Full face of NEW DRUGSTORE MAKEUP May 2024

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-Tiktok: @sophdoeslife

*These are my only social media accounts*

I get my music from HookSounds
Artist: Nicolai Heidlas
Titles I use: Back In Summer, A Way For Me, Delighting Memories, Happy Chances
or Youtube audio library *I do not own this music*


♡DISCOUNT CODES: (These are affiliate codes so if you're not cool with that then that's fine!)

- Use SOPH20 for 20% off Glisten Cosmetics
- Use SOPH for money off Unicorn Cosmetics


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Do you follow the lipstick Lesbians here? The main lady worked in the beauty industry for ages. She said a good way to test if a concealer will crease or not is to test it on the pillow of your palm. The fleshy part under your thumb. She says that mimics how your under creases. If a concealer sits poorly in the fine lines of your palm it will sit poorly under your eyes. She also says creasing is inevitable because our faces move but how badly does it crease is the issue.

I have been doing this and it has changed the game. It has helped me find the right formula that works for me and what I like.


My Nan has used the Bourjois powder blush for years! It's a core memory of my child hood. Loved putting it on my face when I go over as a touch up. Sophie (we share a name) I remember watching you with my sisters years ago and then remembered you one day. Love watching your videos and doing self care whilst watching you. How you are having a fantastic week. Hope your wedding is exactly how you want <3


I absolutely ADORE the Bourjois blushers !! I’m actually Asian (born and raised) and since they don’t sell in Asia I have no way of getting my hands on anything from them. My mum was in Paris and picked up some stuff from them back in 2012 and I kid you not, I *still* use it. The one bourjois blush I own is genuinely my favourite, even against the likes of huda beauty and charlotte tilbury, and it never seems to run out lol I took it from my mum in 2020 when I started out with makeup and it’s still going on so strong ! Bourjois is seriously such an underrated brand.
P.S. I use the brush that comes with it, it’s actually really useful and so cute !


‘Tickling my pickle’ 🥒. New found phrase! 🤣. Thanks, Soph 💚


Hey soph! The new elf hydrating primer stick could potentially be a dupe for the milk primer sticks. Could be wrong but when I first saw it I immediately thought of milk!


I know the struggle with having darker roots and always looking greasy 🙃 soph, you always find a way to make me feel seen. I adore u. I can't wait to see all this makeup!!!!


Recently had a break from YouTube (had a baby 👶🏻) and am catching up on your videos starting with this one. Was thinking wow sophs jawline is snatched, I wonder what’s changed! Just watched your wedding trial make up and see you had a procedure and didn’t think it worked.. it has girl, it has! I’ve watched you for years but never comment but I had to let you know! Excited to see you as a bride ❤


The lack of eyeshadow and highlighters in shops is a sign of the trend cycle. For years my mum complained that you couldn’t find cream blush anywhere and now it’s trendy again it’s everywhere. There’s only so much space in Boots shops so they just put out the items most likely to sell. Eyeshadows have become less popular since the late teens craze. It sucks for us oldies who have developed our tastes when something we rely on gets discontinued. I’m still sore over No.7 discontinuing my favourite lipstick shade in about 1996.


Omg that boujour blush was the first blusher I ever had! And yes I used the brush 🤦🏼‍♀️😂


the jacket at the end is everything <3


That elf Cooling Stick is a dupe for the Milk Makeup Cooling Stick. I have the Milk one and i find it very refreshing on my under eyes and on my enlarged pores!


“tickling my pickle” gave me flashbacks to when james did your makeup and you said that too🤭❤️


Kiko eyeshadow palettes are great formulas and good bang for your buck!


I miss your little bloopers intros, you never do them anymore :(


Omg i finally realized why you look sooo familiar, i have been watching your videos for a couple of months now. And just today i realized you look so much like Stefania who competed (for Greece) in the eurovision song contest in 2021, sooo as the next one will be in a bit more than a week, could you maybe recreate her makeup look🤗?? I think you 2 would look identical❤️


I’m going makeup shopping soon for upcoming concerts and i didn’t know what drugstore bronzer to get! This video is so helpful, thank you!! You’re literally my comfort YouTuber Soph! 🫶🏻🫶🏻 also! my “everyday makeup” go to drugstore eyeshadow palette is the Lottie London “the rose golds” mini palette! It loses a bit of pigment after SEVERAL hours but it lasts really well (like maybe 10hr?) with setting spray !!! :)


High street eyeshadow:
Catrice slim eyeshadow palettes!
Next-gen nudes, safari fever, desert romance and blooming bliss
These are 👌😊


I watched a video on testers on YouTube yesterday about all the bacteria in them. I've never tested anything as I have OCD. I'm glad now!


Bourjois has a lovely setting powder, the one that says it’s like infused with vitamin e or something. Great for dry skin it’s so hydrating


Hey Soph..You are one of about 3 people I still follow on YT now and I've been watching beauty creators for many years! You are just still Soph. Which is fabulous. I can't be happier that you are getting marries this year. You are definitely soul mates. I'm ssomewhat older haha, but I can spot these things. (as weird as that may sound) If you ever come to New Zealand you will always have your own personal tour guide! (Don't panic I'm not a crazy person haha) We live at the beach and I have horses to ride. Wishing you so much love with your exiting year ahead ❤❤
