Why Can’t The Unforgivable Sin Be Forgiven?

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What does the Bible mean by the unforgivable sin? Here is my short answer.
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WHOEVER BELIEVES IN THE SON, HAS ETERNAL LIFE. But whoever rejects the Son, will not see life, for God's wrath REMAINS on him (John 3:36). I agree with Frank. Since the only means by which all our sins can be forgiven, is through Jesus Christ, the unforgivable sin (as far as I can tell) must have to do with rejecting Christ!


Rebellion against the spirit means unrepentance since the Spirit is who convicts us. So that leads to rejection of salvation through Jesus Christ and such people are bound for eternal damnation


HERE'S THE DEAL with the unforgivable sin - A Christian is incapable of committing this sin. It's like saying I'm a married bachelor. It's a walking contradicton. If a vegetarian eats a steak, by definiton she's NOT a vegetarian. Here is the EXACT scripture behind blasphemy of the holy spirit from Mark.

3:22-23 And the scribes which came down from Jerusalem said, He(Jesus) hath Beelzebub, and by the prince of the devils casteth he out devils. And he called them unto him, and said unto them in parables, How can Satan cast out Satan?

3:29-30 But he that shall blaspheme against the Holy Ghost hath never forgiveness, but is in danger of eternal damnation: Because they said, He hath an unclean spirit.

To commit this sin you literally have to believe that the Holy Spirit within Jesus IS the spirit of SATAN. "Because they said He has an unclean spirit". That's it!!

You can't think Jesus is Lord AND he's also satan. It's either one or the other, or neither! But you cant have both. THIS IS A SQUARE CIRCLE!

You can blaspheme God and get saved. Atheists deny his existence, then later become believers, and they're saved.

You can deny Jesus and get saved. Muslims deny the Gospel, then change their mind, accept him and get saved.

You can even deny the existence of the holy spirit and later get saved, you just CAN'T say that the Holy Spirit is SATAN.

We could even make the argument that this sin isn't even possible anymore! From reading the text, we could argue that this specifically must be committed while looking at Jesus, and saying that HE is filled with Satan. That's up for debate.


The unforgivable sin that the religious leaders of Jesus' day were guilty of, was attributing to our Lord's good miracles and works demonic power ie calling good, evil! And evil, good! Putting light for darkness and darkness for light! In a word, dualism as is the norm in today's society! The New King James publisher's Nelson even put the three intertwined sixes on the spine of their modern counterfeit of God's pure, preserved Word in the English language ie The KJV 1611 Bible!


I always asked this question to myself. Spent so much time trying to figure it out. How to explain it. And you literally did it in 30 seconds...


0:50 I love how Frank said "Good." :)


That actually made perfect sense. Thank you


the answer is correct, when Christ said that, they had said that he was healing by the power of satan meaning saying that He was a false Christ and so rejecting him.


The unforgivable sin is when one of God's elect refuses to allow the Holly Spirit to speak through them when they are brought up in front of Satan. This is how the Word reaches the whole world.


Move forward. It’s the only thing you can do. Please believe that there is always hope. Remember the scripture is only Jesus’s opinion.


Well said, Dr. Frank. There is no remission of Sins if you Reject the living God/Spirit/Yeshua all of your life and Die in your sins. Your soul will be lost unable to redeem you. Atheist and non believers are either gambling or just want separations from God for all eternity. It's the worst feeling every completly cutoff forever to anguish in your sins and memories for ever punished alone no one nor God will hear your screams, yells ever. Left in outer darkness in the abyss with no end except nashing of teeth and destruction.


The unforgivable sin is blasphemy of the Holy Spirit. Why God won’t forgive that one I’m not entirely sure, but that’s the one.


I've come to understand that...the "Holy Spirit" is One of the three, in the Trinity of the triune God....

you have God the Father, or the God Head, the One that "always" sits on the throne, the One that sits upon the "circle" of the Earth, the One that's a "consuming fire"...

