Book of Ecclesiastes Summary: A Complete Animated Overview

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Watch our overview video on the book of Ecclesiastes, which breaks down the literary design of the book and its flow of thought. This book forces us to face death and random chance, and the challenges they pose to a naive belief in God’s goodness.

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"Enjoy life as you experience it, not as you think it ought to be." Great overview of Ecclesiastes


Ecclesiastes and Job teach the Bible's most practical lessons about how to live happily in a world one can't understand.


I've had a Bible for as long as I can remember (childhood). I cannot believe how I never knew the Bible has an answer to everything! I would put my dusty Bible aside and read motivational books, be motivated for few minutes and go empty again. With the Bible is different, very different. This is God's Word people!

Asking God the questions that He already answered. Leaving His Word in the house while I go out in the world searching for answers. I got bitten so many times searching for everything that God explains in a dusty book next to my bed.


I don't know about anyone else, but I find the book of ecclesiastes extremely comforting.
Right now, I'm in University studying engineering. I find the program quite stressful, not necessarily because of the amount of work I do, but by the amount of work OTHERS do. When others are always staying up in the wee hours of the night working, I feel like I have to too. But at the same time, I feel like everything I do is like a vapour, it doesn't matter. Why is everyone working so hard for a career, for success? As a Christian, I want to work for something that lasts. I enjoy engineering, but I don't want it to consume my life. It's just hard because some people get so caught up in one goal, and forget to consider the big picture of eternity. So I guess I like ecclesiastes because it confirms my preconceived notions, haha


Life under the sun has nothing to offer.
Life under the Son has everything to offer.


This Book has helped me so much with my mental health. I am an over thinker and I obsess over everything I do (especially in my ministry). It has been so comforting to read “Everything is meaningless/hevel” because it reminds me that I can’t work myself up into a frenzy because, at the end of the day, as long as God has approved me, nothing else matters.

Maybe that sounds sad to some, but it has helped me so much.


The whole book is my testimony, i tried everything the world had to offer and nothing satisfied ! Amazing book !


Life has no meaning without God. 🙏🏾 Everything is truly HEVEL.


Honestly as a Christian, I've always stressed and become anxious and life's deepest questions. How to comprehend eternity, why do bad things happen to good people etc. I always felt like no matter how much I studied, I never found the answer. I never truly felt like I would have peace unless these questions are answered. I wanted to know anything and everything there is to know about God. My soul was uneasy and I was restless. It made it really tough to walk in confidence with Christ. Ecclesiates 12:9-14 has become one of the most important verses in my entire life. It quickly helped me realize that seeking to figure out these great questions about the mysteries of life wouldn't get me towards where I wanted. I based my faith on how much I knew the answers to life's greatest questions. I do belive research and intellectual thinking is important in the Christian faith, but knowing everything is impossible. Somethings... Like grasping eternity or knowing the motive behind God's actions are impossible for us as humans to guage (although eternity still freaks me out a Lil bit). Even Job never figured out why he suffered. Even if Job genuinely wanted to know he wasn't able to and simply would never have been able to comprehend it. We simply must have faith in him alone. If we did know the answers to life's greatest questions... I then raise the question whether believing in Jesus is truly faith. Faith requires realizing that even though you don't know everything... U know the one who does is keeping u in his arms. Don't stress your whole life about knowing everything. It is good to inquire and to learn, but don't stress it. Simply rely on him and keep his commandments. People have tried for thousands of years. Knowing life greatest answers aren't feasible. Proverbs 3:5 says “Trust in the LORD with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding."


Yesterday I was thinking about taking my own life because I feel overwhelmed with life. I feel stressed and sad and so many emotions. I’m a good person and people have treated me so badly and I don’t understand why. I prayed my way though my suicidal thoughts and Jesus comforted me and I fell asleep. I’m glad I’m still here and I’m glad I found this video to help me work though these feelings and understand like and death a little more.


I always avoided Ecclesiastes because it was a downer. Turns out that it is good therapy.


Ecclesiastes saved my life. God truly loves us all thank you JESUS!


I had a teacher in college who likened "hevel" this way: "Soap bubbles, soap bubbles, everything is soap bubbles!" It seems there and within your grasp, until you reach it and it pops into nothingness. I love how in Ecclesiastes you see the meaninglessness of life, and yet there is a glimpse of the meaning hiding behind what is meaningless. And that meaning is fleshed out in the life, death, and resurrection of Christ.


Is it strange that I love this book? It really helps me understand the meaning of life.


When you truly think about it life is meaningless. No matter what we do or how much we accomplish in this world. It all comes to nothing. Time will eventually erase all of us. But we as Christ followers are admonished to not put our hope in this world. We're just wafaring strangers here. We are to store up treasures in heaven, where we'll have them for all eternity. Sometimes, actually more than not, I think about how fleeting this life truly is, and it's a depressing thought. Then when I think of Almighty God's promises that he has for us in eternity, which is our real existence, this life is just a very very brief stop, my heart is renewed and full of joy when I think about a place where we'll be with our Lord and savior for all eternity.


When I was a baby Christian it was a struggle to pick myself up after reading Ecclesiastes. It’s changed my perspective of life. In a depressing sort of way. That everything under the sun is vain. One moment we're alive, the other we are dead and alone. Jesus Christ is our only sense of fulfilment🧡


This book was the Unwavering response to all crippling philosophies being shoveled in our direction daily, unaware that we are slowly being buried away in shallow graves.

I’m thankful to God for His Wisdom in easing all my angst and worries in the face of adversity and despair.


I lost my eldest daughter to a fentanyl overdose 3 months ago. My youngest, and only other child, is addicted to it as well. I have no control over anyone or anything. This video really helped me this morning. I will read Ecclesiastes again with a different mindset.
Thank you for this beautiful overview


Please pray for me. I’m having urges to end everything. My wife left me and no longer loves me. Please pray that I think rationally and get over this. Please help me God
