#28 Quick Tip: Blister Lubricants + Blister Dressings

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Here’s why combining the two doesn’t work - a lubricant and an adhesive product.
- Hey it's Rebecca here with this week's 60 Second Blister Tip. Today, it's about lubricants and using a lubricant when you also need to use something adhesive like tape or a dressing.
Now if you've put a lubricant on your foot, let's say Vaseline, and it hasn't been effective in preventing a blister, you've got a blister now and you need to put a dressing on it.
Do you think something like this is going to stick?
Unfortunately, it's not going to because the lubricant is going to mean that this adhesive, as strong as this Fixomull type stuff is, it's just not going to stick very well.
So you need to really make sure you get all of that lubricant off as much as you possibly can so you've got any chance of something like this staying on for any length of time.
- Hey it's Rebecca here with this week's 60 Second Blister Tip. Today, it's about lubricants and using a lubricant when you also need to use something adhesive like tape or a dressing.
Now if you've put a lubricant on your foot, let's say Vaseline, and it hasn't been effective in preventing a blister, you've got a blister now and you need to put a dressing on it.
Do you think something like this is going to stick?
Unfortunately, it's not going to because the lubricant is going to mean that this adhesive, as strong as this Fixomull type stuff is, it's just not going to stick very well.
So you need to really make sure you get all of that lubricant off as much as you possibly can so you've got any chance of something like this staying on for any length of time.