Dealing with Scalp Folliculitis? Watch immediately!

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There are few things as embarrassing as having a scalp problem and it being visible. Who knows how many people have written off Scalp Folliculitis as simple "Dandruff," and ignored it for years, or have suffered from it in silence.

I've decided to create a YouTube video on this topic because so many people have written to me over the years about this issue, willing to try anything to get rid of it, but not knowing where to start.

It might seem trivial, but I think that Scalp Folliculitis is something that we should all be aware of, for our own sake, as well as the sake of others who may also have this issue!

I run a Hair Clinic named Nina Ross Hair Therapy where we treat all kinds of hair problems, including thinning hair and hair loss. We also offer Advanced Treatments like Mesotherapy, PRP, medical grade nutrition, supplements and lifestyle advice to help you achieve a healthy head of hair.

If you find this info helpful, feel free to share it with a friend or family member who might be struggling with hair loss. If you have any questions about the methods I mention in this video and how they can benefit you, feel free to comment below or DM me on IG @ninarossatl!
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What i got from this was its due to eating to much inflammatory foods. Sugar inpaticular for myself. Ever since i limited my water intake the last few days and have been eating alot of sugar my head has been on fire. Like literally. I found ot interesting how she said your blood flow went thru your hair shaft and ultimately your scalp. Just like your immune system is in your stomach. Meaning depression, anxiety, not eating healthy. Eating lots of gkuten and sugar and under extreme stress causes my inflammation in my body to become severe. My system is very very sensitive. As soon as i eat something my body is having some sort of immune reaction. I used to hate my sensitive system. However, i apprexiate ir now as it tells me where im being unhealthy and what foods amd environments to avoid. Its like i new this already. Yet it is now showing me that i need to leave the environment im in asap. So i fel like posting this in hopes that i help someone else out.


Thank you for all the information, no doctor has broke it down or diagnosed this issue the way you have I 🙌🙌🙌you. Thank you letting us know if we have questions where to get in touch with you. I wish you worked in AL.


I have learned so much from listening to your video; also I when i am multi-tasking .
I am 84 years old and broke my hip. I now have a PA who visits monthly trying to control my thyroid, which was normal before but changed from all the antibiotics and other drugs that I was given while in the hospital and physical rehabilitation. She increased my thyroid this am and reviewed the antibiotics they gave me in the hospital including physical rehab too. i am finally back to fighting these medical issues and WILL NOT QUIT. Tnank you again and God Bless You in helping others.


Finally some great information that is really helpful thank you so much❤


I learned so much from you!! I never knew about the oil making matters worse! I have an appointment with my dermatologist soon and I’m hoping she can help me without making my hair fall out more. Thanks so much ❤🙏🏽


This is the best video ive seen so far


This is real intelligent science backed information. Amazing thank you


The information is very detailed thanks


Hi my name is Jeanette and I'm experiencing pimples on my scalp and itchiness. I was searching on Utube for information on scalp itchiness and pimples. You video popped up and I became interested. You giving me information about scalp Folliculitis I never knew of. Wow! Am stunned I have this the symptoms you describe on the video. I haven't seek a professional because I have no insurance but I will try the advised treatment you given. I wish I can get the appropriate help from a professional to really diagnose my condition and my concerns.
I want too Thank You for the information you provided.
Jeanette a viewer
Belleville New Jersey.


very nicely explained ! thank you doctor


Thank you for this information. Like someone else posted, I had gone to TWO different dermatologists, and neither of them talked about inflammation or folliculitis. Just automatically said I had ccca. I could actually see where I had bumps and my scalp was dusky looking around my hairline and in center. They never addressed it. I stopped going. I love how you talked about there may be multiple conditions. Definitely agree about the triggers, when I get flair-up I immediately start trying to figure out what I changed that may have caused it. My latest was yogurt. I was eating a lot of it because I thought it was healthy. When I stopped, I noticed a difference in inflammation and the bumps on my hairline. I'm in my late 50's and 9 years post-menopausal, so I am very realistic about what I can and cannot expect. If I can keep the hair I have, reduce thinning, and get some regrowth in the areas where I lost hair, I will be happy. Please keep sharing.


I wouldn’t wish this on my worst enemy! Irritating and constantly plays on your mind. The best thing I’ve used to calm things has been the Moo Goo (Scalp Cream)


The most helpful, most insightful video I’ve ever seen on this subject. And ofcourse it’s from a beautiful black intelligent Queen.


Dra. Nena Ross, greetings in the Lord Jesus Christ, just watching your blog helps me a lot of my problem on my scalf. I was advice to use shampoo.I was told that i have ecema and it keep on recurring on and off. To consult a derma is out of my budget but thanks for your effort to share your expertise. God bkess you.


Good information here. I've been dealing with this for over a year now. I've tried all the medicated shampoos both OTC and prescription. I've been to 2 different dermatologists. Went last week and now we're trying red light and ivermectin lotion in case it is Pityrosporum (Malassezia) folliculitis. It's exhausting and expensive to try to remedy this. I've spent $1K so far. :(


Great video - and I agree I need to modify my diet...which I think is affecting my dry scalp. Thank you.


I have hair thinning like crazy in the middle of my hair and years of I guess what you said is inflammation on and off. My dermo (2 different visits) suggested minoxidil. That's it. Which I haven't bought yet. So basically I'm back to doing this on my own and consulting professional like yourself online. Thanks for sharing!


Wow I thank you for making this video. I’ve been having folliculitis scalp for three years and here in Arkansas and have been so unsuccessful to treat this


Do you also treat or consult on hidradenitis suppurativa? A lot of your advice sounds beneficial for someone who is learning to promote healing from that.


Your video was very informative thank you. Can folliculitis cause a smelly scalp?
