Graham Family Reacts to The Largest Predator In Each State

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Graham Family Reacts to The Largest Predator In Each State

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Black bears and coyotes are found in almost all continental US states. There are wolves as well, but wherever wolves live, black bears also live, and so wolves are not the biggest predator anywhere. Grizzly bears are a type (subspecies) of Brown Bear. The grizzly bear is native to the southern 48, but has been extirpated in most areas, so that they are now only found in limited areas of the northern Rocky Mountain region. Brown bears are also found in Alaska (Kodiak bears) and are a different subspecies to the grizzly, but they are not the largest due to polar bears also inhabiting Alaska. So even though the US also has wolves, Kodiak bears, and jaguars, due to other larger predators living with them they were absent from this video.


A more accurate picture would to list the top 5 largest predators for each state. Since each state has multiple different predators in them.


Brown bears include Grizzleys and Kodiak. Kodiak bears are only in Alaska. Most north western states have wolves and cougars also


I couldn't help but to laugh at Garin & Lea's guessing game of the black bears. The video they reacted to wasn't all that exciting, but this family still made it fun.


We have two jaguars in southern az right now, the most protected animals in america seeing as they were extinction in america. They came up through mexico and making themselves at home and we are happy to see them


Glad you mentioned New York isn't just a city. As a Northern New Yorker, it's frustrating when ppl think that, when in reality the MAJORITY of the state is forests, lakes, rivers, farmlands, and of course mountains. The Adirondack Mountains are absolutely beautiful. And the wildlife is very diverse as well, obviously black bears, but also mountain lions and several sightings of them in the north are melanistic(all black), so they basically look like panthers. We also have wolves, coyotes, foxes, bobcats and lynx, not to mention eagles, hawks, falcons... and that's just the main predators. Don't forget our entire northern border is one of the Great Lakes (Lake Ontario) and also the St. Lawrence River Seaway which are both just stunning. So, if(when) you do finally get to visit the US and you want to see the City, don't forget there is entirely different world of nature and beauty the further north you drive, and it's definitely worth checking out!😉


California is very diverse. It has mountains and large redwood forests as well as beaches, vineyards, vast farm lands and the Mojave desert.


It's not unusual to find bears in our pools and hot tubs. I'm not kidding. They usually scamper off when they get found out. Look for a video with the bear in a tree, police and forest rangers and a big blanket. Great video!


Florida has crocs. 1.25 million alligators, black bears and panthers and the worse predator, the Florida man. Lol. Love your videos! Love from Florida ❤


Up state New York is very rural. It is mostly forested and rolling hills. It's a beautiful state.


Don't be fooled! Our wild animals are not to be petted. Alot of those states have mountain lions, Michigan, has quiet a few.


Hi Graham Family, James from Wyoming.
Here, in addition to our grizzlies, we also have a healthy black bear population. We also have wolves, mountain lions, lynx, bobcat, and a plethora of coyotes!


Illinois also has mountain lions. Which is larger than the coyote.


Everyone forgets there are thousands of square miles of California east of the beaches. The eastern boundary is almost all mountains with a valley in-between.


I live in California's El Dorado National Forest. I've seen alot of wild animals. A few weeks ago I stepped outside my front door and accidentally came within 10 feet of a wild mountain lion. I haven't seen any bear yet, but my neighbors have.


I’m in Nebraska and a few days ago in a town about 80 miles from me there was 3 mountain lions strolling through town. One adult and two cubs


Coyotes and black bears can be found almost everywhere. Alligators live in swampy areas all over the south. Cougars (mountain Lions) mostly in the Western states. Grizzlies are northern bears. Polar bears are far northern bears. The American crocodile I think is found only in southern Florida. Florida has about 1.3 million American Alligators, second to Louisiana. Louisiana has many, many swampy habitats that alligators prefer.


Hawii has wild boars. Though not technically a predator they are very dangerous.


Gotta be honest, that was brutal. It was the closest example of “how not to start a YouTube channel” I’ve ever seen. Keep up the good work folks I watch every day. 🤠


I live in rural Michigan and a Black Bear visits me once every Spring and once every Autumn. When he wakes up from his hibernation he's looking for a quick meal, so I keep something out there for him when he arrives. When Autumn arrives he's looking for one last good meal before he hibernates, I give him that too, he doesn't visit any other time of year except for those two days and he's been doing this for four years now, I look forward to his visits because he sits right outside my bedroom window and fuels up for whatever season it is! I would never go outside and confront him so I just keep the food stocked really well until his arrival and then I go back to regular portions for everyone that eats here, which includes Raccoons, Opossums, Deer, and Skunks at night, if anything else comes up and wants a share well, that's up to whoever is out there at the time, they are pretty good about sharing. During the day I feed Squirrels, all kinds of Birds including some beautiful Woodpeckers, I have seven different kinds of Woodpeckers on my little piece of property! Songbirds, and yes, there are even Raptors that try to take advantage of all of these birds gathering together but I also have three crows that hang out here and they mob the raptors and keep them away quite efficiently! There have been Red-Tailed Hawks, Bald Eagles and Peregrine Falcons try for the little birds, they have succeeded three times in all of the years I've been feeding the animals.
