Overcoming the Other-Race Effect: Building Interracial Relationships

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Articles | Civile, C., & McLaren, I. P. L. (2022). Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) eliminates the other-race effect (ORE) indexed by the face inversion effect for own versus other-race faces. Scientific Reports, 12(1), 12958.

Wan, L., Crookes, K., Reynolds, K. J., Irons, J. L., & McKone, E. (2015). A cultural setting where the other-race effect on face recognition has no social–motivational component and derives entirely from lifetime perceptual experience. Cognition, 144, 91-115.

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I have had the unfortunate experience of thinking what I thought "White People" do. Think that all people of another race look and act similar. I believe that if it had not been for my time in the US Marines my situation would not have changed.
