#CouncilTax Hearing In A #Fraudulent Court Is Likened To A Place Of #HELL

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#CouncilTax Corruption & #Fraud - 😎 Shine A Light! Shine A Light!

🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 England is the only country that has the option to send someone to prison for council tax. Even Wales have outlawed it! What I am witnessing more and more these days, is when people ask reasonable questions, the courts go on the defensive. In this court, I also witnessed on another case prior to this council tax hearing, that the prosecution did not turn up for their case! If the accused had not turned up, they would have been served with an arrest warrant!

Who do the prosecutors think they are and why do the courts not issue a warrant for contempt of court?

In this council tax issue, it was an enlightenment within the court to witness how I can only describe as this, diktats are acting like they own the joint!

Things are not as people seem to think they are, but people are endeavouring on their journeys in getting to the bottom of things...

Following this lady's case, the Welsh government decided to abolish custodial sentences for non-payment of council tax – a change that comes into force this month. Scotland and Northern Ireland do not punish non-payment of local taxes with prison.

In another case, a woman in her 40s from Kent, who asked to remain anonymous, was committed to a closed women’s prison for 90 days for a council tax debt of £2,684.28

Recorded - 4 December 2023

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This guy is bang on the money - their world is crumbling, and they know it, for 2 yrs now i have not paid CT, i asked my council to show me the accounts for the last 3 yrs - never responded in 12 months, instead they issued a summons etc, i asked the same question the following year but for the last 12 months accounts, they replied to this request by saying no i could not see them, i have never refused to pay, i have always stated that i want to see evidence of where our money is being spent, all i got was another summons etc... but during all of this i sent a data subject access request to the court and got a reply eventually stating there was never a case against me - its all fraud ! but i have recently discovered that your council tax account number is actually a bank account number and it all goes to central government, they then drip feed some of it back to the local councils, and what they keep at central government in london they use to fund wars and terrorism... if a mass of us all did the same thing on one day we could all end this tyrannical government and take back our country.. the UK has too many shoulder shruggers who say well i can afford it - but that is not the point - at what point do you draw a line in the sand ? and say enough is enough !


I have not paid this fraud & now I have enforcement offers trying to clamp my car but I keep these wheel clamps 👍 I’m on my 3rd clamp now . These enforcement officials don’t want to show ID / they like to visit on a Saturday morning 6.45am I have removed there rights of access to my property’ I have 4 different liability orders THEY JUST KEEP trying to scam me but THIS MAN SAYS NO 👍🤓👊🏻🔥🔥🔥


The courts ARE required to name the judicial office-holders sitting in judgment in a case. The relevant authority is R v Felixstowe Justices ex parte Leigh [1987] All ER QBD551.


I've not paid a penny in council tax since I took my property in 2015 . I just ignore everything they send me . The bailiffs don't bother coming anymore.


Great video! Surely, NOW is the time for the masses to start waking up!


The greater question is this:

Who is the CREDITOR in this unconscionable contract because a local authority is claiming you are the DEBTOR and a quasi debt is owed (via commercial/civil service contract).

Newsflash: Local Authorities do not have a PART 4 A licence (FCA) to create credit, nor collect an assumed or alleged debt

It has ended up being 'criminal' (from originally being a debtor, then an 'offender') by way of some sneaky amendments in other instruments you're not meant to look at or know about

The truth is you are served an Invoice for Services because it's not a 'tax' and it's a fraud under the 2006 Fraud Act amongst other Primary statutory Instruments


I heard that the council hire the Magistrates court on days no criminal offences are listed to be heard Tryjng to making it look authentic.


Councils hire a room in the court to intimidate! A long time ago I requested to go in front of a judge to state my case, after hours of delay was told my case had been cancelled # farcical 😮


On a very affluent road in london se5 the leaves are cleared periodically paid for by council tax. Everywhere else in the area the leaves remain at the side of the road ! The reason why the leaves are cleared on affluent road is a group have formed represented by top lawers who know their stuff !


I wish I knew about this one in Coventry I would of turned up to support them 😢


So my local council got a liability order on me for £59.20 with their £80 costs and told me I didn't need to attend ? 190 others on their list that day made them over £15, 000 in costs for a typed list ? so after my debt was cleared they sent the Bailiffs round unannounced with a bill of £1500 I believe fraud has been committed by them and or the Bailiff company (Bristow & Sutor)


Corruption and double standards only the councils and courts can get away with this nonsense


Questioning their right to shaft you is an aggressive act


I left london in August - I asked for the remainer of the council tax for the year to be refunded - still reminding them each month - they seem very slow to refund money, but quick to take it.


Magistrates courts are basically an unlawful administrative hearing and do not follow due process of law, my understanding its it's only the county court and high court who are courts of record.
Magistrates courts are designed to fleece the public 95% of the time. 
I believe they are both limited companies; the councils and the magistrates so how do they have any authority over a flesh and blood Man or Woman created by the Creator. ?
The council and the magistrates are dead fictional entities and have no power over a living Man or Woman Period. !! All Illegal and designed to Fleece.


Love this type of content. Thanks banaman.


They will never answer those questions out loud so there is no point trying. File the correct paperwork quickly and the case will be dismissed. This is the best win they will allow - one where the Court doesn’t lose 👍🏻


Council tax goes to HMRC, before being divvied out to local councils, which is about 30% of what you pay


Ex community charge officer - poll tax 😮🤷🏼‍♂️
Will-Full refusal was put in law because of the protest against poll tax . Back then it was different and definitely criminal, the law stands and makes no sense that’s why the local Mafia hq who pay for the police (protection) - your council abuse it. They use it as a threat mostly, the court is only a hired room in a court.


Good job been calm and asking good questons. Keep it up and share :)