How to do a Supported Single Leg Deadlift | Tim Keeley | Physio REHAB

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#deadlift #romaniandeadlift #hamstringstrength #glutes

Want to get your single leg RDL better? Well here’s our little tip for today.

Start off with doing SLRDL supported by holding a bar or rig. This will take out the balance factor and allow you to focus on the strength to get some posterior chain conditioning done and give you something to work with.

Couple of tips:
Hold the bar mid way down so you don’t skew your body when you drop into the movement
Slide your hand when you get better to give you less “holding on” and thus a transition into not holding as in a traditional SLRDL.

If this gives you better motor programming and knee control in the movement, then move towards a normal SLRDL, then add lateral bands and BOSU to challenge the stability component.

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Great stuff as always Tim. Stay safe mate!
