How to String Align your car for Toe Adjustment, front or rear - String Alignment

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String it! It's the String Alignment process for Toe Adjustment, at home. (Versus Laser Aligning at a dedicated alignment shop) Two episode's ago we used Quick Trick Alignment's system to measure Caster, Camber, and Toe, where my measurements were way off! Last episode, we fixed the Caster and Camber, now we need to String Align the car to ensure we're driving straight. Subscribe for more how to's and driving events.

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Here's the FULL QuickTrick Slider System that I have; (Includes Swivel Plates, and Steering Wheel Lock)

QuickTrick Turn Plates, Or Toe Plates, or Swivel Plates

QuickTrick Steering Wheel Lock

QuickTrick Caster and Camber Gauge and Bracket hardware only

This channel is all about muscle car how to's and what to watch out for, when working on your own car. Also fresh off of installing a New TREMEC TKX from Silver Sport Transmissions, and a FiTech fuel injection system. Subscribe to watch more projects on this built, not bought, 1969 Pontiac GTO.

Part's and/or supplies used in this video series;

My Amazon storefront, for all parts, and tools I use, including Pontiac Shirts;

Playlists of interest;
Hydraulic Clutch and Tremec TKO/TKX install;

FiTech Fuel Injection Install;

Here's the original Hydraulic Roller Lifter Fail Inspection, and process:

Here's the Official Part 1, where Mike starts the preparation of Engine removal

#GarageBuilt #Pontiac #DIY
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8:50, you can still use 1 string at a time if you have different track widths, just compensate for 1/2 the difference in widths in your measurements. So in your example, your track width is 1" wider at the back, therefore the string would be 1/2" closer to your center point than the front.


100% agree that using MM to measure is tons easier. Good tutorial!


I've been diong string alignments for years with good results but I still picked up a few tips from this video. Well done!


Another great video and it’s great you spoke about centering the steering system first. I’ve seen a few YouTube videos on toe and some forget to mention to straighten your steering system first. Most important, it’s the starting point. Imagine going to the trouble of adjusting the toe perfectly and then getting into the car and realising that the steering wheel is out by 10 degrees (or similar) 🤦‍♂️


Love your GTO.
I just installed UMI tubular control arms on my 72 CHevelle, replacing the stock arms. I also lowered my car 2 inches or so when I did this. I needed to drive the car a ways to get it aligned so I used strings and tape measure and managed to get it within a few degrees so I could drive it to the shop....thanks for the assist.


I took my car to a shop today and they gouged, yes gouged, my camber plates trying to lever them to the desired camber setting. From now on I do all my own alignments. Great video! Thanks for sharing your knowledge and tips.


gr8 video!! PVC will solve the square box issue. this way when setup it’s attached to the car. you can jack up and lower without having to reset your box each time. for us guys who have lowered cars. also, 2 pieces of cardboard layer on top of each other works good in place of a swivel plate. those are nice but i just can’t justify the cost, yet.


13:45 great explanation 👍 i forgot u only get half of the difference between toe measurements!


Good one Mike. Haven't got to this point on my build yet, although this video will sure come in handy when I have. Thanks bud.


Great Video Mike! Keep up the great work. Love how you share your knowledge.


Hey Monty! First time viewer here, I'm looking to figure out how to adjust my toe on both sides to straighten my steering wheel! I just replaced the center drag link on my 1985 Mercedes 190e and wanna sort out the crooked steering wheel


Most cars do NOT have equal front/rear track width. You'll usually have to construct a string rectangle around the car. Thanks for posting.


I also have an A-Body. But with 15” wheels. Yours look to be much larger that 15”. If I measure a 1/16” toe in my inward angle will be more than that on your 1/16” on a larger diameter wheel. Is there a standard diameter where these measurements are supposed to be made?


Wrap a string line around all 4 wheels at once. Use blocks to hold string off the tires and measure.


been using this method for tens of years since 1970. Who needs expensive electronic gizmos.


Great video Mike not sure if I missed it but brakes should be applied when doing Alignment adjustments something I learned at the Hunter Alignment classes I have taken


I need to do this, just had wllwood brakes installed on my 79 TA, all out of whack the front end is now.


The oversized clown shoe rims and rubber band tires looks STUPID AF. To install factory looking rims that have been stretched to look stupid af is mind blowing.


Does it matter that your rear wheels are wider and have a different offset than the fronts?


3 and almost 7/8th of an inch LOL why not just use metric measurements. eg. 98mm.
