Woman says New Life Christian Church pastor never wanted to be questioned

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Woman says New Life Christian Church pastor never wanted to be questioned
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It sounds like the whole family needs to be in prison!


R Kelly gets 30 years, John Lowe gets an early retirement.


Yes if that was my daughter, we would be paying that pastor a Smith, Wesson, and me.


There is no requirement in the New Testament to give a 10% tithe. That was for Jews in the OT to donate to the temple.


I started going to a Pentecostal church, very nice people but the so called pastor seemed very controlling and authoritarian. Forget it I got out. I am fine reading my Bible at home like I always do. Jesus Christ is my pastor like he says in John 10: “ I am the good Pastor” not like those who receive a salary.


Lowe was merely a hireling, a wolf in sheep’s clothing. Jesus warned us there would be many like him. Find a good church, and continue to put God first in your life. 🙏


If that was my daughter, I'd be paying him a visit


Reasons I’ll NEVeR darken a door frame in ANY church cult!!!☝️


If we do believe he is our savior, we should follow his commandments.


He says he's got the spirit but yes he has the devils spirit


New Life became a life of Hell for the victim.


If these people knew what was going on why would they submit to a “pastor” like that??? A church needs elders and deacons as overseers, if not, it’s not even biblical! Why would you stay!?


Hello, I honestly have no idea who to contact about the New Life church in chesterfield, Va. I am not a part of the church but was made aware of them when they showed in defense of my sons father concerning child support. They were able to get him out of it and also 2 grand larcenies..he has a long history of criminal behavior and is “on the streets” now. They run a drug rehab program with many saying they have no drug counselors or health professionals and these things can easily be found out…


Unfortunately there is a trend which has been happening in Mega Pentecostal Churches where the Pastor is held in wrongly with high esteem. Jesus said he was the good Shepherd not the religious leader or Pastor . It is right for a leader to confess their sins but you have to ask the question will they take responsibility for what has happened and not merely say I have sinned and just go on with their life as a Pastor ? Jesus forgives sin but he doesn't take away the responsibility of consequences of what we have done. Recently we have seen this attitude in Mega Churches like Hillsong where a Pastor has sinned and the sinful action has just been swept under the carpet. Our western society takes a dim view on punishment if this Pastor was caught doing this sin in a country like Singapore the retribution would be alot stronger at least being publically birched . To say this though we all one day will have to face all mighty God for how we have lived out lives what we have said and done esecially leaders like Pastors will more heavily judged. Hopefully this Pastor and his family will realise this and not go back to the same lifestyle as being a Pastor . For in alot of these situations the people who have been affected by these Pastors actions are usually forgotten and as I have written before swept under the carpet and say oh well I made a mistake.


Why would u set under someone like that that long. U guys are at fault w them


As soon as I saw the first red flag. I would have ran. And not gave this so call church a minute or second of my time and not one red cent to this work of evil. The Most High God is not in any of this. God said be holy as I am holy. This is far from holiness. Jesus Christ said you will know them by their fruits. We are responsible to discern the fruit on the tree. And if we fail too. This is the out come. My prayers to the victims.


That's why you never make a man your pastor there is no scripture that says that any man is your shepherd the Bible says, The LORD is my Shepherd. Psalms 23 never join a church there is no scripture that says The Lord Jesus wants any one to join a local church. The Lord GOD Jesus Christ only has 1 church and it's not made of wood or stone or brick. 2Corinthians 6:16


Another example of a Christian republican


He is preaching another doctrine. The bible calls it, doctrines of demons!


Bad and evil are always in the churches watch out the bible thumpers 💯
