Can You Actually Influence Senior Leadership?

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The short answer is "no."
However, we can all be the leaders we wish we had to build the momentum that in turn improves organizational culture.

Video from Brandeis University, February 2023
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Simon is an unshakable optimist. He believes in a bright future and our ability to build it together.

Described as “a visionary thinker with a rare intellect,” Simon has devoted his professional life to help advance a vision of the world that does not yet exist; a world in which the vast majority of people wake up every single morning inspired, feel safe wherever they are and end the day fulfilled by the work that they do.

Simon is the author of multiple best-selling books including Start With Why, Leaders Eat Last, Together is Better, and The Infinite Game.

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Simon’s books:

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A couple of very bad Leaderships inspired me to search it further. Now I have a Master in EQ in Transformational Leadership and a Certificate in Executive Corporate Coaching and ready to change my carrier path. I truly appreciate all my bad experiences and Simon who has also truly inspired me on that.🙏🏻


"Be the Leader we wish I had" - Powerful! Influence the people around us to shift balance of power.


A poor quality leader is a great teaching experience. It gives you the example(s) of what not to do, if you get the opportunity to rise towards leadership.


I’m the only person on the leadership team that understands this concept. I just resigned much to the dismay of my team and some on other teams. I won’t get pushed against or beat down day after day for profits. I’m not going to hope that some day upper management will have an ah-ha moment. The mangers above me need to look in the mirror. I know there will be a big void when I leave. If that makes them think a little and maybe make a change, then my job there is complete.


I agree with what is presented. This mindset and attitude works and definitely will lift up those around you. You cannot go in thinking you will get rewarded or deserve to be rewarded or promoted; chances are (as it was noted) you and your area may not get noticed because things are running smooth.


Very apt and true don't try to change the world change the way u look at a particular situation


I cannot even begin to explain how perfect the timing of this video was 😂


Described what I did at a company I worker for. Over a decade of effort and team building, had the most successful department, exceeding goals and reducing budget year over year. Had some of the best people working in that department. The rest of the company went downhill due to the other abysmally poor management. In the end the empty shell was sold off to a firm from China. For every success story, there are 100 failures. The lower you are in the structure of management the less impact you will have... always. Unless the top people are making good decisions, your positive impact will be cancelled out 10 fold. Prepare yourselves for that disheartening reality.


This must be the most powerful message I’ve heard from you and other influential leadership gurus lately (and believe me I listen to many of them). I will share this with my colleagues and coworkers first thing on Monday. 👏👍


Simon Sinek youre an incredible thought leader in leadership and influence! I'm currently attending a recent retreat with the insightful Lisa Haisha, a respected life coach. she recommended watching this video of you and I couldn't agree more. your perspective is not only enlightening but also actionable, you're one of my all-time favorites.


Happy 50th on Monday Simon! Have fun.


This is exactly what I needed to hear today.


Pertinent points 👉 Learning of Life Long Learners


Happiest of birthdays to you Simon lots of love 🎉❤


Thank you so much for this video, is a great tool


When you have an informal team that is performing well, one of two things will happen. First, positional managers will attempt to steal your success and claim it as their own. If that is unsuccessful, they will then attempt to throw shit on you and point out to other positional managers how you went rogue and didn't follow established processes and how you need to be brought under management control. I've been there. I have the scars - lots of them. The only consolation I have is that young staff come to me and want to work with me on the things I am working on because they feel there is a chance to make a difference.


Yes, this applies to almost anything that needs to change.

We can't make people see certain things by beating them over the head with that thing. It's facinating how many think that'll work. We see it online all the time. The yelling, cancel culture and polarization. Trying to force someone to convert to anything never results in an authentic conversion, if there's one at all.

It's not just young people who struggle with I want it now though. Humans are by nature, impatient. Especially when they're not getting their way.

I could tell you stories of people years older then I was twenty years ago who were already impatient with me by the time I was twenty-five. I wasn't doing things that pleased them or on their timeline, and they were in their 40's, 50s and 60's.

Hopefully more of us then not do learn patience as we age, but sadly it's not always the case.

I'm transitioning into the field of anti-human-trafficking and that can be frustrating. A lot of people can look the other way, either having a NIMBY mentality, or they think it's just a conspiracy theory. They think everyone on their sexy websites always wants to be there on their own free will. That there's never someone just off camera literally forcing them to be there -- but that happens all the time.

But can I make people see that that don't want to? No. And it can be pretty frustrating.

My hope is, eventually the tail will wag the dog. That enough of us will finally break through and make headway en masse.

It's starting to happen but it's because we're staying in our own lane and letting the people that are interested come to us. We're not out there yelling and trying to convert people that don't want to hear it or are not ready to except what they're consuming may be exploitation.

I'd say about 80% of my followers on instagram will ignore me or look the other way when I post about human trafficking. I don't concentrate on them, I concentrate on the 20% that message me and ask me more. If I get hung up on the 80% ignoring me I get bitter, angry and resentful. And I can't let myself. There's too much work to do in this area. I am not responsible for everyone believing this is really happening, I have to remind myself of this.

The only one who can make them have a come to Jesus moment is Jesus himself.


I just send this video a bunch of colleagues 👍


Hi Simon. I don't hear you properly. Such an important thing for which I was waiting for an insight and your audio stumped.


SMH! 😆 this is so funny but so true! I love the part where he says (they) will eventually have there coming to Jesus moment!
