Super nova on every unique monstie in Monster Hunter Stories 2

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Interesting detail: animation is different for other monsties. While Teo ignites the fire-powder himself, for others explosion is triggered by lightning (so I had to call Deviljho "Aberrant" and Rajang "Zeke")
Time stamps:
00:00 - Herbivore
00:10 - Drome
00:18 - Kulu-Ya-Ku
00:27 - Kut-Ku
00:35 - Bulldrome
00:43 - Pukei-pukei
00:51 - Dog wyverns
01:00 - Ludroths
01:09 - Arzuros
01:18 - Lagombi
01:27 - Qurupeco
01:35 - Tigrex
01:44 - Monoblos
01:52 - Paolumu
02:00 - Basarios
02:09 - Yian Garuga
02:17 - Nargacuga
02:25 - Rathian
02:33 - Congalala
02:42 - Kecha-Wacha
02:51 - Gypceros
02:59 - Zamtrios
03:08 - Nerscylla
03:16 - Barroth
03:25 - Tobi-Kadachi
03:33 - Khezu
03:42 - Anjanath
03:50 - Gammoth
03:59 - Zinogre
04:07 - Barioth
04:16 - Legiana
04:24 - Cephadrome
04:33 - Diablos
04:41 - Mizutsune
04:50 - Lagiacrus
04:59 - Uragaan
05:07 - Gravios
05:16 - Brachydios
05:25 - Nergigante
05:33 - Astalos
05:42 - Glavenus
05:50 - Bazelgeuse
05:59 - Deviljho
06:07 - Seregios
06:16 - Rathalos
06:24 - Kirin
06:32 - Teostra
06:41 - Rajang
06:50 - Kushala Daora
06:58 - Velkhana
07:07 - Palamute
07:16 - Fire Palamute
Time stamps:
00:00 - Herbivore
00:10 - Drome
00:18 - Kulu-Ya-Ku
00:27 - Kut-Ku
00:35 - Bulldrome
00:43 - Pukei-pukei
00:51 - Dog wyverns
01:00 - Ludroths
01:09 - Arzuros
01:18 - Lagombi
01:27 - Qurupeco
01:35 - Tigrex
01:44 - Monoblos
01:52 - Paolumu
02:00 - Basarios
02:09 - Yian Garuga
02:17 - Nargacuga
02:25 - Rathian
02:33 - Congalala
02:42 - Kecha-Wacha
02:51 - Gypceros
02:59 - Zamtrios
03:08 - Nerscylla
03:16 - Barroth
03:25 - Tobi-Kadachi
03:33 - Khezu
03:42 - Anjanath
03:50 - Gammoth
03:59 - Zinogre
04:07 - Barioth
04:16 - Legiana
04:24 - Cephadrome
04:33 - Diablos
04:41 - Mizutsune
04:50 - Lagiacrus
04:59 - Uragaan
05:07 - Gravios
05:16 - Brachydios
05:25 - Nergigante
05:33 - Astalos
05:42 - Glavenus
05:50 - Bazelgeuse
05:59 - Deviljho
06:07 - Seregios
06:16 - Rathalos
06:24 - Kirin
06:32 - Teostra
06:41 - Rajang
06:50 - Kushala Daora
06:58 - Velkhana
07:07 - Palamute
07:16 - Fire Palamute