What to know before you get chickens.

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Here's what to know before you get chickens to keep them happy and productive.
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I Always Say If You Have 10. You Might As Well Have A 💯 4 Roosters 1 For Every 25 Hens. It Is Nice To See People Keeping Chickens In Cities. But Farm Life Is Meant For The Country. That Way You Can Have As Many Chickens Or Have A Rooster. I Like The Sound Of Roosters Crowing, It's A Sign Of Simpler Times. Fresh Air Fresh Home Raised Home Cooked Food. ❤ ☺


Had chickens most of my life.
Always had a rooster too, it keeps them happy.
Never had an under dog chicken, why not sure but I keep their enclosure busy with things for them to do. And renew every year.
They have all our scraps.
Silkies make very good mums. But can be obsessed!
Never use heat lamps.
Never put clothes on them.
Unless you live somewhere that gets to min 10 c they will be fine, if dry.
We live in Nederland, when it’s 5 c or below then I always feed in the evening. This keeps them warm.
If you intend to eat them do not name them!❤❤❤


I have 10. Two of each colour. They sit in pairs, so 2 whites 2 reds etc odd ladies. They have nesting boxes but the. All of a sudden they will lay them in an odd place. Then go back to the box. I think they just like to see me looking foolish looking for the eggs. Sweetest things ever. Best thing I ever did they even know their names and expect lots of cuddles


The number one thing you need to know is, are you allowed to have chickens where you live?
The second thing you need to know is, how many are you allowed to have, and are you allowed a rooster?
The third thing that you need to know, if you're allowed, do you need a permit and, if so, how do you get it?
The forth thing to know is, what do you want them for? You don't want to buy a meat bird if you want eggs.
The fifth thing to know, what animals do you have to worry about eating your birds, and how can you keep them safe?
Once you've figured that out, then you're ready to look at other things.


The city I live in Florida we are allowed a max of 10 hens and 0 roosters. And each hen has to be given 100sq ft of yard space, so you would need 1000sq ft for 10 hens. I looked into it the first time egg shortages happened, but never did get any chicks. Really regretting it now with egg prices way higher than before...


Why are odd numbers needed due to the pecking order? Like, if there’s 4 chickens, why is that different from 3? Genuinely asking, this is really interesting and I’d like to know more!


I wish I can get 3 but everywhere I look they want a 6 number limit


I hate roosters. They make life miserable.


I love chickens, that is why i DO NOT eat them or their periods 😊
