SATAN HAS A DECEPTION ATTACK PLAN--Satan's Plan For Religion During The End Times Exposed

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The god of this world named Satan the Adversary of God—has two viruses he has been infecting all of humanity with since the dawn of the human race:

Religion (making my own way to God) & Materialism (things are more important than God)
-Religion is trying to achieve God’s favor by human achievement.
-Materialism is seeking physical things (pleasures, possessions, power) more than God.

The seventeenth chapter of Revelation describes the doom of the Babylonian system. This system is seen as a woman portrayed as a harlot. She seems to be a symbol of Satan’s world religion. This chapter records the demise of the counterfeit church Satan founded at Eden—the one he has worked on ceaselessly ever since. The beast (Satan’s incarnation as a false Jesus) finally destroys the apostate church and sets up unhindered satanic worship (via the beast and false prophet’s work). To make this happen, Satan’s ultimate goals in the world today are to forge global unity politically, religiously, and financially.

To understand Rev 17/18 we have to go back to Genesis
Satan’s church began officially at the Tower of Babel in Genesis 11:1-9. This is the beginning of organized religion, nearly 24 centuries B.C. Here, in the fertile plain of Shinar, probably very close to the original Garden of Eden, the first spade of dirt was turned for the purpose of devil-worship.
The first full-time minister of Satan was Nimrod, Noah’s wicked and apostate grandson (Genesis 10:8-10). Secular history and tradition tell us that Nimrod married a woman who was as evil and demonic as himself. Her name was Semiramis. Knowing God’s promise of a future Savior (Genesis 3:15), Semiramis brazenly claimed that Tammuz, her first son, fulfilled this prophecy.
Semiramis thereupon instituted a religious system that made both her and her son the objects of divine worship. She became the first high priestess. Thus began the mother-child cult which later spread all over the world. From Babylon it spread to Phoenicia under the name of Ashteroth and Tammuz. From Phoenicia it traveled to Pergamos in Asia Minor. This is the reason for John’s admonition to the church of Pergamos in the book of Revelation: “I know your works, and where you dwell, where Satan’s throne is” (Revelation 2:13).

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Рекомендации по теме

Thank you for all your teachings. I learn so very much! 🙏🏼


He who deceives shall also be deceived. ❤✝️ 🙏🇬🇧


Thank you for all you and your wonderful wife do for us. God is with you and I know that deep in my heart. God bless you and your family always.


I have my faults but I belong exclusively to Jesus Christ.


Awesome, finally we get some teaching on FAITH.

And some teaching of the difference between FAITH and RELIGION.
True FAITHFUL people REST in the knowledge given in scriptures. The examples are given us to learn how to put our FAITH in practice.

People practicing RELIGION they have RITUALS to perform. All these RITUALS are proof of people's LACK of FAITH and LACK of KNOWLEDGE of the scriptures.


Simon Magus was the founder of the cc.The great magician who wanted to buy an apostleship( similar to the cc early indulgences to buy your loved ones souls out of purgatory) Thats were the cc gets all their hocus-pocus from.According to them if you want to sell your house, get yourself a st joseph statue and bury it in your yard upside down, among other such things they believe.


Babylon the great in rev 17 is NY city. John sees the statue of liberty


The deception of being a christian being able to keep sinning and asking forgiveness is faux


This is protestantism 50000+ leaders 50000+ protestant religions/denominations
Protestantism prophesied in scripture for the perversion of perversions, that it is, it is the root that lost souls take, on their way to hell.

2Timothy ch4: 3, 4

3 The time is sure to come when people will not accept sound teaching, but their ears will be itching for anything new and they will collect themselves a whole series of teachers according to their own tastes;

4 and then they will shut their ears to the truth and will turn to myths.

What is written above speaks volumes of protestantism, which has 50000+ leaders who, by the way all contradict each other. I draw to your attention of the phrase "collect to themselves a whole series of teachers according to there own tastes, " vrs 4, if you think about it seems to imply New Age rubbish ie "turning to myths." The reason why they, eventually turn to myths, is because they are spiritually and theologically, unable to recognise error, for they themselves are in error.


The fornication is truly disgusting; & I have yet to meet a hueman who is
Ewe huemans live in your lower hemispheres...
