sensory issues, it makes shower time souch easier, it just lights up and goes through all different colours, he loves it 🥰


The smarter the home, the better they are at tracking your every movement.


Hey Be Amazed love this video my favorite things on this list is the music panels, led shower head, multiple selection bed, tech table, secret stash device


The guitar isn't a door bell. The last I checked, doorbells were for summoning the occupant of the house to the door. This is more like a retail shop bell that sounds when the door is opened to alert the proprietor that he has a customer. It might be a cute idea for a music store.


The Dutch Tub would be a great addition outside any yard. Simply add a grill to the top of the flame and you can cook while you bathe or wash your clothes.


For the guitar door thing, you could just get a programmable doorbell that uses a speaker.

Don't put up guitars like that unless you don't want to use it/sell it anymore.


The hot tub one is actually pretty smart for living Off-Grid. 🥰😍✨


OMG!!! That "lounge couch/bed/recliner" is freeking awesome. And the price was shockingly lower than I figured it would be. LOVE IT!!


I would love all of thees but that scorpion chear has my heart and comperd to half of thees its reasonably priced for what it is and looks to cool


The First thing they showed, the showerhead; I ACTUALLY HAD.
The PROBLEM with it is it is it is made of some crappy brittle plastic.
So, if you drop the showerhead a couple times, like TWICE, the threading on the connection leaks. Cannot be fixed.


My sisters husband built her a smart mirror as an anniversary present years ago. Didn’t have so many cool features, but it was a DIY project years before the commercial product was invented.


I think my favorite thing on this list was the scorpion chair. It looks perfect for gaming, and it has THREE monitor holders! That is insane!


I made my own wooden touchscreen table with a red stain 2 wireless chrgers, , 4 charging cables, drawers, and hidden compartment. You just plug in any device and it mirrors to the flat screen tv


I like the shower head that gives you an idea of the waters temperature. I'm a big believer in calming lighting. I found clear lightbulbs that are 70 watts and are pink when turned on, two bulbs for under $4.00 at Walmart. I have blue ones too, but they're police blue when turned on...🤣 I have messed with my family and friends.


Screw that mirror! I don't need a mirror literally telling me how messy I am, with my bad posture, skin, weight....😆!


i want scorpion seat, technolegy table, sleeping with style, rainbow head shower, miracle mirror, home drone, pretty panels, thor's hour glass. ( i seriously want almost all of them cuz they look insanely cool )


The bed that went into a fortress was invented after a tornado hit through Mississippi. There was a guy that wanted to build them in our town that went with the tornado. But the town people didn’t like it so out that went. It amazed me seeing this guy showing his bed on this show, I think there is a bad thing going around. Thank goodness it isn’t me


A generator, a good amount of fuel and a bunch of these cool products would make you quite a powerful wizard with a time machine! I love seeing all these cool new things out there on this channel. Good work. J.
