Knot of the Week - Liberty Bottle Leash

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Join ITS Tactical as we show you how to create a leash for the Liberty Bottle in our continuing Knot of the Week series!

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when on ship or in the jungle I tend to dummy cord a bunch of my gear to my body, jungle bush is a surprisingly good pick pocket and we all know what happens when you gear falls over the side of a naval vessel of any size, it sinks. good video, nice bottle, good knots.


When the tugs are bringing my tanker to the dock, if I am working the forward deck, as opposed to midhsips or aft, I run out a "bow line" and attach a heaving line using a bowline to attach.
I pronounce them differently, or it could get a bit confusing. I would get laughed off the ship if I called the knot BOW LINE.
It is not a subjective archaic grammar rule, just a way to communicate clearly and quickly as is often needed when working aboard ship.


@539forgotten a double fisherman's knot can be adjusted as shown in the vid, but it only locks off when the two dbl-overhand (stopper) knots, that make up the double fisherman, slide up against each other - not secure
I use this type of knot for a necklace/tool of mine to get it on and off easily, but I would want something more secure if I had it attached to a bottle/bottlecap - I do a bit of climbing and wouldn't want to drop the bottle if i had to grab it by the cap for example


Hey ITS! Thanks for the awesome videos! I always enjoy your 'Knot Of The Week' tutorials :)
1 question though, I'm no expert but I wouldn't use a double-fisherman's knot in this sort of situation (clove hitch or right angle knots seem better suited, even if you're only pulling on 1 end)... I was just wondering why you chose this knot? Is there not enough space under the bottle cap for one of the knots I mentioned? Or did you just find grip the knot has on the bottle sufficient for this purpose?


love liberty bottle. I work for a print shop that prints there stuff and they are great people who run it and great products


Great videos. Don't know if this was brought up but the word is pronounced with a long O sound, bo-len, in the Navy and from it's origin Boweline. The bow part is kind of current but we gotta hold on to some tradition.


.The bowline's name has an earlier meaning, dating to the age of sail. On a square-rigged ship, a bowline (sometimes spelled as two words, bow line) is a rope that holds the edge of a square sail towards the bow of the ship and into the wind, preventing it from being taken aback. A ship is said to be on a "taut bowline" when these lines are made as taut as possible in order to sail close-hauled to the wind.
The bowline knot is thought to have been first mentioned in John Smith's 1691 work A Sea Grammar under the name Boling knot. Smith considered the knot to be strong and secure, saying, "The Boling knot is also so firmly made and fastened by the bridles into the cringles of the sails, they will break, or the sail split before it will slip."
Another possible finding was discovered on the rigging of the Ancient Egyptian Pharaoh Khufu's solar ship during an excavation in 1954. has nothing to do with tying the ship to a dock


@bl4ck0p ... would you prefer unicorns and butterflys?


where do you get all your rope from... i need some


Damn right it is a BOW-line knot. Marines know how to say it because we use Naval terms. It annoyed me greatly when good ol' southern US Army boys would drawl out a boooowliiine knot, but as long as you know how to tie it I can care less about how people say it, as long as they know what the hell I'm saying.


Dude do lower the volume for the intro or boost the volume for the rest of the video... It's starting to get real annoying having to change the volume


@18002779904 why is there a e at the end of US or USA....which ever you ment


BOWline? I was in the Navy for four years and never heard it referred to as a BOW line. Never. By anyone. In four years service I did hear it called a BOline. Hundreds of times. BOWline? bullshit!


Or you could just buy one from WalMart that already has the top attached to it by a clever little )


Why pronounce the name of that knot wrong???

I sail, crew and race on boats. Have for years. NOBODY calls it a BOWline knot. There is already a Bow Line on the boat. Call the bowline knot a BOWline is confusing. And makes you sound like you haven't a clue what your talking about.

I know it's stupid to nit pick, but listening to him say BOWline over and over was annoying. :)


@Stevieboy7 ... most alum. water bottles are about $18 ... goto walmart and see for yourself... and try to do some research before you talk shit


And bottle is only 20$ without any type of rope.

Another overpriced object from ITS


I would never recommend a metal bottle. I've seen guys chip their teeth on these metal bottles. Use plastic bottles or metal bottles with soft rubber tops.


if their made in the use doesn't that mean their shit ?
