WEANING COLD TURKEY! | Stopping Breastfeeding | What to Expect

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At the end of last year I stopped breastfeeding cold turkey. have you been considering weaning cold turkey but dont know what to expect? In this video I tell you day by day my experiance of stopping cold turkey & How I stopped breastfeeding my baby cold turkey. Breast is best for your baby if you can do it & if you can continue you should!
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Mamas that stop cold turkey, dont be afraid to pump a little pressure off or express. It wont stimulate you too much, just take the edge off


I’m happy to read through all these stories of moms who are so done with breastfeeding their toddler. I stopped breastfeeding at 15 months and honestly it’s been more emotionally painful than physically. I kept going back and forth about whether or not I made the right decision and feeling guilty. But now I’m also remembering just how gruelling and frustrating it can feel, and I’m sure stopping when she turns two would be even harder.


Going hard turkey starting tomorrow

Pray for me


Thank you so much, I'm on day 4 now... still engorged and painful, I massage with warm water for about 3-5mins to ease pain and also take some painkillers... but no cabbage leave will get it today...and I feel much better and encouraged after watching this video. baby is 15months. We mothers are great.


I haven’t breastfed my almost 14 month old since this morning. Not looking forward to tonight but looking forward to just be done. His pediatrician had told me to wean cold turkey but I needed a video to know what to expect. Thank you for the encouragement and sharing your experience with us! 🤍


Thank you so much for making this video. I will try it this way. My son is 18 months and I would like my breasts back. 😊


I am on day 4 cold turkey. It is so hard. My 10 month old is taking it very well. My boobs on the other hand are not. The cabbage has really helps at night.


When using cabbage leaves it helps to use a roller to roll out the cabbage leaves and then place on your breast. Something in the viens of the leaves helps.


Day 4 of Cold turkey....oh this video and comments are really comforting.
#2 time doing Cold turkey...the slow way for me seems to be more emotional than this!!!
Thank you so much


I‘m on day 1 my baby she is 1yr old i hope i will not cry


I'm going cold turkey... it's painful for me i feel like I have golf balls inside my breasts... anything touches it it's so painful I can't hold my baby properly makes me sad.. esp because she's only 2 months. Breastfeeding just wasn't for me


Very helpful. Im on day 2 cold turkey. I feel so bad for my Gigi. She wants mommy's milk sooo bad.


I'm currently on day 6 of going cold turkey. My boobs hurt a lot and are super engorged. I bought a tea that's supposed to help it's called "no flow" by pink stork, lets see how that goes. My son is 14 months old and is not doing as bad as I thought he would. First night he woke 4 times crying the first 3 i managed to calm him but the 4th he cried for like 30mi (I know, I cried too) second night- 4th night he woke like 3 times and cried only ine time for like 5 min. The 5th night witch was last night I didn't hear him waking up til like 8am crying but just for a few min and he just woke for the day, had almond milk and breakfast. I co-sleep so i felt it was gonna be harder but the hardest thing is watching him cry and how bad my boobs hurt, I can only sleep on my back and i express some milk in the shower. Next goal is having him sleep in his crib cuz it's been empty since he was born 😂😂 he took over our bed lol anyway, I'll come back for an update on the tea and let u ladies know if it helped at all. Today is September 21st 2020.


You my Darling encouraged me to stop breastfeeding cold turkey. And yup, it was beautifully painful but we survived it


I been ready to wean! My son will be 18months Feb 1st. He nurses multiple times throughout the day and night along with milk and juice. I'm actually going away for 4 days 3 nights and hoping that jump starts our cold turkey weaning process. He co-sleeps with us also, so hopefully we can get through this successfully.


Thank you for this!! Weaning my 15 month old starting today and this was very helpful!! ❤


I'm starting today. I'm nervous my son will be 3 in September. I'm ready to be done. I've tried to slowly wean him but it seems when I do that he just wants to nurse more. Time to just cut it off. It's bitter sweet because I worked soo hard to actually get him to latch that I pumped exclusively for the first 2 months while working on his latch.


Anyone experience nausea or any other pregnancy symptoms while weaning but NOT pregnant?!


My son is 23 months and we are on day 4. He was a constant nurser! He is so devastated, his dad is no help. He tries to slip his little hands in there. I haven’t expressed and I think I’m going to get cabbage because my boobs are killing me. I just squeezed them and there’s so much milk still. Is that normal? I have to stop to take endometriosis medication but omg it’s so hard!


I’m on day 4!!! Cold turkey is the way to go. Every time I try to gradually do it it’s like they breastfeed more lol . Second time doing cold turkey. The last time I was pregnant so I didn’t become engorged but this time only her favorite boobie is engorged. I feel off balanced with one big boobie but my 14 month old is taking it well. I’ve just been rocking her to sleep or she just falls asleep now. Didn’t think I’d be able to do it without the hubs but just letting everyone know it’s possible.
