The Psychological Basis of Magic - Synchronicity, Carl Jung (Summary)

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Jung's concept of synchronicity describes meaningful coincidences that lack causality - an acausal connecting principle. Such events are hypothesized to underlie historical accounts of magic, divination, astrology, and telepathy. Psychophysical parallelism is a possible mechanism, as described by Spinoza, Leibniz, and Schopenhauer.


0:00 Intro
1:32 What is Synchronicity?
2:51 Schopenhauer's Will
4:09 Telepathic Experiments
6:22 Synchronicity & Magic
7:46 I Ching, Astrology & Numerology
9:47 Taoism / Daoism
11:50 Microcosm & Macrocosm
13:11 Psychophysical Parallelism
14:42 Out-of-Body Experiences
16:21 The Transcendental Psychoid
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This is one of the channels that gave me the courage to start my YouTube channel 6 months ago about self development. Now I have 401 subs and > 100 hours of watch time. I know it’s not comparable with others but I’m still proud I started because I’ve been learning so many lessonsÀ we that I couldn’t have learned without getting started in the 1st place.


1. The universe is an infinite agglomeration of energy fields, resembling threads of light.
2. These energy fields, called the Eagle’s emanations, radiate from a source of inconceivable
proportions metaphorically called the Eagle.
3. Human beings are also composed of an incalculable number of the same threadlike energy
fields. These Eagle’s emanations form an encased agglomeration that manifests itself as a
ball of light the size of the person’s body with the arms extended laterally, like a giant
luminous egg.
4. Only a very small group of the energy fields inside this luminous ball are lit up by a point of
intense brilliance located on the ball’s surface.
5. Perception occurs when the energy fields in that small group immediately surrounding the
point of brilliance extend their light to illuminate identical energy fields outside the ball.
Since the only energy fields perceivable are those lit by the point of brilliance, that point is
named “the point where perception is assembled” or simply “the assemblage point.”
6. The assemblage point can be moved from its usual position on the surface of the luminous
ball to another position on the surface, or into the interior. Since the brilliance of the
assemblage point can light up whatever energy field it comes in contact with, when it
moves to a new position it immediately brightens up new energy fields, making them
perceivable. This perception is known as seeing.
7. When the assemblage point shifts, it makes possible the perception of an entirely different
world – as objective and factual as the one we normally perceive. Sorcerers go into that
other world to get energy, power, solutions to general and particular problems, or to face
the unimaginable.
8. Intent is the pervasive force that causes us to perceive. We do not become aware because
we perceive; rather, we perceive as a result of the pressure and intrusion of intent.
9. The aim of sorcerers is to reach a state of total awareness in order to experience all the
possibilities of perception available to man. This state of awareness even implies an
alternative way of dying.


Keys points are made at 2:55 and 2:58. It initially comes down to the strength of the data set, its data complexity, and probability.

It is necessary that the data set has a strong objective evidence foundation.

Excellent video.


I've noticed in many philosophical videos we often praise the words instead of questioning when time and time its been shown that questioning has given more answers


Jung deserves a lot of credit for his work on synchronicity but....
" He has been in India, and there was a man — a man the like of whom happens only once in a while. Maharshi Raman was alive. And wherever Jung went in India, almost everywhere people suggested to him, “Why are you wasting your time here and there, going to Varanasi and Bombay? Why don’t you go to Maharshi Raman?” People knew that he is a great psychoanalyst, world-famous. “You should go to Maharshi Raman, who has gone beyond the mind. Sitting by his side you may have a few glimpses. You may come away a totally changed person.” But Jung avoided him, he did not go there. On the contrary, back home he started writing against Eastern mysticism.

And Jung started talking this nonsense in self-defense. He said, “That’s why I avoided Maharshi Raman, because Eastern methods are not suitable to us. The West needs its own yoga, the West needs its own meditations.” What difference can there be in being aware? Whether you are in the East or in the West, awareness will be the same — and that is the essential core of meditation. They are great interpreters of dreams… the whole world of the psychoanalyst is the world of dreams. And as far as the enlightened person is concerned, for him the whole world is nothing but a dream. For the psychoanalyst, dreams are his whole world, and for the enlightened person the whole world is nothing but a dream."


I am so lucky to have met Brian and all of you on my path. You have literally become my virtual family 😊Beyond Lucky .... Grateful


I had many synchronicity events for a week while on a 30 day fast.
They began around day 12.
I think perhaps I was going slightly crazy.


THE MOST INTERSTING VIDEO EVAH! LOVE the way you "treat" the pics in this video, "The Wavey" effect you use is so very cool, I HOPE you will do more videos like this and in the same "vein" as today's topics? This line of reason, why it could self-serving, to help us try and make sense on how we perceive the topic and conclusions COULD EXPLAIN so much of what we cannot today, ESP, Pre-Cog, etc, where we continue to "guess" on what is happening, even to this day!


3rd density: cause and effect. 4th density: resonance. You're welcome


I'm here for this! Peak Content! Love your videos NOUS ❤


Fascinating. Thank you for the great work 💚


Causality is necessary for repeatability.
Validation through multiple, independent repeatability is necessary to complete the scientific method.

Non-repeatability does not invalidate parapsychological events, any more than lightening never striking the same place twice, invalidates lighting.

It does adequately explain why no one has claimed the James Randy prize. They may never do so...intentionally.


Excellent Work. Something you must consider is right where you left off…. Right where all our theories leave off… we are striving to eff the ineffable. I know Ineffability and YouTube Videos do not exactly mix…. A show about nothing but everything.

Our very words are mostly material in nature… describing what we see…. When we do not understand it we either worship it or Tear it down, deconstruct it. Just as your video well stated…. We are just in a relevant range here…. Outside this, all bets are off! No one knows only Gnows…. Ya gnow?


As you believe so shall it be done unto you. Mat 8:13


“Psychoid”. Did I spell that right? Ego grappling with existence of Spirit which can never be quantified nor explained with total satisfaction. Just have to live it which can be scary for people who are highly rational. Interesting though, could be a middle ground between heaven and earth. My late father was a Master Practitioner in the Church of Religious Science (NOT to be confused with Scientology!), Law of Attraction. He’d be very interested in this concept. Also, though you blew it off, Synastry has some very helpful features for potential couples that shouldn’t be overlooked. It is as ancient as Yin/Yang. JLo called off her first marriage to Ben A. because her Swami advised that they were an inauspicious match at that time but the right time did evidently come. Nice video. 🤓


A Lost object RETURNED to me. How interesting.


Freedom/giärnto to faith/iiärnto... Rnt/"moon-light safity to those beyond be there..."😮


God is the Cause.
We are God's Effect.

Regardless, old bro offered us a lot. He def raised our awareness; added concepts to our current vernacular that stretched our brains far enough to imagine 'more'. I bet he'd be having a field day with quantum mechanics, were he still here.


To see the future one has to look into the past
