Should you use Assets? Is it cheating? Asset flip?

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💬 Can you use Assets in your Games? Is that an Asset Flip?
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POLYGON Heist - Low Poly 3D Art by Synty


💬 Here let's explore if you can or should use assets when making your own games.
A lot of people want to build everything themselves from scratch, some people feel using assets is cheating, but I'm here to tell you that you can absolutely use assets, all that matters is that the final game is good.
Here's various examples of Games that make heavy use of visual assets that are easily recognizable to anyone who browses the Unity Asset Store and knows Synty Studios Assets, but despite that none of the players care!
All the players care is if the game is good and if so they love the game regardless of what assets it uses.


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#gamedev #unity3d #assetstore

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👍 Learn Unity, Blender and Programming Patterns, from Beginner to Advanced!
💬 Here let's explore if you can or should use assets when making your own games.
A lot of people want to build everything themselves from scratch, some people feel using assets is cheating, but I'm here to tell you that you can absolutely use assets, all that matters is that the final game is good.
Here's various examples of Games that make heavy use of visual assets that are easily recognizable to anyone who browses the Unity Asset Store and knows Synty Studios Assets, but despite that none of the players care!
All the players care is if the game is good and if so they love the game regardless of what assets it uses.
POLYGON Heist - Low Poly 3D Art by Synty


I love the statement at the very end of the video: "You don't get extra points for doing everything yourself". This is just the best way of putting it all together in one sentence. Also one more thing - sometimes you don't have to release your game with the assets you start with. Ready assets are fantastic for prototyping and from what I am aware that's what a lot of people use the Synty Studios assets pack for. You can start with them to have something to show, to present your idea and then when the time comes swap it to something unique. They are also very good learning material. You can learn MUCH by analyzing how the assets are done, what they include and so on.


I launched my game on Steam almost entirely with assets from the Unity store. I was worried people would leave negative reviews because of that, as I was upfront about it in the game's description, but nobody cared. Over time as I made a bit of money from the game I changed out most of the assets with original art. In my experience using per-made assets was totally fine.


If using assets is cheating then using an engine is cheating. And really, if you want to make if from scratch, you should make your own computer lol


I'm a 3d modeler that has spent 3 hours modelling a katana, and while writing this comment I'm rendering it for another 2 hours (as a video).

Should you buy assets?. Yes!.
Making things from scratch is very grindy.


For me, using assets (free or not) is a bit like working in a team, without the endless meetings :) I find this practice very natural, I'm neither a modeler nor a musician, so I have no choice!


The issue is more (for me) finding a complete set of assets that work for the whole project. Unless you are using Synty or other huge asset packs, it's really tough to match everything up with a consistent style.

If you CAN get matching assets and it saves you time, go for it. Either way, you need one "art director" in control of how it looks.


As a programmer who couldn't draw a square I'm happy using assets. Synty allow a consistent look.

I think a lot of people forget a lot of AAA studios and games use stock assets. Certainly not to the degree Indies might but assets like Speedtree are common place. Also as I think someone else mentioned sound effects are often a bought assets. How many big budget movies and games use the Wilhelm scream?


This made me feel a lot better about how I'm putting my game together. I just was not having any luck w the terrain builder and caved to buy a level asset that was more what I was envisioning. Appreciate it Code Monkey. This was the motivation I think I needed right now.


In business software development and ESPECIALLY web development, most projects depends on dozens to thousands of external libraries, i.e. "packages" or the comparable to "asset packs". We wouldn't have most of the websites, solutions and apps we have today if it weren't for the existing packages. For some reason, when it comes to gaming, the average Joe gamer loves to scream: "ASSET FLIP" if he sees an asset that was bought, this video is very important to clarify the difference between "ASSETS/PACKAGES" vs "FLIP", thank you. Your final part is golden: "You don't get extra points for doing everything yourself. You don't get penalty points for using third party assets."


When you are a solo dev or working on a small team, you have to "Work smarter, not harder". There is nothing wrong with being strategic in what assets you use and I doubt that aside from aesthetics, most people wouldn't be able to recognize if you used other systems available on the Asset Store; such as a save/load product or third person controller. You can't take a decade to learn how to do everything yourself.


I feel like the best way is make the assets that make your game unique, IE your characters, the enemies, NPCs, maps, etc, but don't obsess over making a tree or barrel or anything trivial when someone else has already done it


If you can find an asset that suits your game, then you have no reason not to use it


I want to make my own assets but the reason to do so is more on the "i dont have a budget/deadline and I have fun making the assets"


The asset store is one of the main reasons I keep using Unity. It has a great community, and many wheels that have already been invented are offered at a fraction of the cost of doing it yourself. It's made making games much faster - and many even work as study material.


I personally prefer making all my assets myself, as it feels so much more satisfying being able to show off your game to your friends, saying "everything you see was made by me". But I totally support using assets made by others, especially for prototyping


Paying Synty or anybody else for game assets is no different than paying a freelance artist to do it. Just use the assets for your own vision. Thanks for all you do.


Well obviously the reviews are good because no one would buy a game where they recognized the assets used in it and thought it was a low effort asset flip. That said though, we do need to remember that our target audience is not other developers who frequent the Unity Asset Store lol


I always figured as long as unique gameplay it’s fine.

Graphics can be crap as long as it not a complete clone.


Assets are like reusing code, isn't it? Why reinvent the wheel for the eleventh time? Art assets are the ones that can be a little tricky. You may not get the ones you need for the artistic vision or style you want for your game and may need extra work. Having said that, depending on the license of the asset, you can have ones as a starting point and modify them to suit what your game needs.

On a side note, please tell me you aren't teaching those "10 coding commandments" as unbreakable law... It is absolutely horrible being in code reviews submitting an optimization and the reviewer refuses to relax on those "commandments" without understanding that trade-offs have to be made. The worst offender is when a certain pattern or coding style introduces memory allocations that in the optimization we are eliminating, and that leads to hours trying to explain why it should be done the way it is submitted...
