ALONE in Air France La Premiere *Most Exclusive First Class Flight*

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Air France La Premiere is regarded as one of the very best First Class products which you can fly. Notoriously difficult to book with miles (in fact only available to book if you’re a top tier elite with Air France’s own Flying Blue frequent flier program). Somehow I’ve ended up onboard today, to showcase to you guys what it’s like.

Come with me and experience the famous La Premiere ground service, Michelin star dining, luxury lounge amenities and even being driven to my plane in a luxury car. This product is only available on Air France’s Boeing 777-300ER and I’m flying this very plane today over to Dubai. The icing on the cake of course is that I have the cabin to myself today, which hopefully means I’ll have the most attentive service…. (Conversely not right, as you’ll see).

As usual on my trip reports, i'll review it all, from the onboard service, dining, bed/seat and ground service.

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It’s refreshing to a YouTuber who doesn’t review Qatar every second video 🎉


Just started watching these, I love how he’s taking these batshit expensive flights and tossing them shade when they fuck up considering the price.


I wonder of they are dealing with staffing shortages like the US airlines are. It seems incomprehensible that you waited that long (with reminders) for dinner service as the only 1st class passenger.


your reviews are so balanced and detailed, quite refreshing.... I have flown la Première several times, the issue that I had was the constant chattering of the crew, including loud laughing, during the night (mostly LA to CDG flights and back). I actually had to get up and ask them to be a bit more quiet, and that lasted about all of 10 minutes... otherwise great service, but I still like Swiss first the best.


Flew it from SFO to Paris and back twice. It seriously kicks the ass of any other FC I’ve ever experienced. It’s truly amazing and worth the money (obviously if you have it to spend on a plane ticket). If you can swing it, try it. Now my experience was BEFORE Covid so service was never an issue. Sadly it’s affected every part of the travel industry even truly true first class air travel.


I'm certain I'll never fly La Première but what's even better (from a financial perspective) is being the spouse or child of an Air France employee. On international flights, I'm nearly always bumped to business class.


I love how they thought about curtain. Instead of losing precious space putting retractable half covering slabs, they can put light curtains which take such a smaller space. The only downside eventually is that it’s not automated, but for this amount of privacy, who cares ?


Honestly, I LOVE Air France. They treated my wife and I really well and we’ll certainly be flying them again. Maybe one day we’ll be able to a La Premiere ;)


I have flown La Premiere 3 times on the LAX-CDG route...The hard product is fantastic and well done; the small details are very well refined and food/wines are great. Lounge is second to none. I will also that the service is a bit hit or miss. On the 6 sectors I flew I would say the service was excellent on 3 on just good on the other three. Some examples- forgot to bring salad after meal; dropped one of the desserts (the one I wanted) so had to eat another. One crew member seemed very tired and almost just to go through motions. Agree for 10K roundtrip service should be flawless..Best part is car transfer at CDG- truly fantastic.


When you left you left the curtains closed so the staff may not have seen you go to the bathroom or didn't know whether you had finished your meal or not or believed you were still in your seat. If you had left the curtains open they would have seen they had to clear the table and in fact probably would have asked you first if you were done or needed something else. As simple as that.


This guy is one of the best YouTube reviewer that I've watched in the recent years. I'm looking at Sam Chui and Non Stop Dan.


@Trek Trendy, definitely a little surprising when he exited the BMW the driver didn't open his door & remove is luggage from the trunk of the BMW. I personally wouldn't find that to be acceptable considering the price of the flight is $10, 000+. Otherwise, the marks that you mentioned when on the flight I would certainly agree with. I hope there have been improvements since then.


This dude has nailed the equivelent of a bottle of champagne before his flight even takes off, that's Churchill levels of alcohol tolerance


When something is “French, ” this is what I expect. My word.


Started watching yesterday and I’m impressed of how you show how it ACTUALLY is flying around the world. You just got a sub!


I think the third cheese was Comté, which is my favorite, especially when it's aged


I don't understand how these ultra premium airplane cabins are worth their horrid prices.
I've visited France many times and have never once had anything less than a wonderful experience.
The food in France is incroyable, toujours. You don't need to be on an overpriced airplane to experience it; the whole of France offers up first class cuisine.
I've had wonderful showers at hotels, with rainfall showerheads and excellent amenities.
I've had excellent beds/bedding/turndown/sleep at French hotels.
All WITHOUT paying $10, 000 -$20, 000 for 8-15 hours! Imagine that!!
But i get it, you YT guys post this stuff for views, for likes, for content. And it works for you, and you keep booking luxurious vacations for yourself which brings you more of the same. It's a successful, personal business plan. Congratulations.
I'm sure you're also using your wealth to help others, to give back, but you're keeping that piece of it private. You don't want the pats on the back, the 'job well done'. But in the off-chance that you aren't already using your YT income to help folks who are far less fortunate, then start. I started giving back myself, i don't have a YT channel, I'm not a millionaire, but i can help others.
We all can.
It's the best feeling ever! 💛


The long delay for the supper comes from the facts that the food often arrives frozen, and then the meals in la Première are dressed on board (really, the dishes are prepared on board, out of kits) by the same crew member that takes care of the pilots, these latter have priority by law and they will very often be hungry right after take off…
That put aside, the hot dishes will need minimum 30 minutes in those aircraft ovens.
I’m afraid your attendant did his very best and as fast as he could, knowing he does the cooking AND the service.
Last: in France, we take our time to eat, to undress a table too fast is frowned upon, kind of like you’d want to get rid of a shameful thing, not good!


Thanks for masking these videos. I almost forgot how much fun it is to flight. Even though I only flight economy but it’s an eye opening to see some of the first class flights that are absolutely terrible.


For those who don't know, Foia Gras is a controversial dish because it's made from the liver of ducks or geese that are force fed for days to fatten them up.
I still eat it though.
