Responsive React JS Restaurant Website Tutorial || Project from Scratch 2021

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In this video we will learn how to make responsive Restaurant Website In React JS From Scratch To Hosting. We Will Make Front End Of Website in React js and at the end I will show you how you can host your react js restaurant website on the live server. #DomainRacer #responsive_one_page_restaurant_website #TA
#responsive_one_page_website #TA
1:Get Your Best Hosting Plan At DomainRacer:
2:Install Nodejs On Your System
3:Get The Google Fonts:
1= Montserrat
4:Install Create-React-App
type (npm install -g create-react-app) it will install it globally
5:Now Create React app by going to the directory in terminal where you want
to create it then type
create-react-app projectname
Your App Will Be Created.
Download Template (CSS AND IMAGES) Here:
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#responsive_one_page_website #TA
1:Get Your Best Hosting Plan At DomainRacer:
2:Install Nodejs On Your System
3:Get The Google Fonts:
1= Montserrat
4:Install Create-React-App
type (npm install -g create-react-app) it will install it globally
5:Now Create React app by going to the directory in terminal where you want
to create it then type
create-react-app projectname
Your App Will Be Created.
Download Template (CSS AND IMAGES) Here:
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