What is the Unforgivable Sin / Unpardonable Sin? | GotQuestions.org

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What is the unforgivable sin or the unpardonable sin? What is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit? No matter if you just want to learn more about what the bible says about the unforgivable sin, or if you are worried that you somehow committed the unforgivable sin, or the worst sin in the Bible, this is the video for you. Pastor Nelson with Bible Munch goes to the Bible to reveal the truth about the unforgivable sin.

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I have never seen Jesus performing a miracle and I know he is the son of God, Fill of the power of the Holy Spirit


I thank God The Father for this video in Jesus name ❤


Final thoughts:

The unpardonable sin today is the state of continued unbelief. The Spirit currently convicts the unsaved world of sin, righteousness and judgement (John 16:8). To resist that conviction and willfully remain unrepentant is to ‘blaspheme’ the Spirit. There is no pardon either in this age or in the age to come.

-GQM (Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit)


Thank you for the clarification ? I think I'm good.. however far from perfect and have many sins to answer to which for everyone I've committed either knowingly or unintentionally believe me I am Lord I am heartily sorry to the center of my being, please forgive me along with all those who come to you knowing you are there for us.


Move forward. It’s the only thing you can do. Please believe that there is always hope. Remember the scripture is only Jesus’s opinion.


Thank you soo much for this. I have been worried for a long time that I might have done this sin. You cleared this up for me thank you so very much!! God Bless.


Not receiving Jesus is the only unforgivable sin.


Well explained to only those who are true born again christian not unbelievers bec. they can not understand this sound doctrine of God.


From what I researched there are more than one ways to commit this sin . Think of adultery for example it is a separate sin from something like gambling but there are multiple ways it can be committed. Being rebellious towards God by sinning deliberately will make people have a heart hard for God to knock. While I don’t think it’s okay to slander God. There is a verse that mentions if a born-again believer falls away from faith and become a atheist then that person is crucifying Jesus all over again. A born-from the start atheist can always have their thief on the cross moments. It’s all about rejecting Jesus. I thought I committed but what I’m really going through was a mental block. A lot of my memories are lost. From what the Holy Spirit told as long as I don’t deny him I will be okay.


the only unforgivable sin is disbelieving of Christ and what he did for us at the Cross


Well the blasphemy of the spirit really can take place today. I mean you yourself had said that even today the holy spirit is convicting the world of their need for a savior and when they die within an unpardoned state from rejecting Jesus as their savior. That still is the sin against the holy spirit. Joseph Prince puts it like this "To blaspheme the holy spirit is to reject Jesus Christ as your savior whom the holy Spirit testifies." I think what you're thinking of what can't be repeated today is the incarnation version of it. Because Jesus is not here in his mortal body. His spirit is here though. I always listen to his voice and I always see his loving face. But technically what can't be repeated today is the incarnation version of the unpardonable sin


I understand that the only unforgiveable Sin is "blasphemy of the Holy Spirit", this is what Jesus himself said. Jesus said all sins committed on earth can be forgiven.


What a huge relief. I thought I had committed the unforgivable sin of blaspheming the holy spirit and was done with this nonsense. Your mental gymnastics made me worried I wasn't as irredeemable as I hoped. It's so nice to know I can still rely on my continued unbelief to keep me on the right path, and for that I thank you.


I am convinced that I have done it because I deleted a YouTube video that God wanted me to keep up.


My pastor told me to stop sin with the help of holy spirit. after that I did big sin disobey commendment 2  . Afterthat i lost my job, life, health affected. NOW punishment came in my life according to numbers 5:21 my whole body, legs, hands fingers affected even can't do anything with my hands. My carrier also affected Because of hand problem. 

Pastor spoke with me more than 5 times, is this blasphemy of holy spirit? How can i overcome this? Can god forgive my disobedience and sins.


Genuine question from a new Christian. If people in the time of Jesus’ ministry were given an opportunity to witness Him in the flesh, then why would someone not be forgiven because they did not believe without seeing? I guess the better question is, what is the line of unbelief? Is it attacking the faith or seeking to lead His followers astray, or is dying a lukewarm atheist enough to condemn someone?


False Prophets is Blasphemy to the Holy Spirit... How?... 2 Peter 1:21, narrated that the Prophecy that comes from God moves thru the Holy Spirit, therefore the "GIVER" of the Prophecy of God is THRU the Holy Spirit and send to God's Prophets (God's human messengers)...
Deuteronomy 18:20 narrated that "If a Prophet who presumes to speak a word in God's name, which God had not commanded him to speak, or who speaks in the name of another God, that Prophet shall DIE"... "shall DIE" (future tense) means shall no longer be forgiven even if still alive (Unforgivable/Unpardonable Sin of Blasphemy to the Holy Spirit)... Facts and Truth... Amen.


I was worried beacouse i thought i might have blasphemed and i just wanted assurance. So i discussed with my friends what blasphemy is (Attributing the spirits work with the devil) and i made an example of what would need to be said and if i done it. ---So basically saying the blasphemy. Do you think i did the sin? I obviously didnt mean what i said. I feel so helpless and i think i fell for the devils trap.
And in the bible stands:
"Whoever speaks against the holy spirit". I dont know if the context its spoken in is important but i spoke against it. Please help me❤️🙏


So based on your logic, a believer can take the mark of the beast and be forgiven??? I DON'T THINK SO!!!


All wrong. Why the Bible does not immediately make clear what this Unforgivable Sin is the fault of the reader... the mystery becomes clear in the context as to what this sin is all about. In the phrase, "whosoever speaketh against the Holy Ghost..." Mt.12:32, is told us in the same context as to what this sin entails in v.34. This answer's other such Unpardonable Sins such as idol worship, Deu.29:20 context, and falling away from exposure to the Gospel of Jesus Christ as in Heb.6:4-8 and Eph.2:1-3, 1Jn.5:16-21 also, for example. When in 1John God declares, "The whole world lieth in wickedness, " the word "wickedness" means "sexual embrace" with Satanically inspired fleshly commitment, permanently, unless Christ interviews and redeems the sinner. That's why He says in Eph.2:12 what He says. So then, since the Holy Spirit is one and the same Living God as is the Father and the Son, it is correct to conclude the person so blaspheming by words out of his mouth is guilty of all sins he's ever committed and is ripe for Judgment Day being he is non-elect, as in Eph.2:12, speaking out of what fills his heart, See Mt.12:35. Because v.30 in this context of the so called Unpardonable Sin, Christ explains it all..."He who is not with Me is against Me." This is why the dreaded chapter so well avoided by fake preachers preaching to fake Christians is never spoken on. Neither do they ever correctly speak on the Unpardonable Sin because of Isa.8:20 KJV. It must be remembered in order to understand this so called "Unpardonable Sin ( very much incorrectly taught as such by this out of context phrase ) that the Holy Spirit is given to the whole world as *the* Witness of the Gospel, Jn.16:7-14, therefore the Holy Spirit is spoken of as the Person blaspheming is directed against though there is One God indivisible... The Holy Spirit is spoken of by Christ as the Administrator of the Gospel of Jesus Christ so speaking blasphemy against Christ Jesus is aimed directly at him, the Holy Spirit being He convicts us of sin as told us there in Jn.16..
Repent then and believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and you will not be troubled as is the world by wondering if you have committed the Unpardonable Sin, 1Jn.1:7.
