Help Your Dog's and Cat's Cancer with Medicinal Mushrooms

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🍄 Discover the Healing Power of Medicinal Mushrooms for Dogs! 🐾 In this informative video, Dr. Andrew Jones dives deep into how medicinal mushrooms can be a game-changer in treating cancer in dogs. You'll learn about different types of mushrooms, their benefits, and how to safely incorporate them into your dog's diet. Whether you're looking for preventative solutions or active treatment options.

#dogs #cat #cancer #medicinalmushrooms #doghealth #naturalremedies #petcare #dogcancer #holistichealth #petwellness #veterinarytips #drandrewjones #naturalhealing #cancertreatment #healthypets #doglovers #petparents #veterinarymedicine #dogtreatment #mushroompower #healingmushrooms

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⚠️ Disclaimer: This video is designed for educational purposes only and should not be used as a replacement for professional veterinary care. For any health-related queries, always consult with a qualified veterinarian.
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My little old beagle was losing big pieces of bladder lining and lots of blood in her urine. The vet said it could be presumed to be cancer of the bladder transitional neck. He sent her home with the intent of providing comfort treatment when needed. I wasn't good with that. With God's help and inspiration I put together a home treatment plan with LARGE doses of select mushrooms, ECG, dandelion root, slippery elm, probiotics, and cycle doses of Pancreved. Her bleeding and tissue shedding went away, she's alive and well and living the beagle life.


my dog had cancer and the lump was removed but they told me cancer cells remained. they said the lump would reappear and gave it less than a year. i immediately put her on all of these mushrooms and she has been cancer free for a year and a half so far.


My now 14.5 year old ACD/GSD mixed breed boy started having seizures when he was 11 years old. We gave him Taurine and CBD oil and managed that well. He had 2-3 seizures a year the last one was March 2023. AT that time we started giving him Lion's Mane mushroom powder because he started to have CCD as well. Pacing around all night, whining, dragging stuff around, in the mornings he was exhausted, and me too. He's been seizure free over a year now and he's back to his normal self, sleeping through the nights again thankfully. This mushroom stuff is working really well. We started feeding raw meat diet when he was 2 years old, even though, he had knee surgery in both legs when he was 8 but he recovered really well. He's still jumping on the couch, in and out of the van and we are walking every day.


Cancer sucks and super duper financially draining! This information is a big deal!


DR JONES IS A TRUE HERO! We have used some of his protocols for MCT on our pup and she is now in remission! If we had not watched him and learned from his advice, our pup would be in Heaven now. THANK YOU DOCTOR JONES!! WE ABSOLUTELY LOVE you and ARE GRATEFUL FOR YOUR ADVICE! These protocols absolutely work. Anyone fighting cancer needs to watch his videos and learn. 😍


Thank you for covering these mushrooms. Wish we had known about the Reishi mushroom treatments a few month ago. We may have extended our dog's life another month or two.
Our 6 year old Labradoodle passed away on May 28 from Lymphoma. He had gone into remission after the CHOP chemo protocol, then after 6 months, his mandibular nodes began to swell again. He was put him on Prednisone (for life) and his body kept fighting. In all, our Doodle had 16 months once he was diagnosed 1/23/2023 with Stage III Lymphoma (B-Cell). We buried him 5/28/2024. Through it all, our Doodle only had 2 days of pain that we were aware of -- he tolerated the chemo very well. Sadly, his last two days he developed edema and his paws hurt from the swelling, so we contacted our dog's Hospice Vet. We sure miss our big goofball.


welp, it's happened, im in the abyss of solo rescue. took a mama and kit in to TNVR and didn't return them cus I saw the whole colony is super socialized and friendly and figured these two deserved a chance at adoption, . fast fwd, she had to have a dental and her snap results showed positive for FELV, meaning the babe and the colony prob all have it. off to get some shrooms for all. pray for us.


We gave our border collie mixes lionsmane, turkey tail, and reishi mushrooms for their hermangio sarcoma and they both lived a year without pain even though the vet said they would live 1 to 2 months. I strongly believe in mushroons for cancer. We slso gave our dogs Yunnan Baiyao jiaonang.


