No Remarriage After Divorce (S01E11)

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Examine how the seventh commandment is broken by those who remarry after they have been divorced.
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Thank you for this message. I am going through a divorce because my beautiful wife of 32 years left me for another weasel/man and I have looked over and over for a loophole to remarry. I found nothing and believe the church is flooded with adulterous remarriage. Muchas gracias


I found this out to be true by experience. I was cursed to leave my wife and remarry another. I lost my family, lost my children, lost my ministry, lost my job. Now 11 years later, God drove out my second spouse and 8 years later brought my first wife and 2 additional sons back into my life. I have learned to listen to God's Spirit to the "T" from this point on.


My wife divorced me. She is believing but has not given her life to Christ and become a new creation. I am committed to walking in celibacy, I can't date or take on a different spouse. While I wish I was married and had a wife that was born again and loved me, but I will take on this responsibility and enjoy my bride relationship with my spouse Jesus. It has brought me closer to God since he has more than made up with love and growth in my relationship with my Abba father. I only hope Jesus has a plan for me to walk in greater boldness since I no longer have to answer to my spouse. I no longer have to worry about her or her needs.


When two become one flesh in marriage, it can only be broken through death. If you remarry you are not married in God's eyes but you are an adulterer. Romans 6:1-2, "What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin, that grace may abound? 2v. God forbid. How shall we, that are dead to sin, live any longer therein?"

In order for you not to commit adultery, you must divorce your current spouse and remain single until your original spouse dies. I was married for 20 years and my ex-wife committed adultery on me. We went to counseling but she wouldn't do her share of the work to keep our marriage together. I have been divorced for over 6 years. She remarried 2 years ago. I started trying to date after 3 years of being divorced and wonder why relationships never would work out. Now I know. The Lord was trying to save my soul from going to hell because an Adulterer can not inherit the Kingdom of God. I have prayed for the "Gift" that the Apostle Paul said that he was given by God to remain unmarried. Believe me, it is a gift that can only come from God. Blessings


Once married, always married until death do us part, without exception. This applies to all human beings.


at the 16 Minute mark you fully undid everything you just said, for 15 minutes. John the Baptist called for the King to divorce his brothers wife, Paul said do not even associate with the man who married his fathers wife. Scripture calls for the end of adultery marriage, and end the relationship. What you are saying, is continue in the adultery, this is contrary to what scripture teaches.


Wait a minute. When a person becomes aware of the sin, should they not repent of it and STOP it a.s.a.p.? Seems to me a remarriage after divorce, while previous spouse is still alive, must be annulled or voided so as to put an end to the continuous adultery.


The lack of the cultural and historical context in the understanding of Mosaic / Talmudic / New Testament teachings concerning marriage, the divorce certificate, adultery, and remarriage is why sophomoric teachings like this fall flat. Most people don't realize that there were two Jewish schools of thought on this subject when Jesus was physically on Earth. One school saying a man can divorce his wife for any reason and the second saying the only reason was due to sexual immorality or "adultery". The point of contention being the issuance of a "certificate of divorce" by the first husband which allowed the woman to legally remarry. If the second husband divorced her or died she could not remarry the first husband. Jewish law. Jewish tradition.
Since most western Christians have little to no contextual understanding of the bible and simply believe the bible was "written to them", their time, their cultural viewpoint (American), their understanding of scripture is imprecise. Not understanding that the bible is a Jewish book about a Jewish messiah, coming to the Jewish people, the people of and under the law. The majority of what Christ taught was directed at the people who would ultimately reject him. Christ fulfilled the requirements of the law. Completely. You either believe this or you don't.
For the Church marriage is a union reflective of the relationship between Christ and the Church in the context of the Church age. It is a union meant for procreation and a way of escaping sexual immorality. It is meant for life because we are to flee all sin for life. It is however not perfect because we aren't perfect. Religious dogmatism does not equal personal holiness. Judgement without mercy is also condemned. James 2:13.
Do you lie? Do you repeatedly lie? Will you go to hell for repeatedly lying? Do you steal? Do you repeatedly steal? Will you go to hell as a Christian for stealing? Do watch pornography? Do you repeatedly watch pornography? Will you go to hell as a Christian for repeatedly watching pornography?

