How to Perform Wheel Alignment by Yourself

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In this video, 1A Auto shows you how to perform a wheel alignment by yourself

🔧 List of tools used:
• Wire or String
• Cardboard
• Measuring Tape

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While 1A Auto strives to make the information provided in this video as accurate as possible, it makes no claims, promises, or guarantees about the accuracy, completeness or applicability of the content. No information contained in this video shall create any expressed or implied warranty or guarantee of any particular result. All do-it-yourself projects entail some risk. It is the sole responsibility of the viewer to assume this risk. 1A Auto is not responsible or liable for any loss damage (including, but not limited to, actual, consequential, or punitive), liability, claim, or any other injury or cause related to or resulting from any information posted in this video.
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As a woman this channel is a Godsend. It's so hard to find people/places to learn car related stuff from and car shops always want to take advantage because we don't know any better. Now I can do so much by myself. It's fun and saves me money 💯💯💕💕


I would just be happy that my ford focus started


Hey A1 Auto. I have watched many of your videos and learned a lot. I just wanted to say thank you for putting them up and making them available for the public's use. Obviously, you want to sell parts which is cool, but anyone can come watch your vids whether they purchase from you or not and hopefully make their own repairs and save some money. I usually watch two or three different videos to compare, but yours are the standard I hold everyone else to. They are cleanly done, nice clear pictures and dialogue and highly informative for the driveway mechanic like me. Thanks again and Merry Christmas! I am going to check out your website next and see what kind of deals you have for parts!


One of my first vehicles in the '60's amongst other things it chewed the edge of the front tyres. I paid for alignment, it was worse! I had little money but an ad. for budget repairs caught my eye. This old guy laid a metal tray device in front of each tyre and I helped him push the vehicle over it, he read off numbered marks on the tray and he adjusted the track rods. We did this a few times until he was happy. He charged very little and it completely cured the problem!


I cannot thank you enough for developing this channel ✌🏾 I have learned so much from it. I am confident in performing basic maintenance/repairs on my truck because of these videos! Every time I have an issue or want to learn something new, I always check your channel first.


It might be a obvious tip, but one thing I've always heard/seen when adjusting tie rods is to hold the outer end with a wrench as you adjust the inner rod. That way you don't put any un-needed stress or twist tension on the outer rod


What a great video and instruction. Can't thank you enough brother. Just got my wife's car back from Canadian tire and they couldn't do the alignment because upper tire rod locking nut was rusted . No phone call saying I needed new tie rods or they couldn't accomplish the job, nothing. So I thought no news was good bucko. Before it went into shop I just replaced every other front end part except for upper the rods( still good) both ball joints, lower the rods, sway bar($1400) . Of course all my buds told me afterwards that I shouldn't of taken it there, I knew their rep but it was just an alignment .


This is an excellent video, , I definitely think it would be very accurate to use a good strong fishing line instead of the string shown in order to get a good reading with the tape measure, I always use it and it works so well because you can see the perfect line to do the adjustments needed.


Thanks 1A auto ! Also mechanic shops should thank you as well for telling us to follow up the already good alignment to get another equally good alignment. 😆


Just what i needed. Replaced a tie rod end, and the old one is longer than the new one. Steering wheel is off-center towards the left now, thanks for this quick 'n dirty technique, still have the other tie rod end to replace before going to get alignment, and it's 20 miles away.

Thank you!


I really appreciate all these videos you all do. They don’t just help me do repairs myself. They help me keep my mechanics in line. I can’t thank you enough..


This is helpful because I live 90 miles away from the nearest shop that can do alignments and there can be up to a two-week wait to get a complete four-wheel alignment done. Had to replace both inner and outer tie-rods recently and this at least ensures I'm not burning up my tires over the 10 days when I take it to the shop.


EXCELLENT. This is by far the best video on this subject that I've seen!

I'll be using your instructions tomorrow on my just completed project car.

I've ordered from you guys before and the service was great. Thanks for helpful videos too.


Thanks man I appreciate your time for everyone. I went from 2:00 to about 1:00 witch was alot to me. I learned something I always just adjust outer with sense. You taught me more indepth thanks again


Great video. I will try this out tomorrow on my civic. I did a 4 to 5 lug conversion and drum to disk brakes for the rear and my alignment is way off on the rear-end, so I will def try this method out. thanks for making these helpful video's.


I've used the 1A videos many times now. Thanks 😊


Using mm makes it easier. Good video, clearly explained, thanks


Big Shout out to the camera man . Zooming in underneath the car For that tire rod..👍👍👍👍👍


I’ve done this a couple times with good results. Sometimes I’ll have to test and tweak it a bit, but it allows me to do repairs like tie rods and struts myself, then align it good enough to get it to a tire shop. Saves thousands
