Why the Top Students Never Wake Up Early to Study

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I used to think that sleeping was the most unproductive thing you could do. While others were sleeping, I was "getting ahead" and I thought that I could just sleep when I'm dead. As a student, I would stay up late into the night, and I would often wake up super early at like 5am to get ahead on my work. Little did I know that this was harmful to my learning and actually less productive...

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- Mike and Matty
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Why the top students never wake up early to study
Me: because they never slept


I sometimes sleep too much that my brain resets to factory settings erasing all data.


As a Med student, I always make sure to stop studying at 10 pm. No matter how much I studied. If I studied less than desired, then it's my fault for not studying early. I would then learn my lesson and study earlier, helping me become more disciplined. I also make sure to at least just watch and understand the lectures rather than read and memorize if I don't have any energy to study. Small progress is still progress.


I have never stayed up all night to study. The thing is, my mother wouldn't let me stay up because she always repeated to me that sleeping helps to accommodate things, just like you explained. And I can completely agree because there were times when I didn't fully understand one topic but I didn't care, just went to sleep. In the morning, it was amazing how I understood everything and all the topics were much clearer. Sleeping is really really important and your explanation says it all.


I was almost always a top student during high school and university. Getting the highest mark was a normal thing but I never compromised my sleep, not even for exams. I don't remember studying past 12 or waking up before 6 to study. I'd say study less focus more.


"sleep is the most productive thing you do all day"
People in comas: I see no God up here, other than ME


I think I am naturally just a night owl. My brain and productivity just seems to kick in later in the evening. So I like studying/working late then sleeping in. It’s so annoying for people like us though because majority of the world including my boss want me to be a morning person 😭. Then I don’t end up getting much sleep.


I got top scores consistently when studying and working right after waking up. Never studied at night during college. Always slept early the few nights before major assignment deadlines/tests. Felt like I was going through college on easy mode.


This was actually a key part of my imposter syndrome for so many years. Doing better in class than my friends who studied deep into the night made me feel like a fraud, so thanks for making this video!


This video made the most sense to me out of all other videos i ever watched about sleep ... you talked about everything and connected all the dots .. i used to stay up late at night but from now on im gonna make a sleep routine


During my first two years of college I woke up at 5:30 am everyday and usually got 7-8 hours a night. I cannot explain to you how Fantastic I felt. Studied hard and hit the gym. Went from a C/B student to a A student.


I was a top student. Had more to do with me staying up till 2-3am, and waking up at 11-12pm. It's easier to study in the night time when it's quiet and very little to distract you imo


Just go to sleep when you’re tired. Wake up when you’re no longer tired. Really, that’s all it is


Agreed. Currently doing a PhD, and I've just been allowing myself to sleep in a bit lately. I'm tired of forcing myself to wake up early and then have a horribly unproductive day. I'd rather get to the office/lab an hour or two late and have good quality work, and then stay a little later.

You don't need to wake up at 5am to be successful, find what works for you.


I've literally noticed this effect. Sometimes at night when I'm actively recalling before bed, I not ie the stuff I revised during that day literally feels clearer and easier to retrieve as soon as I wake up. It's really strange when you notice it but so cool and important


Well that’s false. Instead of late night cramming when my brain doesn’t think right I prefer going to bed early (with the help of melatonin) and waking up at 5-6 am. That way I can get a good amount of caffeine and be my most productive and creative (my brain is on its peak capacity in the morning before 12:00 pm)


"Keep your bedroom cool" - Climate change with 30C nights wants to say hello


Getting top scores in my classes right now, and I have got to say that I have followed 1 rule - always do the homework. Lots of times, homework can help you learn more and give you a margin in your total grade. For example, you can do well in homework and do average (like a B), and you can still get an A in the class. It is something that I see my classmates mess up constantly.


I don't comment on videos very often but you guys are AMAZING! I am constantly trying to become more productive and efficient, oftentimes forgetting my health along the way. Thank you for providing the facts and empirical evidence as well as the emotional explanation that is almost always relatable. Keep up the great work.


My study strategy is to sleep early and wake up at 5:00-6:00 am, then study till 10:00 am.
Our adrenal glands starts to release at 4 am and peak at 10 am..
That’s why I can study less and learn more between those hours..
And when I learnt the diurnal variation of cortisol rhythm in 2nd year medical school, I was like now I knew the reason haha.
After 10 am tho, I took a 30 min nap.. and never study again unless there’s like an exam coming up.. Still, I always go to bed around 8 pm tho.. I felt like my brain starts to resist learning after 6 pm and cannot handle anything after 8 pm....
The icing on the cake of studying in the morning especially on an exam day is that active recalling works better in the morning due to the long-term potentiation and memory consolidation that your brain is exposed to during Step 1 of NREM and REM respectively. Not to mention your anxiety level and muscle tone is reduced too..
PS: I was the top student both in first and second year of med school.. And also wishing I could be one in my third year too..
