The Power of Visualization: Change Your Story, Change Your Life - Kevin Ward @

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The Power of Visualization is one of the most powerful ways to to give yourself a stronger mindset and to improve your results. Affirmations and declarations can be very helpful, yet visualizing yourself as if you've already achieved something or done something adds much more power.

If you want to change your life, change your story. If you want to get better results in your life, it starts with your beliefs and expectations about what is possible for you. We all create our "story" about ourselves and then we live into that story. As an example, a "drama queen" is someone who always makes their "story" more dramatic than it really is and then they literally create that reality through their story.

Simply re-write your mental "story" to the outcome you want and visualize yourself living into that story. Real estate agents, in fact almost all people, underestimate the power their inner game has over their success. Thinking better thoughts will always create better results.

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Visualization is one of the major things you find in common in the most successful people alive in the world, alive and dead. This is a powerful observation! It really works, too. There was a study done on champion runners where they monitored brain activity as each runner visualized the race. They visualized the practice it would take to prepare, the race itself, and crossing the finish line in first place. They later monitored their brains as they actually ran the race, and amazingly, found that the same brain regions were stimulated, and to nearly the same extent. Once you've done it in your mind and you really believe it, you can do it in reality. Thanks, Kevin.


Amazing video post Kevin! You are the best.


There's people who'd say to me..."You're just a dreamer"... I'm still dreaming and for most of it, my dreams do become reality. Will power is a very strong thing too. Finally, determination is a very good quality, together with persistence.


Kevin,  I am with Kanita was thinking the very same thing as I listened to you.  You have the gift of encouragement with humility.


Awesome yet simply explained..Thanks Kevin..i am also experiencing the same what your friend experienced. I will practise visualization exercise and hopefully will see some good results..


Brilliance in Real Estate Training is so rare and needed.  I love the advise and the videos, thank you so much for all your help in these matters.  From me and from the Agents that do not comment.  Always expect YES.  YIPPEE


this is great thanks..been watching all your videos since i will be taking the exam in July..hope to work for kw when i get my license...thanks again for all the videos!


Ok Kevin I see something different! As always I watch all ur videos for my real estate career... However, yes, I do take in all ur wisdom.... But I also take on INSPIRATION! I think ur heading in a new direction here darling! Not only do you give the help in real estate but also help with one's inner core... The confidence... The self worth... The hope! I don't know.. U may have another calling here... Just saying. I'm watching how u transition. Thanks again YouTube friend
