Pilates for runners - FOAM ROLLING FOR RUNNERS 10 minute session [ Post run mobility session #5 ]

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Foam rolling - every Runners best friend/and most dreaded activity...
GOOD news is, you don't have to do it for hours to gain benefits! Just a few mins on each muscle group can make a huge difference in recovery. Once you've done this session a few times it gets easier. Trust me.
This is a full lower limb sequence in under 10mins. Try it after a run and let me know how you pull up!
Feel free to jump over to my website or instagram to shoot me a message if you have any questions or to let me know how your performance changes.
I upload a new core session every Tuesday, post-run strength session every Thursday and post-run mobility sessions every Sunday, subscribe and hit the bell to be notified as soon as they are up.
Foam rolling - every Runners best friend/and most dreaded activity...
GOOD news is, you don't have to do it for hours to gain benefits! Just a few mins on each muscle group can make a huge difference in recovery. Once you've done this session a few times it gets easier. Trust me.
This is a full lower limb sequence in under 10mins. Try it after a run and let me know how you pull up!
Feel free to jump over to my website or instagram to shoot me a message if you have any questions or to let me know how your performance changes.
I upload a new core session every Tuesday, post-run strength session every Thursday and post-run mobility sessions every Sunday, subscribe and hit the bell to be notified as soon as they are up.
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