The 10 Commandments of Keto: Full Transformation Guide
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The 10 Commandments of Keto: Full Transformation Guide - Thomas DeLauer
1) Thou Shall Not Hate Carbs (your body still needs them)
You still need to get your micros in on keto, hence why you shouldn’t neglect certain carb sources (i.e. veggies)
2) Thou Shall Not rely only on MCTs
bHB is a ligand for certain receptors in the body - it binds to receptors on the surfaces of cells and activates processes within those cells as a result (similar to how neurotransmitters and hormones work)
bHB can activate hydroxycarboxylic Acid Receptor 2 (HCAR2), a Protein Coding gene - among its related pathways are Peptide ligand-binding receptors and cAMP signaling pathway
HCAR2 activation by bHB (or other ligands) reduces lipolysis in adipocytes - for bHB, this might represent a feedback mechanism to regulate availability of the fatty acid precursors of ketone body metabolism
By doing this, ketones can actually regulate their own production through negative feedback - elevated levels of ketone bodies slow down the rate at which lipid is removed from fat cells, likely so that this fatty acid release doesn’t spiral out of control
**Subset of people that greatly increase their fat intake and they think it’ll speed up the fat burning processes, not knowing that fatty acid release is regulated**
3) Thou Shall Get Adequate Omega 3 and be careful of Omega 6
Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) - main function is to produce signaling molecules called eicosanoids, which help reduce inflammation
Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) - important for healthy brain development and function
Many keto dieters eat way too many omega-6s and not enough omega-3s - commercially farmed animal products typically have higher omega-6 to omega-3 ratios
dietary omega-3 fatty acids directly affect arachidonic acid metabolism because they displace arachidonic acid from membranes and compete with arachidonic acid for the enzymes that catalyze the biosynthesis of thromboxanes, prostaglandins and leukotrienes
4) Thou Shall still Consider Fiber and Sugar Alcohols (sometimes)
Soluble fiber creates a gel-like substance that acts as roughage and pushes things through - it also can slow down the absorption of fats because the gel sort of envelops the fats
If you have one gram of soluble fiber, it draws in a bunch of water with one potential risk factor
Whereas with insoluble fiber, we have to consume 10 grams of insoluble fiber to get the same mechanical amount, to get that same physical structure - 10 units of potential risk
5) Thou Shall not Rely on Ketone Levels all the time
Fall in malonyl-CoA concentration activates carnitine acyltransferase I such that long-chain fatty acids can be transported through the inner mitochondrial membrane to the enzymes of fatty acid oxidation and ketogenesis
Food increases the liver concentration of malonyl-CoA, inhibits carnitine acyltransferase I and reverses the ketogenic process
6) Thou Shall Get Adequate Minerals in
Carbs hold a lot of water, so when in a ketogenic state - especially in the beginning - your body burns through your stored glucose, so you’ll be releasing a lot of water
This occurs because glycogen is stored along with water in a ratio of 3-4 grams of water for every 1 gram of stored carb - as glycogen is depleted, water is lost
Under conditions of low insulin, the kidneys absorb less sodium and excrete more into the urine - the primary action of insulin on sodium balance is exerted on the kidneys to stimulate sodium reabsorption
7) Thou Shall not be Afraid of Protein
Your cells use gluconeogenesis to ensure you don’t die when there are no carbs in your system
Our body can’t ever drop glucose levels to zero, even on ketosis - just as too much glucose is toxic, too little can kill you.
It’s a myth that eating too much protein on keto can “activate” gluconeogenesis, spike your blood sugar, and instantly kick you out of ketosis
Gluconeogenesis is DEMAND driven, not supply driven
8) Thou Shall be Prepared (bring protein shakes or nuts with you)
9) Thou Shall Evade the Keto Police (if you come out of keto, it won't hurt you)
Using the refeed with carbs example to show that it can be beneficial to come out of keto every now and then
10) Thou Shall Stick with it for at least 8 weeks (fat adaptation)
Ketone metabolism is highly relevant to mitochondrial adaptation since the ketogenic and ketolytic enzymes needed to support nutritional ketosis are located in mitochondria