5 things to know before going to the VIRGIN ISLANDS (St Thomas & St John)

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St Thomas or St John, which is the better island in the USVI? In this U.S. Virgin Islands tour, we're comparing 5 things we loved about our visit to both islands with the goal of hopefully helping you decide where you should spend most of your time on your vacation.

#stthomasvirginislands #stjohnvirginislands #usvi #virginislands #usvirginislands

✅ Watch where to stay & eat on ST JOHN:

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== A B O U T U S ==
Hey! We're Tony and Sara, The Detour Duo. We are a traveling couple who have a passion for exploring new places and cultures. We're documenting our journey through popular travel destinations, including the sights, culture, and local experiences we encounter along the way!

We believe that travel is one of the most rewarding and enriching experiences anyone can have, and we hope to inspire others to get out there and explore the world for themselves.

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So. . . St Thomas or St John. Which island do you prefer?


This is such a well put together video, thank you for sharing!


As a Virgin Islander that grew up in St. Thomas I must say you are spot on with your comparison of SST & STJ . GREAT VIDEO.


I love your video and can’t wait to see more.


St.Thomas is more party like and St.John seems more chill(that's just my preference) also I suggest buying your own food unless ur really rich..the food cost alot and its cheaper just to cook ur own food..


thank you guys! looks lovely, I can't wait to go in a few weeks! ❤


I live in st.thomas and I’m from there and I go st.john every weekend


Great video. We'll be those cruise people for a day in July. 😂.. Great production on the videos. I've been told to point people to another video at the end in order to keep people watching the channel! Keep it up, you guys will continue to grow with quality videos like this. More travel 😊


Thanks for giving us great ideas for vacations.


The editing and the footage looks soo nice!!


St John is my Go to for sure. after 20 +

years visiting both, I have to say St John is my first choice! Though
for the first time in over 20 years going on a fishing trip that led me back to St john I must say the people at the Swashbuckling Tours were extremely welcoming and make me want to visit and maybe Stay on St Thomas again the next time. Love the vibes and the people on that side of St Thomas!


Did both STT and STJ in 2022 for the first time. Both islands are great! Loved the dining choices in Charlotte Amalie. French Quarter Bistro was my favorite in Frenchtown…highly recommend it! Did Cinnamon Bay on STJ for a day…really secluded.


Wow great video I can’t believe they packed so much into 8mins! Bravo


I just got home from a vacation in St Thomas. If we ever go to the Caribbean again, we will definitely stay on St John instead! The beaches are much much prettier and it is overall a cleaner/prettier island


Excellent video and great comparison! See you later! St. John, VI is never boring! Summer is even nicer!!!


Just want to say, I truly enjoyed your video! I’m traveling to the US VI next Sunday for a work week. I am a recruiter for doctors to help take care of United States veterans that are disabled. But I just want to say you have a great guy for video and both of you are doing a van tastic job I don’t know how long your channel has been on but it is primo professional! Keep it up I see you hitting 100, 000 subscribers by the end of the year! You’ve got a new one in me for sure! :-)


Cool video!!!! thank you for the information, looks like an amazing place.


Great Video. Been to St Thomas twice but have yet to get to St. John. I really want to do it next time we go. Love all the special effects too.


Really enjoyed this video, looking to travel to both soon with two 15 year olds in tow.. so i think Saint john to stay and enjoy nature and st thomas to see more of the sightseeing is a good plan. Great job with this video! ❤


Hi guys we went there back in 2004 and still look beautiful as i remember then also boss thank you for the info on the phantom lut i started to use them and doing the s log 3 gumut3 icy blue and wow i noticed the difference already my next on is the jamaica lut thank again and beautiful and well put together i may have to take more note from you sir!✊🏽🙌🏼🙏🏼
