Life AFTER Mirena | Mirena IUD Removal | Bloating, Weight Loss, Acne... What Actually Happened?

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Today I'm telling the truth about what happened after I had my Mirena IUD removed. Did life get better or worse? Stay tuned!

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**Note! I am in NO way saying you should remove your IUD if it's not bothering you. This is just MY experience. Also, go to the doctor to get it removed!**

Brianna Engebretsen
16526 W. 78th St. #165
Eden prairie, MN 55346

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I've literally gained 50lbs on this birth control. I'm bloated and get cramps constantly. The anxiety is horrendous. I've had it in for I believe 3 years now. No matter what I do (workout at gym, physical labor, diet, ect) i can not loss any weight what so ever. I've been contemplating about getting it removed. This video has solidified my assumptions on where all these symptoms were coming from. I will be making an appointment today with my gyno to have this thing removed. Thank you such a detailed video on your life after Mirena.


Literally have been BEGGING doctors to remove it and they keep telling me there are no side effects but I've gotten acne, terrible anxiety/depression and the woooorst struggle with weight (and i eat mostly a plant based diet!). I hate this thing so much!


I’m so glad I searched for this video, reading all your comments and seeing I’m not the only one trying to blame the weight gain on the hormonal IUD. I’ve always been on the slimmer side but since getting the hormonal coil late 2019 I’ve gained 42 pounds. I’ve tried eating less, exercising and barely nothing coming off my weight. I feel like I haven’t put weight on in a nice way either, I think I look puffy and swollen, my arms and stomach have gone really fatty when they wasn’t like that before. I lose a lot more hair when I shower, my skin is very dry and just looks shit. Around 5/6 months after the hormonal coil I started gaining weight and then I got diagnosed with depression and anxiety and got prescribed anti depressants and signed off work. I can’t believe the amount of woman that have suffered with the same thing. I was debating getting mine removed after research online saying it very rarely causes weight gain but after seeing all your comments I’m going to book to get mine removed. I will update you with how I get on prior to getting it removed. Hopefully it helps🙏🏼


As soon as I got mine out I felt mentally better immediately too! I felt sense of relief and my mental fog was gone!


I just had mine taken out today. I definitely agree about immediately feeling better. I started uncontrollably smiling after walking out of the doctors office. I had the Mirena in for four years. I gained close to 65 pounds and could not drop the weight. I recently began exercising for over an hour everyday (no breaks) and decreased my calorie in take. And somehow, after doing that for two weeks, I GAINED 4 pounds. There’s no way that that should’ve been the case, and after doing research, I finally switched doctors and had it taken out. I’m hoping that I can drop this weight a lot faster now.

Other symptoms I experienced (severe): anxiety, depression, cramping, bloating, large cyst on ovary

Moderate: spotting, unable to focus.

So far: I’ve had the mirena out for 1 day and can say I am feeling the best I’ve felt in 4 years. I can think clearly and feel generally happy. I am hoping to start seeing the pounds fall off


I gained 45 pounds and have acne. Lots of cramping, mood swings, cant wait to get it removed I am going back on the pill.😊 I regret getting mirena.


Your eyes are so gorgeous!! I’m so excited to get my IUD out I can’t stop gaining weight, I’m so fatigued, and my mood swings are insane.


Having mine removed next week. I can't wait. Had mine for 4 years and 3 months. The Dr said it can cause weight gain in many women and because I've gained so much weight she will happily remove mine 😊


I agree when you said you immediately felt better upon removal. I walked out and instantly felt all my stress leave my body. Lol


I just had mine taken out today. I went the complete 5 years and experienced weight gain(40+ pounds), vaginal infections, brain fog, depression (especially around my period). Maybe im overthinking but I feel like I can tell the difference even after a few hours. Hopefully, I will lose the weight soon🤗. Thank you for posting.


