8 Are all second marriages after divorce adultery?

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Dr. Joseph Webb series on divorce and remarriage in the church.
Pastor Joseph Webb went to be with the Lord Jesus on January 5, 2022.
We're going to miss him, but, we will see him again one day, for Jesus is the resurrection and the life!
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I praise God for this man voicing the truth!! There is not enough of this truth being taught!!!


I have a Christian friend, male, who has been divorced and remarried 3 times. I pray for his soul.


1 Corinthians 7:15 was not mentioned. Christians need to understand that if they’re married to an unbeliever and that spouse wants to separate Paul says they should because God calls us to peace. That doesn’t mean the Christian should go and marry someone else. There’s always a chance for the spouses to reconcile after separation.


I agree with your teachings, divorce is the result of sin and selfishness. Only death releases you from the promise you made to God but if people would focus more on who God is and the meaning of unconditional love there would be no divorce. God loves his children as we love ours. Would you give up on your child because they fall away from what is right or would you continue to love them and hope that they become better. Its the same love you should have for your spouse no matter what they do I am going to love them anyway and hope that they become better. If you are being abused leave but continue to honor your vow and pray that God saves your spouse. In order for God to work things out sometimes you have to move out the way to let him. How can you learn or understand unconditional love if your being rewarded for your efforts? How can you learn to forgive if there is nothing to forgive? How can you honor and worship God while trying to honor and worship yourself? You can't serve two masters. As a believer you will do your best to honor God in everything not just in things that make you feel good. The Bible is full of events where people had bad days and bad years look at Job. He was miserable but he remained Holy and was reward for it. How do you where you are isn't where you suppose to be for a greater purpose than yourself? God bless you all who read this.


What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder. Mark 10:9


The hard, yet simple truth. Thank you.


Scripture clearly teaches anyone who divorces and remarries while their covenant spouse is still living (with the exception of fornication) is an adulterer or adulteress (Matthew 5:31-32; Matthew 19:3-9; Mark 10:2-12; Luke 16:18; Romans 7:2-3; 1 Corinthians 7:10-15; 1 Corinthians 7:39).

Additionally, scripture clearly teaches in order to receive God's mercy one must repent or they won't inherit the kingdom of Heaven (1 Corinthians 6:9-10; Luke 13:3).

God saves anyone who genuinely repents. Repentance has two elements: Confessing AND forsaking our sins.

Proverbs 28:13, says: "He who covers his sins will not prosper, but whoever confesses AND forsakes them will have mercy."

Remaining in an adulterous remarriage is not repentance.

The liar has to repent and stop lying; the thief has to repent and stop stealing; the homosexuals have to repent and stop committing homosexual acts; and the adulterers and adulteresses (including those in adulterous remarriages) must repent and stop committing adultery.

Sharing the scriptural truth about divorce and remarriage infuriates people who are supposed to be followers of Christ. Jesus's words regarding this issue anger his alleged followers like no other topic. Perhaps, it's time to obey Jesus Christ, and to begin believing He means what He says.

Most importantly, ALL sins are unforgivable without repentance...including remaining in adulterous remarriages. According to the clear, easy to understand words of scripture: Jesus most definitely sends unrepentant adulterers and adulteresses to the lake of fire.


I am reminded of the story of the man who killed his wife "because divorce is wrong".


The only possible reason for divorce is, while being "espoused" as Joseph and Mary were. Joseph was going to give her a bill of divorcement, for she was found to be with child. In Jewish culture they were acknowledged to be married at the point of betrothal, not at the point of the marriage ceremony. While the husband was preparing a place for his wife, if she was found to be unfaithful that was the only time a man could divorce his wife, before they came together.
After the marriage ceremony, and after they came together, they became one flesh and could not be separated until death.
No divorce once the marriage proper had taken place, period.


As Tim Green has well pointed out:
"Some over look Mark 10:10 -12 "10 And in the house his disciples asked him again of the same matter. 11 And he saith unto them, Whosoever shall put away his wife, and marry another, committeth adultery against her 12 And if a woman shall put away her husband, and be married to another, she committeth adultery."
He spoke one way to Pharisees because they were tempting but he spoke plainly to the disciples as they were trying to understand."

Indeed, and St. Paul warns that all such people cannot enter the kingdom of God.

"Know ye not that the unrighteous **shall not**inherit the kingdom of God? **Be not deceived**: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with men, 10 nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God."
1 Cor 6:9-10 (ASV)


As long as your husband or wife. Live you can’t remarry


I have an urgent question. My ex fiancé and I prayed in our room alone and ask to have God’s blessing in a ‘marriage’. Is that considered a marriage in God’s eyes? Now I don’t know if I should just stay single as we are no longer together and never went through with an actual marriage. Please help


I have a practical question for Dr. Webb or anyone who is scholarly spiritual. I married my wife for 19years but I was her 2 nd husband but it was my only marriage. We are divorced now.. but since I married a divorced woman in violation to Luke 16, does that mean while she is only free to remarry her first husband (who became a christian) and I'm free to marry any Christian who hasn't married before?
Or do I need become a eunuch for the kingdom of God


So if a man's wife cheats on him and he divorces her and married another woman, is he committing adultery, because his first wife is still Or is a Christian man or woman allowed to get remarried on the grounds of adultery even if their ex is still alive??


Then how is pastor Kenneth Hagee a pastor? He left his first wife.


Is everyone not an adulterer? If you look upon another woman/man with lust, haven't you committed adultery in your heart? Is there Anyone not guilty?


I think only God can judge because not all cases are the same .My case married nearly thirty years with an irresponsible man, I worked hard grow up kids I was unvalued and unloved, I still ask God why, why?


the last verse was wrong. it's John 12:48. looks like a typo.


How do we share this without YT Not saying it's copyright thing


Is Luke missing, "Saving for the cause of fornication?" In this day, and age if you divorce for any other cause other than betrayal, as soon as you sleep with another, this is when you commit adultery. You dont have to remarry to commit adultery. It happens after the divorce, and as soon as you meet someone and lay with them. All 2nd marriages are not adultery.
Example: A Woman divorces her husband for touching another womans breasts, she divorces him for fornicating, betrayal. She then remarries another man that has never been married. Where is the adultery? The woman was betrayed, then married a man never married.