NOTE: Make sure the products you're considering say extracted from "Fruiting Body" not "Mycelium". The fruiting body is where the beneficial compounds reside. The mycelium is the white fuzzy stuff that the mushroom fruits out of. Mycelium is faster to produce and yields much higher so cheaper products use this at the cost of having little benefit compared to products using the fruiting body. Thanks!


Thanks 👍 for the video i share with you my history. After applying chaga mushrooms topically on my 20 yr old cat's ear, her cancer is now gone. No chemo. Only morning and afternoon applications for nearly 3 months. 🐈


My little fella who is an ibitza( bit if this and dat) great dog. I have him over 14 years. I just found out that he has cancer on his chest.bthey wont do anything for him cause they said he is two old. would theses help him extend his life without him suffering. My daughter owned him but she passed away in her sleep two years ago at 27. To lose koady will destroy me..can you help me with this information. Thank you for any assistance you can help me with. 🙌🏻💚🇮🇪🙏🏻


Dr Jones, I am putting my Molly to rest today. She’s about 11 yrs old. She’s always been so active and per vets recommendation had to have ACL surgery right leg in 2022. In 2023 she hurt her left rear leg and had to have that ACL surgery again. Was under antibiotics and anti inflammatory. I was feeding her Beneful because everything was getting more expensive, switched to this cheaper brand. This year she develop a tumor on her belly in February, she had it removed again. Was with anti inflammatory medicine again. Beginning of April I noticed a bump on her front armpit. I was so mortified and did not want her to go thru another surgery. But I did take her to vet and recommended having it removed originally but ended up growing in her lymph nodes so then up not having surgery, her biopsy came back with very high cancer levels and doctor recommended keeping her in prednisone and Benadryl. But her tumor still grew and just a week ago I found out about your channel and ran quickly to get her the fenbemdazil and took her off the prednisone and Benadryl but she developed I think edema on her leg. Now shes not eaten anything and barely drank water. It’s best that she rest. I will carry forever this cross of trusting everything that this money grabber vet recommended and not doing my due diligence in looking for other alternatives.


I have a 12 y/o pittbull mix that started limping noticeably in Oct of 2023. By Nov of 2023, she started to yelp and whine from a regular walk. We initially thought that it might have been arthritis as she was very active and hyper. We took her in for X-rays and found out that she had osteosarcoma, a bone tumor. We opted to amputate the leg and not go with chemo. She recovered well, but it wasn't easy. After a while, two months, she started slowing down. She was very weak and appeared to be in pain. We brought her back in and found out that the cancer had spread to her lungs. We thought it was over. We started her on a regimen of Turkey tail, Cauliflower mushrooms blended and added to her food, Reishi, curcumin, a Chinese herb Yunnan Baiyao jiaonang, and CBD at bed time. The vet prescribed an anti inflammitory . Two months later, she's still here. Climbing the stairs, her appetite returned with a vengence. Her energy is much better and she loves to go to the park again. I'm concerned about her weight, though. She is losing weight, so if anyone has a recommendation to help the absorption of nutrients, I'd appreciate it. She's currently eating farmers' dog, and if there's any fats I could add that'd help ramp up her caloric intake, I'm all ears.


I lost my beloved 13 year old rescue in November from lymphoma. I wish I saw this sooner😢


doctor, would you please make a video about nazal tumour and recommended supliments ? thank you !


Birch polyphorfungus, turkey tail, beta glucan, ..TOP 5……
Reishi…….lung, colon, lymphoma, leukemia, multiple myeloma
Lions mane……dementia, cog. Dysfunction, lung, colon
Maitakki……breast, colon.


Love this Vet,
God bless you Doctor


My dog was just diagnosed with lung cancer. I have started her on ivermectin, soursop tea, mushroom blend powder, making her food and will get her a good probiotic. She is a 9.5 year old chocolate lab. Was very healthy till the vet wouldn’t see her anymore until we agreed to the rabies vaccination. Got old and sick really fast right after. Coincidence or cause?


following your regimes at the moment and seeing a measurable decrease in an inoperable mass in my dogs abdomen. She is now hungry for her next meal again. Thank you so much. Keep these wonderful videos coming.


I have used turkey tail plus & 5 defenders mushrooms after her spleen ruptured! I also have used more natural vegetables ! Now 11 months post dx with no surgery nor chemo! Love all mushrooms! ❤❤