The last time I checked there's only one unforgivable sin and it's not "remarriage". Who really has the hard hearts law givers?


This was music to my ears until the very end. You really have a way with words and you were really explaining it very thoroughly and very nicely until the end. How did you get such a deep revelation on marriage but you don't understand that a remarriage is adultery? At what point does the person cheating turn that relationship into a holy marriage blessed by God just because they said a vow? Running up to the altar while committing adultery doesn't qualify you for marriage, it just confirms your ignorance of God's word. All they did was make a vow to keep committing adultery. You cannot state that divorce is wrong and then turn around and say but if you're remarried you're good. I don't know if you're a real Pastor. You sound like you're trying to confuse the flock and keep people on the road to hell in my opinion.


You need to leave the second person you married and remain single. Repentance is not continuing in adultry which leads to hell.


I agreed with you about everything until the very end when you said that the remarried spouse's should stay together because I for one believe that God does not want divorce and remarriage so if I'm praying for my husband to come back to me the second marriage is not a legal marriage so I'm praying that God will help my husband to repent come back to God and come back to me. ? ...see?


i am divorce but i will never re marry i did not want to commit adultry i want to follow the lord commandment


*At **15:19** He said Jesus calls ALL remarriages adultery. But then he contradicts himself and said at **15:45** concerning people that are already remarried, if they done so in ignorance, or if the scripture was not explained to you, no that God does not consider you to be in adultery. You are not required to return to your first spouse, and in fact should not according to instruction of scripture....*

*I totally disagree with that because the only thing that end a marriage is death, and if your first spouse is alive, Paul said if you be married to another you are committing adultery, and that goes for whether you knew it or not, and he was correct when he said Jesus calls ALL remarriages adultery, ALL remarriages would include if you remarried before you heard the truth, it's still adultery and one must get out of that adulterous second marriage or they are still in sin, *

*Be not deceived no adulterers can inherit the Kingdom of God*


Agree with general consensus below. There is no ground for remarriage unless the covenant is broken on death. Doctrines of devils creeped in towards the end. You also negated to touch on the importance of repentance throughout. Seek Jesus for clarity brother. We do not serve a God of confusion. God bless.


I couldn't help but notice that near the end of this teaching, when the everlasting "grace" of MAN took over, the use of scripture abruptly ceased. What a sad ending to an otherwise sound and accurate teaching.


Where are the biblical grounds that says one should stay in the second marriage? So then are you saying God will change his law because of ignorance?


All good up until the advice on second (3rd, 4th, etc. marriage), once it is revealed to a man, woman or couple that they are in a state of adultery because of divorce and remarriage, they must repent, they must uncouple. Repentance without restitution makes a mockery of the whole concept of repentance. Try preaching that in today's churches!
It is always possible the original (covenant) marriage can be restored (I've seen it happen and it is awesome to behold), if not God will give grace to enable a single and Holy life. Once your eyes are open to this truth, God requires decision and action!


If fornication only refers to pre-marital relations, could you please explain to me why the word is used to describe the sin of the Corinthian who was having his father’s wife. Thanks


you talk 99% the truth but at the end the one 1% you lie which affects the 99% true. you can't remain in a remarried unions that God call adultery. how can God bless a remarried that he call adultery even you dont know the scripture before ???? you're a preach that bring people's to hell instead of the kingdom of heaven. God grace doesn't cover sin otherwise i remain in my sin and have the hope to go heaven. we have the grace of God when we have sin and we need to ask God for forgiveness and repent and turn away from that sin.


He ruined it at the end by compromising. How can he says that?! Stay in your remarriage. The Lord will see you through, you should be separated but also provide for your children from that adulterous remarriage of course. You are in ignorance no longer even if you were in the first place. Yes, it's hard teaching and the disciples said that was it not better therefore not to get married. So sad to let it down at the end, if he's a pastor maybe he is afraid half his church will