Getting mine removed tomorrow after 5 years of having it...I thought I was crazy. 45 lbs heavier and I've literally done nothing different. They all said it wasn't the mirena 🤔


Mirena is also made of silicone (I was planning on removal either way) and I plan to ask for labs for antibodies. Silicone illness mirrors symptoms I’ve had. Brain fog, confusion, Dizzy, Cystic acne, weight gain, chronic fatigue, moods are crazy, depression, anxiety, hair loss, visual disturbances, light sensitive, headaches, jaw pain, joint pain... I mention because supporting our body by detoxing and supporting Liver can also be helpful. Synthetic hormones mess with us but the devices are made of toxic materials should be considered.


I got mine removed 3 weeks ago and instantly my mind feels clearer and my emotions feel much more stable! Although I am having lots of cramping... 🤔


I removed my Mirena myself a few hours ago. I had it for 5 years. It was hell. Migraines, constant bloating, depression, moodiness, I had a panic attack at work so bad I was placed on stress leave at my job and had to see a therapist for 2 months, weight gain even though I’m the member of a boot camp style gym and workout 5 times a week, cramping all of the time, weird sound in my ear like my heartbeat, palpitations, joint aches and inflammation, tender breasts, vision issues randomly, tired for no reason and heavier period with huge clots, a feeling like Braxton Hicks contractions which started in the last few months. My doctor couldn’t get me in to see her until November. No mam. I sterilized some tweezers by boiling in water and with 90% isopropyl alcohol, washed my hands for 4 minutes and also splashed some alcohol on them and got that demon out of my body! As soon as I pulled it out I felt a strange sense of relief and normalcy. Like my body said “IT’S ABOUT TIME LADY!”😂


My experience was opposite. I had the IUD for 3 years and the beginning was rough as the insertion caused inflammation to my cervix, I experienced some pretty intense pain periodically during the first 7-8 months. After that adjustment period it was wonderful. I had light to no periods, my metabolism seemed higher (I ate a bunch and my weight never fluctuated) and I had tons of energy. I didn't struggle with any acne or skin issues or even cramps. I had it removed and since then it has royally sucked, hormones and mood swings. Huge flowing periods, weight gain, and fatigue. I'm now pregnant (experienced these things well before pregnancy) and cannot wait to get my IUD back in after having this baby. I miss it, so!


I just had my mirena removed today and I had that same weird feeling. It was like my body took one huge sigh of relief. It's only been a few hours, but I already feel so much better. I had the IUD for 5 years and noticed such a significant change in my overall personality. My hormones were so out of whack. I gained so much weight and I haven't been able to lose it. The only thing I liked about the iud is that I had relatively no periods. I cant even remember the last time I had one. It's not for everyone honestly. I'm just happy that my body can now do what it's supposed to do on it's own without all the extra hormones.


I got mine removed a little over a month ago, I had the skyla IUD. I felt same symptoms as you, I felt it in me everyday on top of cramps! I am suffering with hormonal acne and hoping my hormones balance out as quick as possible. It sucks having skin problems :(


I just happened upon your video. Had never heard stories like this. Wonderful info. I have been very fortunate I love having my IUD no period except after removal and reinsertion. Going for my 3rd IUD in the next 6 months. The pill caused me to have the side effects that you are discussing and extreme depression. Your video proves we know our bodies not doctors. Great info.


I will share my story. Had Mirena for about 12 years. First one swapped after 5 years, second one was still working at 7 yr mark but had it removed with no new one just to get my body ready for menopause...back story, I weighed 110 lbs...12 yrs later...161 lbs. While having it in no problems, no periods from the start, figured weight gain was normal aging (I'm 50 now). Since removal just over one year ago periods come and go, pre-menopause so normal, but my weight is 121 lbs with no extra work or diet change, it just dropped off! Thought I had some terminal disease, but dr could not find anything wrong with me so went searching for similar weight stories with Mirena removal...YAY it's normal! But really I just feel great without all the extra weight, hate not knowing when/if I will have a period but such is life of an aging woman....


I removed mine today after 2 and a half years. I haven’t felt like myself while on it. I cried happy tears. Did it at home. I’ve been wanting this out ever since I got it. I’m so glad to come across this video and see other people who relate in the comments.
