How to use Infinity CM2 to backup & restore Spreadtrum NV

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This video explains how to use Infinity CM2 to backup & restore NVRAM on Spreadtrum (SPD)

You'll need NVRAM when encountering network problems and null IMEI

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In this video tutorial, I'll be explaining how to backup a Spreadtrum Android phone's NV using

Infinity CM2 SPD. Its very important you've set it up, installed your Spreadtrum drivers and have the dongle

connected to your PC. Once you've done these, launch the Infinity box CM2 SPD module.

and wait for the dashboard to come up. Once it comes up, under Settings - CPU, select your phone's chipset.

We have a guide on how to identify your phone's chipset so check it out.

Go to the Security tab where you're going to be backing up the NV. I usually have Not Responding error on my PC

because I'm running some processes at the moment so just bear with me okay? Under Security, go to Read NV

and you click on it (green text). That's where you're going to be backing up the NV.

You have to get a working phone without NV issues. By NV issues, I mean a phone having unknown baseband,

no network (signal), null IMEI, WiFi or Bluetooth problems etc That's an NV problem.

So what you'll want to do now is to power off the working phone, hold the volume down button,

battery inside then connect it via USB cord. You should have a detection like this.

What you're essentially doing here is that you're backing up a working phone (which doesn't have NV issues)

then flashing the NV to a phone having NV issues. At this moment, we're reading NV from a working phone.

The phone has been detected and you should have a Window popup. It has started reading NV.

In this Window, you navigate to wherever you want to save your Spreadtrum NV and click on Save.

Its usually a .spdnv file. Backup complete [Elapsed] then you have the path to where the NV has been saved

usually a file in this format. Now, you've backed up the NV from the working phone

now you want to flash the NV to the bad (bricked) phone. Disconnect the working phone then click on

BB Fix Mode and Write NV (red text) In this Window, select the NV you just backed up

then you click on Open. That is going to load the NV. At this point, you'll want to get the phone having NV issues,

power it off and keep it on stand by. Wait till you see Wait for phone.. Now, hold the volume down button

and connect it to the PC via USB cord. Don't forget the battery should be inserted. Restoring NV..

[Writing NV] You can also backup your NV just for safe keeping, not necessarily (till) when you have NV issues.

Elapsed (Done). So that's how to read and write NV to a Spreadtrum phone using Infinity Chinese Miracle 2

SPD module. --------------------------
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