...then we have, the God in the flesh, the "right arm" of God, the Messiah, He sits at the right hand of God the Father, the Anointed One, to whom was sent and shall return to men...and then....

you have the "Holy Spirit, or [the Heart] of God, so to speak....the part of God that's "like a dove" [Matt I think about it.... doesn't matter what nation, color, or creed, no one likes to be betrayed and our heart is God wasn't play'n when He said "let Us make Man in our sure God meant that in every aspect of man...inward, and out....every human being is three in One...Mind, Body and Soul....Mind being the "God Head"....Body, being the Messiah, the Christ, God in the the Soul...the Heart of Holy


For those who are here and wondering, their is hope while you still breathe.
If you have a hard heart, are you willing to humble yourself in submission to the best of your ability?
If you are, even if it doesnt feel like a lot, you can now ask him to him to help you soften your heart, to repent.
If you have trouble believing, you can ask Jesus to help with your unbelief.
If you have no idea whats going on, goto the one who does, in prayer, alone.
He knows exactly whats going on.
Jesus is calling by His Holy Spirit throughout the world with songs of deliverance, freedom, and salvation.
Salvation is now.
Jesus is a person, alive, contains the power to create life throughout all creation, including within you.
All you need to do is come, bend the knee in full submission, in humility, and open up in prayer.
Dont try to clean yourself up first, he is not looking for anyone to earn his favor.
He already died on the cross out of his love, willing to give us all the choice to trust in his work.
If you believe, even a little, go to Jesus.
Go now.
Dont hesitate, don't fear.
Trust him, for he is trustworthy.


Help! I blasphemied the Holy Spirit! I waited too long to repent. I hardened my heart so much over several months, like the Pharisees and I said nasty things about the Holy Spirit! I feel terrible for what I did 😪 I also mistakenly went to a job group for people with disabilities. My dad wanted me to do this, but I stupidly said yes. I lied and went along with sin there. I should have repented before to avoid all this!


The unforgivable sin implies that if you commit this sin then you cannot be saved after it. The achieves and Pharisees committed this sin by claiming that God’s Holy Spirit that we was using thru Jesus was from Satan. That is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit and that is unforgivable.


I know the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are all one and all God, but to say rejection of Jesus is the unpardonable sin....I can see your point, but why does Jesus put it this way in Matthew 12:31-32, "Therefore I say to you, all kinds of sin and blasphemy will be forgiven men, but the blasphemy against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven men. Whoever speaks a word against the Son of Man will be forgiven. But whoever speaks against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven, neither in this world, nor in the world to come." Here Jesus says that all kinds of sin AND blasphemy will be forgiven, BUT blasphemy against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven. So, some people have a wrong opinion about Jesus, but for the moment, that's okay. When it is not okay is when you clearly see Jesus doing something miraculous and say it is of Satan, because now you are attacking the Holy Spirit. As to the WHY part of this question, my opinion is that when a person commits the "unpardonable sin" it is only unpardonable because that person will never ask for forgiveness of that sin. Because they will not ask for forgiveness they cannot receive forgiveness and their sin goes unpardoned.


I think God is baller enough to forgive the unforgivable

How awesome is that?


In numbers and Hebrews it is talked about the unforgivable sin. Somewhere it is called the blasfemy against the Holy spirit, somewhere else its called, , the sin that leads to death, , . BUT in every place its said that *this* is the ONLY sin that can't be forgiven. Now there can't be multiple only sin. So it's obvious that they talk about the same thing, but with different details and context.
The unforgivable sin is best described as a hardening of the heart so bad, that you just can't be saved.
This concept is best explained in the whole book of numbers.
The people live near the presence of God (pillar of fire), daily manna rain. They just saw the plaques, the manifestation of God's power.
In the book of numbers is repeated adamantly that "the people listened", they listened, they obeyed, and God said " I am pleased with them".
So at first it's sure that they listen and did good. Then the revolts start, and all the horrible events. When they refuse to enter the land, God wants to wipe them out. Moses prays for the people, and God says that he won't wipe them out, but God says that they won't enter in his resting (heaven).
Every time the people sinned, they suffered, repented and went forward for a bit. Now you don't even see a shed of repentance.
Also, before when they sinned, it showed their lack of faith, they complained. But now, they literally said NO to God, they said : we don't believe in you, that you will help us conquer the land. In that moment they hardened their hearts too much to be saved.
So in conclusion : the unforgivable sin, or the blasfemy against the holy spirit, its just a state you end up when God, , basically stands in front of you " and you yell a big NO to him
Note :people of faith, that already believe can do the unforgivable sin.


Frank turek why don't you ever debate a Roman catholic