🤔Future of Mom Genki's pregnancy and delivery?After the cavity treatment.Gorilla .Momotaro family

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I will discuss the possibility of another pregnancy for Genki.
Filming date : April. 2024
Today was hot anyway. The temperature was about the same as a summer day. It was better because it was not humid. The gorillas hardly moved because of the heat and stayed in the shade. 
Since Genki's cavity treatment was successfully completed, I thought about what would happen to her pregnancy and delivery in the future.

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★Let's learn about the Momotaro family: four lessons
(History of Momotaro Family)

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Kyoto City Zoo / Western Lowland Gorilla
MOMOTARO & GENKI Family ( Momotaro Fam)

Father MOMOTARO ♂(2000/7/3) 
He is hesitant in new situations and is a loner.
His father died before he was born, and he had never spent time with a silverback.
He had already turned into a silverback by the time he was 10 years old.
He is struggling with unfamiliar child-rearing.
MOMOTARO's father is BIJU.
Mother GENKI ♀ (1986/6/24)   
She is 14 years older than Momotaro and has a role to support the whole family mentally.
She has had a tumultuous and eventful life.
She has returned to her birthplace, Kyoto City Zoo.
She had never been blessed with a baby but after meeting Momotaro,
she had two sons.
She is a very maternal female gorilla.
GENKI's father is MAKK.
GENKI's mother is HIROMI.

First son GENTARO, male (2011/12/21)
He was separated from his mother Genki soon after he was born.
Genki's milk production was not very good.
He was raised by his keeper for his first10 months.
Because of this, he is very fond of humans.
His face is so expressive, and everyone enjoys watching him.

Second son KINTARO ♂ (2018/12/19)
He is just very strong-willed and independent.
He has big eyes and long eyebrows.
The way he plays a lot with his brother Gentaro makes everyone smile.
We can't wait to see what kind of gorilla he'll become!

Strength of a gorilla .
#gorilla #MomotaroFamily #ZooAnimals #kintaro
#gentaro #momotaro #genki #westernlowlandgorilla #silverback
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Genki was first paired with Bijou at another zoo. There was a 2nd female (Momoko) introduced to Bijou but when Genki miscarried and lost his attention, she started losing wait and self mutilating. She had to be sent back to this zoo to be with her mom. Momotaro is actually Momoko and Bijou's son. I think if they brought a 2nd female to live with Genki and Momotaro, there is a big chance that Genki would try to hurt herself again, so I would be very surprised if they did this. Genki is my favourite gorilla in the world, I hope she gets pregnant, maybe a little girl this time. I hope she will be Momotaro's only wife while she is alive.


Genki is not only a maternal gorilla but very kind


The zoo needs to make their enclosure bigger, which is too small for all of them
My beautiful Genki
Sending much-loved ❤


Genki is an excellent mother, the best female gorilla mother on YouTube…………so kind and patient.❤️🇺🇸


I love Genki and her health is primary. Lovely girl.


Genki is my favourite gorilla in the world. She is so expressive, a great mom, who loves her boys very much and she shows it all the time. She is a good female for Momotaro. When he tries to mate with her and it lasts 2 seconds, she always looks back as if to say "that's it?". lol I also love the way she tosses sand at him sometimes when she isn't happy with him. lol


I agree, Genki is wonderful! For the past 6 months, Genki has looked the healthiest I have seen her in years. Her fur is pretty, her eyes are bright and her energy level is up. Genki is a super gorilla mom, and seeing her holding and caring for a new baby would be a beautiful sight. But, I worry it will take a toll on her health. Should she become pregnant, I know Genki's keepers will monitor her health.


I would love to see a little girl gorilla with Momotaro and Genki parents. She would be gorgeous!


Jameela is doing very, very well in Cleveland. She is bonding well with her surrogate mom, “Freddie, ” a proven foster mother, and slowly getting integrated with the full troop. She is handled with great care. Rest easy ❤


Thank you again for your comments. I agree with you. I have always seen Genki as a soft mama, though very strong as well. I just love Genki. She is not aggressive. Good appetite is a good sign. Genki will always be one of my favorite. I smile when I see her cute face


Give gentaro and his love story that would be amazing he’s so gentle he would be an amazing dad


I love Genki and her family . I didn't think Genki needs another baby. Genki needs to rest and live her life the most relaxed she can.


Genki is one smart cookie! I've always thought that❤.


Генки наша любимица. Она нежная, заботливая мать и вырастила двух замечательных сыновей. Пусть любые изменения в ее жизни, будут только положительными и пойдут ей на пользу. Желаем, чтобы будущее Генки протекало в комфорте и гармонии, она это заслужила!!!


It would be wonderful if Genki had another baby but Genki's health is primary. I absolutely love her and the guys too.


Muy acertadas del Sr. q' toma las imágenes, como dijo alguna vez le comenzaron a gustar los gorilas desde q' conoció a Gentaro, x eso digo q' los conoce mejor q' cualquiera, mejor q' nosotros q' sólo vemos las imágenes, y si dice q' convendría q' Genky tenga una niña, mejor q' mejor, lo triste es x Gentaro q' ya no estaría en la familia Momotaro y eso 😢 me produce tristeza, en cuanto a la comida, se ve q' el granuja de kintaro le quita la comida a su madre y ella ni fu ni fa dirá " bueno es mi hijo al q' adoro" x eso Genky es una madraza ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤


BEST VIDEO EVER! That was so much important information in one video. Thank you GL!! You explained to so many people that are pushing for things to happen that aren’t possible. You gave great explanations for why things might happen or NOT happen and why. I had no idea Momotaro and Gentaro were owned by other zoos. The explanation of a female gorillas age and life expectancy and ability for not only conception but how long she would need to live afterwards and why. This was just an incredible video. I think you should post it periodically so that new viewers will get educated before starting to make comments on things that just aren’t possible. Thank you again GL !! Well done!!👍


Генуи прекрасная заботливая мама, ребятам повезло с мамочкой. Кинтаро и Гентаро хорошие сыновья, любят маму.


Estoy de acuerdo con usted, me interesa en lo personal la salud de Genky ❤❤❤❤❤
